Episodes (52)

In Search of New Worlds
S02E01 · In Search of New Worlds

Oct 19, 1984

With Earth and its allied worlds suffering from dangerous levels of overcrowding, Galaxy Garrison sends the Stellar Ship Explorer into the Near Universe to search out new worlds. However, doing so brings them critically close to the evil Drule Empire. For protection, they develop 15 exploratory spacecraft using an ancient super-technology and train their pilots with the secret of assembling Voltron.

First Day on a New World
S02E02 · First Day on a New World

Oct 27, 1984

The Stellar Ship Explorer has landed on a new planet and is preparing to set up a permanent base. Drule fleet commander Hazar has gotten word of this plan, and has decided to capture the planet and the Alliance facilities in one fell swoop. However, his assistant Captain Quark gets impatient, and launches a full-scale assault while Jeff and the rest of the Voltron Force are busy scouting the planet.

Building a New World
S02E03 · Building a New World

Nov 03, 1984

Hazar issues an ultimatum to the Explorer and her crew vacate the planet or he will obliterate it. Jeff, Cliff, Krik and the rest of the Voltron Force try to stop them, but the planet is too fragile and begins to explode. To escape the doomed planet, the Land, Sea and Air Teams must combine to form Voltron while under heavy attack from all sides.

Goodbye, New World
S02E04 · Goodbye, New World

Nov 10, 1984

Krik's sixth sense leads the Stellar Ship Explorer to a strange black hole cluster. A faint distress call convinces Commander Hawkins of the need to investigate, so he sends in the Sea Team. However, the entire team is soon lost in the Sea of Holes, and there they encounter an enormous Robeast! As Jeff rushes to the rescue, Krik wonders if his sixth sense has doomed them all.

Try This World for Size
S02E05 · Try This World for Size

Nov 17, 1984

Cliff and his Land Team are sent to explore a seemingly barren planet. The crew are surprised to discover strange vegetation in several areas of the planet, each patch near a crashed rocket. Ambushed by hidden defenses, the Voltron Force rushes into battle. Meanwhile, Hawkins realizes that the planet is already being terraformed by the Drules, and this time the humans are the invaders.

A Storm of Meteors
S02E06 · A Storm of Meteors

Sep 20, 1984

The Explorer is caught in a terrific storm of meteors, and is badly damaged. Captain Mongo of the Drule Empire moves in to take advantage of the situation. Jeff and the entire Voltron Force don space suits to help with the repairs, desperate to finish before the enemy gets to them. But Mongo has an even bigger trap in the works, one that could destroy the fleet.

Help Not Wanted
S02E07 · Help Not Wanted

Sep 29, 1984

Galaxy Garrison decides to send the Explorer into enemy space to try and make peace. Giving their word that they will not use Voltron, Hawkins and his crew approach the Drule Empire. To keep them safe, they are escorted by Commander Kio and his squadron. When Kio's squadron is ambushed by the Drules, our heroes disobey orders to go and save him.

Ghost Fleet from Another Planet
S02E08 · Ghost Fleet from Another Planet

Oct 07, 1984

The Explorer arrives at a new planet, only to find a strange Ghost Fleet appearing and disappearing around the globe. Intrigued, the Voltron Force begins a wild goose chase as the Explorer waits in a central lake. Hawkins has a bad feeling that the planet holds a terrible secret, but will they figure it out before the Ghost Fleet strikes?

A Very Short Vacation
S02E09 · A Very Short Vacation

Jan 14, 1985

Working around the clock, the crew of the Explorer is at the point of collapse. Captain Newley and Commander Hawkins have no choice but to set down on a nearby planet and give everyone shore leave. Meanwhile, the supply convoy they are scheduled to meet up with is ambushed by a Drule attack!

Planet of the Bats
S02E10 · Planet of the Bats

Sep 21, 1984

Cliff and his Land Team find an ancient city on a forgotten planet. While exploring, Cinda and Modok find an army of strange bats. Modok goes berserk before finally collapsing, burning up with fever. It seems the bats have given him a strange virus. Then the Drule fleet attacks, but without Modok our heroes cannot form Voltron!

A Temporary Truce
S02E11 · A Temporary Truce

Dec 14, 1984

A young Drule pilot crashes during training exercises and is saved by Jeff and the Voltron Force. Nursed back to health, the pilot begins making friends. Newley and Hawkins think that the Drule pilot could become an emissary of peace. However, Sea Team member Shannon has a brother who is a POW, and being friends with a Drule doesn't sit well with him.

