Episodes (143)

Boat Victory, Human Extinction & Earth Hour
S03E01 · Boat Victory, Human Extinction & Earth Hour

Mar 31, 2014

The Roast clambers onto an ark as the headlines get swept away, Tony Abbott announces victory over the boats, and global warming announces victory over people.

Whaling, Budget, Palmer Ad Spending
S03E02 · Whaling, Budget, Palmer Ad Spending

Apr 01, 2014

The Roast harpoons the headlines for delicious research purposes, the ICJ rules against Japan, and Joe Hockey announces budget cuts to be shared by all, starting with the person who writes th..

WA Election, NATO & Russia, & Bankruptcy Charges
S03E03 · WA Election, NATO & Russia, & Bankruptcy Charges

Apr 02, 2014

The Roast throws the headlines' shiny red ball over a cliff, Abbott accuses Palmer of buying seats, and NATO breaks up with Russia. Expect Russia and Crimea cosy Facebook pics to inspire jealousy.

Royal Commisson, Environmental Boycotts & Tobacco
S03E04 · Royal Commisson, Environmental Boycotts & Tobacco

Apr 03, 2014

The Roast weaves a fine cloak out of endangered headlines, the Royal Commission is digging into union corruption, and the Coalition makes moves to ban environmental boycotts. Polluted boycotts still ok.

Roast Recap 1
S03E05 · Roast Recap 1

Apr 07, 2014

The Roast retraces its stories to find evidence for what it did this week. If for some reason you're home a Friday night, watch it.

WA Election Special & Headlines
S03E06 · WA Election Special & Headlines

Apr 07, 2014

The Roast accidentally backs over the headlines' pet and replaces it with an unconvincing lookalike, and we bring you a WA election special. Look at you WA, getting your own special. Well played.

Free Trade, Solar Energy & McDonalds
S03E07 · Free Trade, Solar Energy & McDonalds

Apr 08, 2014

The Roast hires a scary clown when it's not even the headlines' birthday, Australia strikes a Free Trade Agreement with Japan, and solar energy is suffering. Thank goodness for infinite coal.

Abbott in Asia, Senate Staff & Clive Palmer
S03E08 · Abbott in Asia, Senate Staff & Clive Palmer

Apr 09, 2014

The Roast eats all the headlines' nibbles then leaves, more secretarial staff in the senate needed, and Tony Abbott continues his Asian tour. While he's away, shall we legalise something weird?

Carr's Diaries, Teen Drinking, & David Jones
S03E09 · Carr's Diaries, Teen Drinking, & David Jones

Apr 10, 2014

The Roast replaces the headlines' family with out-of-work actors, we look at Bob Carr's diaries, and young people are drinking less thanks to social media. Also, they're just doing less.

Roast Recap 2
S03E10 · Roast Recap 2

Apr 11, 2014

The Roast bundles together the best bits from the week so that even lazy fans of the show can keep up to date.

Retirement Age, ABC Cuts & Polls
S03E11 · Retirement Age, ABC Cuts & Polls

Apr 14, 2014

The Roast sends the headlines' grandparents back to the mill, the government is to raise retirement age to 70, and cuts loom for the ABC, starting with the hashtag department. #Roas.

18C Polls, Heartbleed, Lambie on Q&A
S03E12 · 18C Polls, Heartbleed, Lambie on Q&A

Apr 15, 2014

The Roast accesses and sells the headlines' passwords, 88% of people polled oppose changes to 18C, and Heartbleed haunts the internet.

The Royal Visit & Barry O'Farrell Quits
S03E13 · The Royal Visit & Barry O'Farrell Quits

Apr 16, 2014

The Roast snaps photos of the headlines wearing something offensive at a fancy dress party, and we bring you our Royal visit special, including baby George's latest tell-all confessional.

O'Farrall, Australian Network & Louise Pratt
S03E14 · O'Farrall, Australian Network & Louise Pratt

Apr 17, 2014

We give the headlines a cheap bottle of Sauvignon Roast, Barry O'Farrell quits as NSW premier, and China to get Australian Network.

Roast Recap 3
S03E15 · Roast Recap 3

Apr 18, 2014

If you've had a $3000 bottle of wine and have therefore lost your memory, then worry not, The Roast is here to recap the past week for you with highlights from the news.

Royals, Brandis & Climate, Rudd for UN
S03E16 · Royals, Brandis & Climate, Rudd for UN

Apr 21, 2014

The Roast analyses the headlines' designer dress, the royals continue their Australia trip, and Brandis defends the rights of climate sceptics, though those rights could just be a conspiracy.

