Episodes (37)

Opening Ceremony with the CypherCon Team
S03E01 · Opening Ceremony with the CypherCon Team

Aug 01, 2022

Watch the opening ceremony with the CypherCon Team. Find out how the 2022 badges were made from the badge team. There are special guests and speakers you don't want to miss. Time to kick off CypherCon 5.3 in style.

Hacking the Compliance Kernel
S03E02 · Hacking the Compliance Kernel

Aug 12, 2022

Keeping up with regular compliance tasks can be draining and feel unrewarding, causing many to be overlooked or ignored. Ignoring these tasks can negatively affect our organizations and impact our job security. But if we don't ignore them, we risk falling behind on other obligations and getting burned out. Rather than ignore these tasks and risk burnout, we need to find the sources of compliance burdens and hack them. What makes a hacker is not a hoodie, it is finding ways to accomplish tasks using creative and effort reducing methods. Hacking is not limited to the ...

Street Cred: Increasing Trust in Passwordless Authentication
S03E03 · Street Cred: Increasing Trust in Passwordless Authentication

Aug 19, 2022

Good security gets out of the way of users while getting in the way of adversaries. Passwords fail on both accounts. What holds us back from getting rid of passwords? Trust. In this session, we will propose a framework of technical controls to ensure only trusted sessions authenticate, regardless of faults or failures in any one factor. We will share a path forward for increasing trust in passwordless authentication.

Building an Unlicensed 802.11 Particle Accelerator
S03E04 · Building an Unlicensed 802.11 Particle Accelerator

Aug 19, 2022

Wi-Fi Bustin' makes me feel good. This talk will showcase the first of its kind 'Pwnton Pack', a Ghostbuster's inspired take on a wireless penetration testing. Featuring hardware hacking, microcontrollers and wireless attack arsenals bundled into a unique package; come learn why such a pack exists and fun details around the build experience. This talk is meant to inspire newcomers to InfoSec, Arduino devices and provide a fun take on existing methodologies and toolsets. For your Wi-Fi security needs; Who you gonna' call?.

Every Year for the Rest of Your Life Will Be One of the Hottest Ever Recorded
S03E05 · Every Year for the Rest of Your Life Will Be One of the Hottest Ever Recorded

Sep 02, 2022

Sadly, climate change is progressing rapidly and is likely to be the greatest public health threat of this century according to the Lancet Commission on Climate Change and Health. Human emissions of greenhouse gas have already caused Earth's average temperature to rise by 1.8°F. This summer during the hottest June ever recorded, the hottest temperature ever recorded by scientific instruments occurred in Furnace Creek, Death Valley, California where the temperature was 130°F. During the same heat wave, Lytton, B.C., Canada recorded the hottest temperature ever in ...

Mistaken Identity: Protecting OAuth & OIDC
S03E06 · Mistaken Identity: Protecting OAuth & OIDC

Sep 09, 2022

We've reached a tipping point with more apps being delivered from cloud services than from on-premises. OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (OIDC) have become essential in federating access and handling strong authentication. But these are frameworks not standards, and these frameworks are based on dozens of RFCs. This has resulted in numerous approaches, confusing developers and security teams alike. In this presentation, participants will learn how to secure implementations.

Badge Panel
S03E07 · Badge Panel

Sep 16, 2022

An in-depth panel with the creators of this years unique CypherCon 5.3 electronic badge. They take questions from the audience, Discord and Twitter. Learn about the "behind the scenes" of hacker badge creation.

EHLO is that You?
S03E08 · EHLO is that You?

Sep 23, 2022

As a defender, I'm often asked "Is this message legitimate?" As attackers become more clever, determining the legitimacy of email messages can be a real challenge. This talk will examine e-mail headers and how to determine legitimate messages from those that could lead to fraud or identity theft.

Defense on a Budget - Free TTPs for the Blue Team with Robert Wagner
S03E09 · Defense on a Budget - Free TTPs for the Blue Team with Robert Wagner

Sep 30, 2022

Most organizations don't have enough budget to buy every tool nor hire every person they need. They also don't realize there are plenty of free tools, tactics and procedures available to the Blue Team. Here's a collection of tips and tricks learned from security professionals around the world about what you can do today to level up your People, Processes, and Technology - at little to no cost. You'll walk away with actionable tips to fill your security gaps and help reduce your attack surface.