Wolo's Lost World
S02E12 · Wolo's Lost World

Dec 17, 1984

The forests of a dead world reminds Wolo of his childhood, growing up with his brother on a faraway planet. As he remembers when his brother was seriously hurt saving his life, an earthquake puts him in immediate danger. Without his brother to help him, Wolo must act on his own to save himself, and the entire Voltron Force.

Planet Stop for Repairs
S02E13 · Planet Stop for Repairs

Dec 24, 1984

As the Explorer approaches the deadly planet of Itlon, they receive a mysterious distress signal. Risking their lives, the Voltron Force descends to the planet only to find the evil Nerok and his attack fleet. They are sitting in the middle of an electrical storm, and seem to be in trouble. Are they disabled, or is this Nerok's most risky trap yet?

A Curious Comet
S02E14 · A Curious Comet

Dec 25, 1984

A mysterious comet passes very close to Earth, causing the populace to panic. Seemingly under the influence of the comet's strange radiation, General Steel orders the Alliance ships to stage a pre-emptive strike on the Drule Empire. Unfortunately, the Drules predicted this effect and are lying in ambush.

In the Enemy Camp
S02E15 · In the Enemy Camp

Mar 05, 1985

Commander Hawkins finally convinces the Drule Empire to engage in peace talks. Bravely going to Captain Mongo's ship alone, he convinces the Drule leader of his good intentions. Before they can finalize a plan for joint exploration of space, Brak decides to use the peace talks as a distraction to launch an attack on the Voltron Force.

Who's on First
S02E16 · Who's on First

Dec 18, 1984

An uneasy peace has been established between the Alliance and the Drule Empire. But Galaxy Garrison is unable to reach a consensus in time, and a local fleet commander refuses to withdraw from a Drule planet without official orders. If Hakwins and the Voltron force don't convince him to leave, they'll be in violation of the truce.

No, Who's on Second
S02E17 · No, Who's on Second

Jan 15, 1985

Infighting among the Drules makes it impossible for them to make a move for either peace or war. On the Explorer, the crew gets surprise news as they try to meet up with the Drule for peace talks. Captain Newley is being transferred to Galaxy Garrison headquarters. It is an honor, but the captain has many important friendships he will be leaving behind.

What's on First
S02E18 · What's on First

Jan 16, 1985

After countless false starts, the Voltron Force finally begins joint explorations of new worlds with the Drule Empire. However, Nerok calls in a favor with the Imperial Council and manages to get command over the peace effort. His first order to the exploration force is to forget the peace effort and prepare for attack!

Great Stone Space Faces
S02E19 · Great Stone Space Faces

Jan 17, 1985

The Voltron Force discovers signs of an ancient civilizationon planet Neb. However, the planet is unstable and Nerok isright behind them, ready for an ambush. Hazar meets withhis father, Chancellor Mozak, to consider the fate of theDrule Empire. They realize that the empire will lose if theytry to attack Earth, and peace is their only long-term option.

Defend the New World
S02E20 · Defend the New World

Dec 19, 1984

Colonel Cross sets up a new Alliance supply base, but he isunder heavy Drule attack. Because of his pride, he refusesto call the Voltron Force for help, but Krik senses thatsomething is wrong. The Voltron Force rushes to the rescue,but they are ambushed by a new Robeast and Jeff is knockedout. Can Voltron fight without a head?

Meanwhile Back at Galaxy Garrison
S02E21 · Meanwhile Back at Galaxy Garrison

Dec 28, 1984

The Explorer and the Voltron force are in bad need ofadditional funds to continue their operations. Steel andNewely appear before the Alliance council to get moresupport for the Explorer program. They also explore theoption of building yet another Voltron Unit. Back on theExplorer, the team trains to be stronger for their nextencounter.

Nerok Scores Big
S02E22 · Nerok Scores Big

Jan 18, 1985

Marshal Keezor brings news that Hazar has been demoted,and Nerok is finally given permission from the Drule councilto go on the offensive. He immediately orders Mongo, one ofthe few Drule commanders who still agrees with Hazar, toattack Voltron's support fleet. Despite his misgivings, adirect order gives Mongo no choice.

Hazar on the Carpet
S02E23 · Hazar on the Carpet

Dec 20, 1984

Mongo is forced to launch an attack on the Alliance againsthis wishes. The Alliance fleet commander decides toconcentrate all fire on the flagship, in hopes that the fleetwill retreat if their commander is lost. With his ship quicklydisabled, Mongo decides to fight a losing battle to prove hisloyalty to Hazar and the empire rather than retreat.Meanwhile, Nerok uses this time to set up an ambush at thefleet's rendezvous point.