Royals, Clive Palmer & Aussie Spies
S03E17 · Royals, Clive Palmer & Aussie Spies

Apr 22, 2014

The Roast bulk-bills the headlines then gives them a lollipop, Clive Palmer vows to block the the Direct Action Policy and Indonesia slams Australian spies, though not in a sexy, James Bond way.

Labor Vs Unions, Fighter Jets & Climate Sceptics
S03E18 · Labor Vs Unions, Fighter Jets & Climate Sceptics

Apr 23, 2014

The Roast spends $12bn on flying death headlines, Shorten pushes Labor reforms, and government to invest in state-of-the-art fighter jets to defend us from all those sky dangers.

Hockey, Anzac Day & Apple
S03E19 · Hockey, Anzac Day & Apple

Apr 24, 2014

The Roast puts the headlines in an expensive old folks' home and runs away, we look at ANZAC day souvenirs, and Hockey waxes mysterious about the budget. Hockey you tease.

Roast Recap 4
S03E20 · Roast Recap 4

Apr 25, 2014

Like a satirical buffet, we lay out the week's best bits from the show for you to pile onto your mind-plate.

Logies, Palmer and NT & Popes
S03E21 · Logies, Palmer and NT & Popes

Apr 28, 2014

The Roast photobombs the headlines' selfie, Clive Palmer attracts three new MPs, and two popes get inducted into the heaven hall of fame.

Palmer, ICAC & Manus Island
S03E22 · Palmer, ICAC & Manus Island

Apr 29, 2014

The Roast tries to be the last organisation not investigated by ICAC, and investigates Four Corners' Manus Island investigation.

Defecit Levy & Star Wars VII
S03E23 · Defecit Levy & Star Wars VII

Apr 30, 2014

The Roast promises the headlines it won't make fun of them and then does so anyway, and Tony Abbott may tax the rich. It's our "We would never have predicted that" special.

Commission of Audit, Fight Club & Labor News Service
S03E24 · Commission of Audit, Fight Club & Labor News Service

May 01, 2014

The Roast uploads the headlines' soul to a mainframe and then wipes the hard drive, we look at the Commission of Audit and a Young Liberals' Fight Club which has clearly forgotten the first rule.

Roast Recap 5
S03E25 · Roast Recap 5

May 02, 2014

In case the Commission of Audit suggested cuts to your memories, allow The Roast to take you through the week's events, and then maybe to lunch? Would you like to have lunch with us?

Hockey, University Fees & Sexting
S03E26 · Hockey, University Fees & Sexting

May 05, 2014

The Roast takes the headlines for a $22,000 dinner and forgets its wallet, we look at a lunch with Hockey, and university fees set to increase, possibly to the price of a lunch with Hockey.

Packer, Piracy & Q&A Protest
S03E27 · Packer, Piracy & Q&A Protest

May 06, 2014

The Roast and the headlines get into a brawl in the street, a student protest disrupts Q&A, and Brandis clamps down on online piracy. That's on The Roast, 8:10pm, or right now on Pirate Bay.

Australia's Reputation, Chaplaincy Program & Postal Service
S03E28 · Australia's Reputation, Chaplaincy Program & Postal Service

May 07, 2014

The Roast puts hungry piranhas in the headlines' bathtub, there are threats to the school chaplaincy program, and falling international opinion of Australia. You're welcome North Korea.

Labor's Mess, Fairfax Strike & Eurovision
S03E29 · Labor's Mess, Fairfax Strike & Eurovision

May 08, 2014

The Roast leaps out of a car while driving the headlines over a cliff, the Coalition looks back at Labor's mess, and Fairfax staff go on strik- Hey get out of our office, we don't need more writers.

Roast Recap 6
S03E30 · Roast Recap 6

May 09, 2014

Like Fairfax journalists, we're not coming into work. Lucky for you we already have our weekly recap ready to go.

Hockey's Cigar, Agency Cuts & Laurie Oakes
S03E31 · Hockey's Cigar, Agency Cuts & Laurie Oakes

May 12, 2014

The Roast blows cigar smoke into the headlines' face from 200 yards away and we look at the proposed cuts to 76 government agencies. Agency for Cutting Agencies said to be safe.

Labor Fronts Royal Commission & Pre Budget Analysis
S03E32 · Labor Fronts Royal Commission & Pre Budget Analysis

May 13, 2014

The Roast goes ape-shit on a cameraman in the headlines and we bury our collective head deep into a Budget document we haven't seen yet.