Sonic Pi - A Creative Coding Movement for Everyone with Amy Upthagrove
S03E10 · Sonic Pi - A Creative Coding Movement for Everyone with Amy Upthagrove

Oct 07, 2022

This talk will explore the use of the Sonic Pi live coding environment as a means of using code to create music, as well as to provide an accessible gateway into more complex coding environments and applications.

How to Connect to Cars in 2022 with Robert Leale
S03E11 · How to Connect to Cars in 2022 with Robert Leale

Oct 14, 2022

Vehicle Manufacturers are slowly limiting access to easy connection points in vehicles. I'll walk you through how we at CanBusHack bypass vehicle gateway controllers by physically connecting to easy-to-reach access points. What information might be obtained at these areas. Also, give you some tools of the trade and that won't damage your car (or more importantly your spouse's car).

Duck & Cover 2.0: How Preparing for the End of the World Can Prepare You for Anything with Jo Jones
S03E12 · Duck & Cover 2.0: How Preparing for the End of the World Can Prepare You for Anything with Jo Jones

Oct 21, 2022

Even though the Cold War ended almost 30 years ago, there are still a lot of valuable lessons that can be learned from that era. One of the hallmarks of Civil Defense was to prepare yourself and your family for the coming Nuclear War. There were thousands of pamphlets, ads and movies created to teach people how to survive and thrive when Mutually Assured Destruction came to fruition. In this presentation, I will go over some of the more famous Civil Defense campaigns of the Cold War and how you can apply these tips to keep yourself and your companies safe in the ...

Make-Break-Break-Make with Trenton Ivey
S03E13 · Make-Break-Break-Make with Trenton Ivey

Oct 28, 2022

By definition, hackers make things work in unexpected and unintended ways. To many outside this community, hacking seems like a destructive process. However, anyone that has ever created or utilized an exploit in an imaginative way knows that, at its heart, hacking is all about making something new. This talk, full of technical examples taken from opposing disciplines in information security, shows how healthy competition between makers and breakers drives progress.

The Rise of the Largest Decentralized IoT & Cellular Communications Project with Russ From
S03E14 · The Rise of the Largest Decentralized IoT & Cellular Communications Project with Russ From

Nov 04, 2022

While we worked from home during COVID, a massive international crypto project exploded in WI that allowed people to put up IoT and now Cellular service from their homes and businesses. From what started as practically nothing in 2020 now has over 250,000 of these hotspots deployed in public as of October 2021 carrying production traffic for large companies such as Lime for Scooters, Salesforce, and even Victor Mouse Traps. As this project continues to grow using unlicensed spectrum such as CBRS on FCC certified equipment, I predict what we will see in the decade ...

A Script Kiddie's Guide to Easy Wins with Peter Hoeft
S03E15 · A Script Kiddie's Guide to Easy Wins with Peter Hoeft

Nov 11, 2022

This talk will explore the tools, risks, and rewards of automating the worst parts of your workday. This talk is for anybody who wants to reap low-hanging fruit in their tech stack and get some quick scripting wins.

DigiMarSec: Digital Marketing Security with Joe Cicero
S03E16 · DigiMarSec: Digital Marketing Security with Joe Cicero

Nov 18, 2022

The enemy of Digital Marketing is friction and IT Security creates lots of friction. Marketers are not just fighting their own IT Departments, they're fighting all of them. In this talk, Joe Cicero, Sr. Security Engineer, will discuss "Friction Red Flags" that Marketers unknowingly create and that he sees every day. If you are in IT Security and you deal with your Marketing department, this talk will help you develop a checklist to have more friction-less digital materials.