Hazar Is Demoted
S02E24 · Hazar Is Demoted

Dec 26, 1984

Hazar returns to planet Drule to try and convince highcommand to make peace with the Alliance, and plead hiscase against allegations of treachery. Despite help from hisfather and his sister Dorma, he is attacked by a mob ofcitizens, and then sentenced to exile on planet Dreska. Inhonor of the efforts he made for peace, the Voltron Forcedecides to name the planet he saved "Hazar."

Just Like Earth
S02E25 · Just Like Earth

Jan 07, 1985

Jeff leads his Air Team onto the surface of a mysteriousplanet, when an energy pulse in the atmosphere drains thepower supplies of his entire crew. Cut off, he's ambushed byZabar, and is helpless to protect his team. Back on theExplorer, they desperately search for a way to help withoutbecoming disabled themselves. They need Jeff for Voltron,and a Robeast is on its way.

The Planet Trap
S02E26 · The Planet Trap

Dec 31, 1984

The Explorer is tricked into sending out search teams to aplanet they believe the Drules are trying to colonize.However, it turns out that the air is not safe, and Cliff's LandTeam is in trouble! Cinda and Hutch pass out, and their autopilotsystems are locked. The Drule Empire attacks, and theVoltron Force faces its biggest challenge yet with twomissing members and no way to reach them!

Save the Space Station
S02E27 · Save the Space Station

Feb 01, 1985

With the Explorer undergoing repairs after the last battle,Nerok launches an attack on the Galaxy Garrison's spacestation. The Alliance crew defends the station admirably, asboth Hawkins and Carver desperately try to get their teamsthere in time. However, when a Robeast gets inside thestation itself and begins to wreak havoc, it looks like they'llbe too late.

Planet of the Amazons
S02E28 · Planet of the Amazons

Jan 02, 1985

The Voltron Force is attacked near planet Eldora when thelocal people mistake them for the Drules. Jeff is takenprisoner and tries to reason with them, but a nearby Drulecommander realizes what's going on and demands Jeff'srelease, insisting he is one of the Drules. Jeff has no choicebut to escape on his own, or the team won't be able to formVoltron in time!

Revolt of the Slaves
S02E29 · Revolt of the Slaves

Jan 11, 1985

Hawkins lands the Explorer on planet Dema for some restand relaxation, not realizing the planet is a hidden Druleslave base. The Drules ambush them, and a terrific battleunfolds. Seeing the chaos, the slaves decide to stage arevolt against their dangerous masters. Now Voltron has toprotect the Explorer, defeat the Robeast and save theslaves, all at the same time.

Raid on Galaxy Garrison
S02E30 · Raid on Galaxy Garrison

Jan 21, 1985

Drule saboteurs manage to disable Voltron's energy supply system, making it impossible to form the super robot. The empire takes full advantage of this, sending a fleet to Earth to stage a direct attack on Galaxy Garrison high command! The Voltron Force can only watch helplessly as enemy shipsbombard Earth's surface directly. Carver's fleet rushes to help the Explorer, so the energy system can be repaired.

Smashing the Meteor Barrier
S02E31 · Smashing the Meteor Barrier

Jan 01, 1985

Jeff and the Voltron Force are sent to attack a Drulecommand base, but it's well protected by an impenetrableasteroid belt. In addition, the enemy has set up a field ofspace mines. Luckily, before Voltron can fly into the trap, oneof the Drule commanders becomes impatient and launches apre-emptive strike. Jeff takes the chance to disrupt theDrule's plans. It won't help if he can't get past the asteroids.

A Man Made Sun
S02E32 · A Man Made Sun

Jan 03, 1985

Jeff leads the Air Team into a Drule Robeast factory, but he'swounded by an enemy attack. Krik leads the team in hisplace, but he finds that the factory is actually a trap set byMarshal Keezor. They set explosives at the base's mainreactor, but they have no way of getting out themselves.Colonel Carver is determined to save the Voltron Force, evenif it means sacrificing his own ship.

Captain Newley Returns
S02E33 · Captain Newley Returns

Dec 27, 1984

Jeff, Krik, Cliff and the rest of the Voltron Force are campingon a new planet while the Explorer is down for repairs. TheDrule Empire sends a fleet after them, jamming theircommunications and attacking. Krik and Cinda are separatedfrom the others, so forming Voltron is impossible. TheExplorer is pinned down and even Hawkins is ready to admitdefeat... until the arrival of an old friend!

Hazar Bucks the Empire
S02E34 · Hazar Bucks the Empire

Jan 24, 1985

As Hazar makes another desperate attempt to arrangepeace between the Drule Empire and the Alliance, the Drulecouncil sees this as an excellent way to trap Voltron. Settingup a fake peace conference, they ambush the Air Team whenJeff flies his men in to scout out the meeting place. Jeff'steam ends up trapped in a cavern, and the entire planet isset to explode!