Budget Life Advice
S03E33 · Budget Life Advice

May 14, 2014

The Roast spends all the headlines' money on a pregnant F-15, and we bring you the latest on the budget. Spoiler alert: your favourite things got cut.

GST, Uni Fees & Gillards Autobiography
S03E34 · GST, Uni Fees & Gillards Autobiography

May 15, 2014

The Roast throws the headlines off the cliff of financial optimism, we look at the newly angered state premiers and soaring uni fees. Just as well knowledge is wealth - sort of.

Roast Recap 7
S03E35 · Roast Recap 7

May 16, 2014

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Unemployment, Abbott Polls & COAG
S03E36 · Unemployment, Abbott Polls & COAG

May 19, 2014

The Roast chops up the headlines and mixes them into a stew, we look at youth unemployment and Tony Abbott slumps in the polls. Lucky Abbott's employed or he'd have two things to worry about.

Labor Reforms, Naplan Stress & Hockey Q&A
S03E37 · Labor Reforms, Naplan Stress & Hockey Q&A

May 20, 2014

The Roast upgrades the headlines' phone so the old charger no longer works, Bill Shorten faces disunity among party members, and NAPLAN stresses out school kids. Just wait for HECS kids.

Credit Rating, Student Protests & Jacqui Lambie
S03E38 · Credit Rating, Student Protests & Jacqui Lambie

May 21, 2014

The Roast winks like a giggly child at the headlines' misfortunes, we look at Australia's credit rating and continuing student protests. Don't they have a university to go t - oh - probably not.

Medicare Copayment & Abbott's Worst Week
S03E39 · Medicare Copayment & Abbott's Worst Week

May 22, 2014

The Roast collects $7 from the headlines after they've dropped their pants and coughed, we look at the PM's worst week, and medical co-payments. It's a good time to be in perfect health and not age.

Roast Recap 8
S03E40 · Roast Recap 8

May 23, 2014

In case your television was also cut in the budget, you still have time to catch up on this week's stories in our recap of the week's biggest stories. Just need to find a friend with a TV.

Budget in Senate, Budget Criticism & Pipe Bomb
S03E41 · Budget in Senate, Budget Criticism & Pipe Bomb

May 26, 2014

The Roast tells the headlines to shut up and stop complaining about the budget, and we bring you the latest in the budget developments.

Bronwyn Bishop Bias, Roger Rogerson & Palmer and Pensioners
S03E42 · Bronwyn Bishop Bias, Roger Rogerson & Palmer and Pensioners

May 27, 2014

The Roast sexy's up the headlines to get clicks, Roger Rogerson gets arrested, and Bronwyn Bishop faces accusations of bias, but she's not the ABC so the Coalition probably won't mind.

Brandis, Senate Costings and Liberal MP Defects
S03E43 · Brandis, Senate Costings and Liberal MP Defects

May 28, 2014

The Roast puts the headlines in a creepy maze with no exit, we look at Senate Estimates and Brandis still under fire for the Racial Discrimination Act. It's like people don't like racism or something.

Young Hockey, ABC Funding & Google Cars
S03E44 · Young Hockey, ABC Funding & Google Cars

May 29, 2014

The Roast puts on a tutu and pirouettes into the headlines, Joe Hockey under fire, and Peppa Pig under threat, but no pig puns on The Roast, not even hammy o- *The EPG writer has been fired*

Roast Recap 9
S03E45 · Roast Recap 9

May 30, 2014

If you've been preparing for the incoming budget by living in the wild and nibbling moss, worry not, as we've compiled our favourite bits from the week's news stories.

Turnbull, Uni Fees & Dio Wang
S03E46 · Turnbull, Uni Fees & Dio Wang

Jun 02, 2014

The Roast pushes an iceberg towards the HMS headlines, we look at the potential changes to HECS fees, and explore rumours surrounding a Turnbull challenge for leadership.

Obama and Abbott, Andrew Bolt & IOS8
S03E47 · Obama and Abbott, Andrew Bolt & IOS8

Jun 03, 2014

The Roast starts a rumour about the headlines to get more attention, Obama sets environmental policy in motion, and we look at the Bolt / Turnbull situation. No reason, we just want to get mentioned in Parliament.

VIC Turmoil, Palmer & Indonesia
S03E48 · VIC Turmoil, Palmer & Indonesia

Jun 04, 2014

The Roast plays really loud guitar all night next door to the headlines, we look at the turmoil in Victoria and the reaction to Clive Palmer's insensitive comment.

Libs v Nationals, Abbott Abroad & Commonwealth Games
S03E49 · Libs v Nationals, Abbott Abroad & Commonwealth Games

Jun 05, 2014

The Roast tells the headlines that Santa is real but dead, the Liberals are accused of tricking the Nationals, and we follow Abbott's progress abroad. While he's away, let's go all out with the bias.