How Ransomware Can Follow You to the Cloud with Kat Traxler
S03E17 · How Ransomware Can Follow You to the Cloud with Kat Traxler

Nov 25, 2022

Ransomware is a financially motivated crime. The goal is to inhibit business systems in order to extract a payment. Historically, there's been plenty of financial gain from ransoming data as it resides in traditional onPrem systems. So the question is, will there be evolutionary pressure on attackers - forcing them to evolve tactics? In this talk, Kat will be demo-ing strategies threat actors might employ to affect availability of business data in the cloud.

What Your Headers Say About You with Bob Lerner
S03E18 · What Your Headers Say About You with Bob Lerner

Dec 02, 2022

H.T.T.P. Headers are an often overlooked, though very powerful way to improve the security of your application. We'll take a look at what headers can be used to find vulnerabilities in your site, look at some examples I've seen while scanning thousands of sites, and demo a live scan of a site.

Advice for Coaching Executives Through Incident Response with Melanie Ensign
S03E19 · Advice for Coaching Executives Through Incident Response with Melanie Ensign

Dec 09, 2022

The best incident response planning and preparation can be quickly derailed by an anxious executive seeking catharsis. Important characteristics of an effective incident response - such as discipline, organization, and foresight - all depend on an organization's ability to avoid panic. Once panic sets in, our attention must focus on protecting response procedures from thrashing and poor judgment. For security teams and scuba divers, it's not enough to know how to escape immediate danger. We must also learn to maintain workable risk levels by keeping others calm and ...

Next Generation Enterprise Security with Josh Bressers
S03E20 · Next Generation Enterprise Security with Josh Bressers

Dec 16, 2022

The single best way Humans transfer knowledge is through stories. We are a social species and there are no better stories than Star Trek episodes. Nearly every episode of Star Trek involves some sort of security incident. Everything from someone stealing data (or Data), insider threats, APT, malware, and more. There is a lot of content we can use as examples to help teach and learn.

Wait, there can't be only one? with Michael Kavka
S03E21 · Wait, there can't be only one? with Michael Kavka

Dec 23, 2022

We all have our favorite vendors and have those vendors we love to hate. Many places like trying to homogenize on a specific vendor or technology. What happens if you put all your eggs in one security vendor basket? Is it worth doing that? Does not knowing how a vendor's Machine Learning makes decisions hurt or help us? Let us travel down a real-world scenario as to why using multiple vendors and multiple threat feeds could be advantageous. Wait, is that Defense in Depth? Maybe it is, but not in a way you normally think of.

The Ethics of Risk with Susan Lincke, PhD
S03E22 · The Ethics of Risk with Susan Lincke, PhD

Dec 30, 2022

Security is often not funded because risk costs, as evaluated by an organization for its own benefit, has a ROI that is below other possible investments. However, there are multiple benefits of evaluating risk from an ethical perspective. This presentation proposes a maturity model for the ethics of risk, based on an evaluation of research related to ethical risk. The framework describes risk, management, legal, and engineering concerns appropriate to risk analysts, security staff, or software engineering professionals. The framework provides a list of actionable ...

Toto, I've a feeling we're not on a VPN Anymore with Jonathan Tomek
S03E23 · Toto, I've a feeling we're not on a VPN Anymore with Jonathan Tomek

Jan 06, 2023

You are savvy enough to have a virtual private network aka VPN. Maybe you did a bit of research and bought one that lets you be "anonymous" and lets you stream your favorite streaming service from anywhere while you travel. How well do you trust your VPN provider? Have you considered that your VPN provider could be doing things you didn't expect? Consumer VPNs, free VPNs, even VPNs that pay you. We will dig into what some VPN providers are doing. We analyzed hundreds of VPNs and their services to give you a deeper understanding of what actually is happening behind the...

Building AIML Driven Virtual Assistants with John Platais
S03E24 · Building AIML Driven Virtual Assistants with John Platais

Jan 13, 2023

We've all been there. You visit your favorite website only to be harassed by the virtual assistant. Being asked the same questions, in the same way...Over and Over. Never really getting the answers you need, or the direction required to move forward. This brings us to the power of AIML Driven Virtual Assistants. In this session I will introduce the concept of Conversational Driven Design and how to use open-source solutions to add "Intelligent" bots to your environment. We will review current options, security implications of AIML driven virtual assistants, and build ...