Letters from Home
S02E35 · Letters from Home

Dec 21, 1984

A series of letters from home reaches the Voltron Force,and for some reason this sends Chip into a deep depression.The Voltron Force needs to mobilize, but Chip is nowhere tobe found. Hawkins sends out the incomplete force, but theycan't form Voltron. It's up to Lisa to find Chip and convincehim he's an important member of the team before theothers are blown away by a Drule trap!

Peace: A Fish Story!
S02E36 · Peace: A Fish Story!

Jan 25, 1985

Hazar and his sister, Dorma, convince the Drulecommander Borgam to meet with the Alliance to discusspeace. Borgam finds the Sea Team exploring a prehistoricplanet, and makes contact with Commander Hawkins.Hawkins and Borgam meet face to face, and it seems likeHazar's dream of peace might still come true. However,could this really be the Drule's most involved treachery todate?

The Red Moon People
S02E37 · The Red Moon People

Jan 08, 1985

Jeff, Kirk, Cliff and the rest of the Voltron Force are busy exploring a new planet when Jeff and his Air Team are pulled underwater and captured!

This World's for the Birds
S02E38 · This World's for the Birds

Jan 09, 1985

Embarrassed by her recent defeat, Captain Twyla makes a deal with Borgam to betray Hazar.

That's the Old Ball Game
S02E39 · That's the Old Ball Game

Dec 31, 2023

Voltron destroys a Drule supply base, and the Galaxy Alliance fleet is able to capture a number of Drule officers.

Red Moon Rises Again
S02E40 · Red Moon Rises Again

Dec 31, 2023

Cilff and the Voltron Land Team are exploring a new planet when they come upon a human boy.

Another Solar System
S02E41 · Another Solar System

Dec 31, 2023

Jeff and the Voltron team descend to a planet to begin exploring.

Whose World Is It
S02E42 · Whose World Is It

Dec 31, 2023

The Voltron Force and the Drule attack fleet have a silent standoff as Hawkins and Hazar desperately work behind the scenes to arrange peace talks.

It's Anybody's World
S02E43 · It's Anybody's World

Dec 31, 2023

Hazar, Hawkins and Newley meet to discuss the future of the new planet they've discovered.

Frozen Assets
S02E44 · Frozen Assets

Dec 31, 2023

Hazar is stripped of command for disobeying the Drule council, leaving the cunning Borgam in charge.

S02E45 · Coconuts

Dec 31, 2023

Dorma tries to convince Hazar to join a resistance movement to overthrow his superiors.

It Could Be a Long War
S02E46 · It Could Be a Long War

Dec 31, 2023

Emperor Zeppo takes personal control of the council's actions in the face of rebellion.

Color Me Invisible
S02E47 · Color Me Invisible

Dec 31, 2023

Supreme Commander Throk's plan to bury the Voltron Force on a remote ice planet kicks into gear, as Dorma tries to sway him in Hazar's place.

Time Running Out
S02E48 · Time Running Out

Dec 31, 2023

The Drule council calls a meeting to deal with the rebels.

Zero Hour Approaches
S02E49 · Zero Hour Approaches

Dec 31, 2023

The Explorer and the Voltron Force reach the Drule home planet's protective asteroid belt.

The Drules' World Cracks Up
S02E50 · The Drules' World Cracks Up

Dec 31, 2023

The Explorer arrives on Planet Drule, intent on helping the citizens evacuate.

The Drules Surrender
S02E51 · The Drules Surrender

Dec 31, 2023

The Voltron Force makes contact with Hazar and the rebellion as earthquakes shake the capital city of Drule.

The End of Hazar's World
S02E52 · The End of Hazar's World

Dec 31, 2023

The Drule people themselves have spoken, gathering around Voltron with white flags of surrender.


Voltron: Defender of the Universe Season 2 (1984) is released on Oct 19, 1984 and the latest season 3 of Voltron: Defender of the Universe is released in 2023. Watch Voltron: Defender of the Universe online - the English Animation TV series from United States. Voltron: Defender of the Universe is directed by Franklin Cofod and created by Howard Albrecht with Tress MacNeille and . Voltron: Defender of the Universe is available online on Vudu and Amazon Video.

As know as:

Voltron: Defender of the Universe, Voltron, Voltron: Defender of the Universe(English), Voltron: Defender of the Universe(French), Voltron - Verteidiger des Universums


United States, Japan



Production Companies:

World Events Productions

Official Site:

Official site

Cast & Crew

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