Three Pillars of Compliance in Databases: Data Retention, Purging, and Consent with Michael Goetzman
S03E25 · Three Pillars of Compliance in Databases: Data Retention, Purging, and Consent with Michael Goetzman

Jan 17, 2023

Numerous data governance laws and policies have been enacted to protect user privacy. Polices may define data retention (how long the data must be kept), data purging requirements (when the data must be destroyed), and data consent (whether the data can be used for a particular purpose). To comply with these requirements and to minimize liability, database systems (e.g., Oracle, Postgres) must offer built-in support to enforce storage and use policies. Instead, such compliance is currently achieved through a patchwork of manual solutions within each organization. In ...

Upsides & Downsides: Finding Your InfoSec Home with Lesley Carhart
S03E26 · Upsides & Downsides: Finding Your InfoSec Home with Lesley Carhart

Jan 20, 2023

There are dozens of great talks that will show you why you should be get a job in a cool info-sec niche, with spectacular selling points. Every job has downsides and challenging days, though, especially for specific personalities and learning styles. This talk digs into nine cool info-sec roles, then suggests why you might enjoy or dislike working in them based on the elements that aren't camera worthy or talked about gleefully. There's a cyber security job out there for everyone, and it's important to find the one that makes you happy and successful.

Brain Hacking: Train Your Brain for Love, Joy and Peace with Michael Goetzman
S03E27 · Brain Hacking: Train Your Brain for Love, Joy and Peace with Michael Goetzman

Jan 24, 2023

Meditation is becoming a buzz-word for "beating" stress but seems very complicated to learn. We will show how DIY (Do It Yourself) brain technology projects such as DIY EEG (electroencephalogram) and TDCS (Transcranial direct current stimulation) can actually work as training wheels for a relaxed and energized mind. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), is a non-invasive, painless brain stimulation treatment that uses direct electrical currents to stimulate specific parts of the brain. A constant, low intensity current is passed through two electrodes placed...

Stealing Reality: A Deepfakes Redux with Alyssa Miller
S03E28 · Stealing Reality: A Deepfakes Redux with Alyssa Miller

Jan 27, 2023

In the lead-up to the 2020 US Presidential election, there were a lot of concerns from security professionals about the potential role that Deepfake media could play in shaping voter opinions. While these concerns were not unfounded, in the end there were no notable instances of deep-fakes being used to manipulate the election. Why not? What is the current status of Deepfake technology? Where are we headed next? Hacker and Security evangelist Alyssa Miller will answer these questions and talk about how the threat landscape will continue to evolve as we head into the ...

Guerilla Warfare for Blue Team with Rob Carson
S03E29 · Guerilla Warfare for Blue Team with Rob Carson

Jan 31, 2023

Blue Team Security is the hardest job in Information Security. It is not sexy, and it is always complicated to navigate between the people, processes, and technology of the organization. Why do companies, .govs and ONG's have breaches? Thinking they are solving problems with technology. This talk will cover Tactics, Techniques and Procedures that blue teams can use based from lessons learned from insurgents and counter-insurgent operations in history.

A Brilliant Mistake: Hacking into the Causes of an Epidemic of Light Pollution with Drew Carhart
S03E30 · A Brilliant Mistake: Hacking into the Causes of an Epidemic of Light Pollution with Drew Carhart

Feb 03, 2023

The last 50 years have witnessed the practical extinction of the natural nighttime environment from most of the inhabited places on our planet. The majority of people can no longer see the stars in the sky overhead at night from where they live. The reason? Light pollution; an incredible glut of wasted energy that we create, every second of every night, in levels that increase from year to year. The negative effects of light pollution (LP) reach far beyond that of having robbed us of our views of the universe. While awareness of this issue has grown, not much has been...

Ransomware and NIST Cybersecurity Framework with Randy Lee
S03E31 · Ransomware and NIST Cybersecurity Framework with Randy Lee

Feb 07, 2023

The NIST Cybersecurity Framework ("CSF") from the "National Institute of Standards and Technology" provides organizations with a set of documented policies and procedures designed to help private companies "Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond and Recover" from cybersecurity incidents. It is widely recognized as industry best practice and the most comprehensive, in-depth set of controls of any framework. Let's discuss this framework.

Compromise from a Park Bench with Eric Escobar
S03E32 · Compromise from a Park Bench with Eric Escobar

Feb 10, 2023

Network defenders are accustomed to watching for malicious activity from the public internet as well as their own local network. What happens when an attack doesn't come from a typical avenue? This talk will dive into wireless attacks, defenses, and an unconventional multi-factor authentication bypass.

Log4j from the Trenches with Max Thauer
S03E33 · Log4j from the Trenches with Max Thauer

Feb 14, 2023

As your company winds down for the holiday season, like clockwork, another fresh CVE with publicly available exploit code drops. The Apache Log4j exploit (CVE-2021-44832), also dubbed as Log4Shell, had widespread fallout as a result of the exploit being made publicly available, and organizations are still dealing with the associated problems even months later. This talk will discuss three unique scenarios observed as a result of Log4j being exploited on VMWare Horizon servers and include 1) exploitation for persistent access via a webshell, 2) exploitation leading to ...

CryptoParty Like It's 1499 with Nick Chapel
S03E34 · CryptoParty Like It's 1499 with Nick Chapel

Feb 17, 2023

Long before it became an infosec capture-the-flag staple, steganography had its birth in the Steganographia of Johannes Trithemius, an early 16th century book of magic and secret writing. Though it remains perhaps the most widely known, this is but one among countless examples of cryptography from the Renaissance and early modern eras used by alchemists, magicians, and dissidents to conceal their hidden knowledge from the prying eyes of the uninitiated. By applying the lens of cyber threat intelligence to the Steganographia and other examples of Renaissance and early ...

Shifting left at scale, 8 million servers, 200+Tbps and growing with Daniel Creed
S03E35 · Shifting left at scale, 8 million servers, 200+Tbps and growing with Daniel Creed

Feb 21, 2023

Daniel Creed has been an information security professional for more than 20 years, now working at a place shifting left at scale, 8 million servers, 200+Tbps and growing. Throughout his career he has worked across numerous sectors of private, governmental, and educational industries, performed thousands of advanced penetration tests, build and lead high performance red/purple/blue teams, and worked in every functional discipline within the information security landscape. In addition to numerous industry certifications, Daniel has a B.S. Cybersecurity and Information ...

Hacking Your Perceptions in XR! (XR = VR + AR + MR;) w/Travis Feirtag & Lance Larsen
S03E36 · Hacking Your Perceptions in XR! (XR = VR + AR + MR;) w/Travis Feirtag & Lance Larsen

Feb 24, 2023

Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) together are now referred to as XR or Extended Reality... In 2022 XR devices already easily exceed over 10 MILLION XR headsets in both consumer and corporation user's hands today. From the Meta Quest 2 to the Microsoft Hololens 2, XR is changing how WE experience our own Reality. But what can go wrong? What about privacy concerns? Are every one of our gestures being recorded? Have you ever gotten VR sick? How can we trick our brains in beneficial ways? Together we'll assess the following XR topic: ...

Closing Ceremony with Michael Goetzman and the CypherCon Team
S03E37 · Closing Ceremony with Michael Goetzman and the CypherCon Team

Feb 28, 2023

The FINAL presentation of CypherCon 5.3 is closing ceremony featuring Michael Goetzman and the CypherCon Team.


Hackers of CypherCon (also know as CypherCon 3.0) Season 3 (2022) is released on Aug 01, 2022 and the latest season 3 of Hackers of CypherCon is released in 2022. Watch Hackers of CypherCon online - the English Documentary TV series from United States. Hackers of CypherCon is directed by Jason Gares and created by Jason Gares with Michael Goetzman and Lesley Carhart.

As know as:

CypherCon 3.0, CypherCon 3.0, CypherCon 3.0(French), Hackers of CypherCon


United States



Production Companies:

Video Workbench Productions

Cast & Crew

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