Roast Recap 10
S03E50 · Roast Recap 10

Jun 06, 2014

If you're like Tony Abbott and you're overseas, here is all the week's news in one handy recap. Don't know why you'd watch this if you're overseas. Go outside and enjoy yourself.

Pup Senators in the States & Dinner with Abbott
S03E51 · Pup Senators in the States & Dinner with Abbott

Jun 09, 2014

The Roast flies the headlines to Boston to learn about Australia, and we look at the PUP senators' educational adventures in the States. It's our "Who on Earth Thought That Was A Good Idea?" special.

Abbott Vs Obama, Shark Cull & Palmer Rebuttal
S03E52 · Abbott Vs Obama, Shark Cull & Palmer Rebuttal

Jun 10, 2014

The Roast puts a Great White in the headlines' bathtub, we look at Abbott's fight against Obama on climate, and the shark cull in WA. Basically a bad day for the Roast.

Where's Labor, Inflatable Jesus & Coalition In-Fighting
S03E53 · Where's Labor, Inflatable Jesus & Coalition In-Fighting

Jun 11, 2014

The Roast changes all the locks on the headlines' home, we try to find Labor, and look at a questionable ad campaign from Sportsbet. Usually these gambling companies are so easy to look up to.

Hockey and Budget, World Cup & Jamie Oliver
S03E54 · Hockey and Budget, World Cup & Jamie Oliver

Jun 12, 2014

The Roast gets excited by headlines about a ball moving from some grass to some other grass, we look at Hockey's reaction to budget criticism, and the build up to the World Cup in our new not-really-news segment.

Roast Recap 11
S03E55 · Roast Recap 11

Jun 13, 2014

In case you've been travelling around the world trying to assemble an awful Avengers-style team of climate sceptics, worry not: we've put together this recap of all our favourite stories from the week.

Bikies, Tasmanian Forest & Abbott in Texas
S03E56 · Bikies, Tasmanian Forest & Abbott in Texas

Jun 16, 2014

The Roast prints headlines on a 3,000-year-old tree, we look at new bikie laws and the government's plans to delist Tasmanian forest as a World Heritage Site. While we're at it, that Eiffel Tower? Chop it down.

ISIS, Welfare, Cory Bernardi & the Tea Party
S03E57 · ISIS, Welfare, Cory Bernardi & the Tea Party

Jun 17, 2014

The Roast photoshops a funny hat on the headlines to get more clicks, we tell you all about ISIS and look at the end of the "age of entitlements". Funny name for an age that.

Labor and Asylum Seekers, National Service & Japan Whaling
S03E58 · Labor and Asylum Seekers, National Service & Japan Whaling

Jun 18, 2014

The Roast checks how many headlines there are by ramming a harpoon through them, Labor assesses its asylum seeker policy and we look at National Service solving our selfishness. Dumb story: it's not even about me.

Double Dissolution, Google Spy Kids & Coles' Old Bread
S03E59 · Double Dissolution, Google Spy Kids & Coles' Old Bread

Jun 19, 2014

The Roast accuses the headlines of bias for only reporting facts, we look at calls for a double dissolution, and Google is collecting data on school kids' web activity. Expect the war with Child Terminators to begin shortly.

Roast Recap 12
S03E60 · Roast Recap 12

Jun 20, 2014

Sometimes living in the past is healthy. The Roast lives in the past and takes a look at the last weeks top stories, because - Health.

Labor Criticism, Julie Bishop & Winter Solstice
S03E61 · Labor Criticism, Julie Bishop & Winter Solstice

Jun 23, 2014

The Roast photoshops something on the headlines and pretends it's news, we look at Labor's critical review of itself, and North Korea threatens Julie Bishop with the nothing they have.

UNESCO, Japanese Dancing & Abbott Letters
S03E62 · UNESCO, Japanese Dancing & Abbott Letters

Jun 24, 2014

The Roast reads the headlines' mail, we look at the recent rulings on Chaplains, Visas and Trees, and Japan considers lifting a ban on dancing, so good news for prisoners on the 3:10 Sushi Train to Yuma.

Phone Hacking, Greens & Japanese Robots
S03E63 · Phone Hacking, Greens & Japanese Robots

Jun 25, 2014

The Roast listens to the headlines' juiciest voicemail messages, we look at the verdicts of the News Corp trials, and the Greens' opposition to a green policy.

Palmer and Gore & Suarez Biting
S03E64 · Palmer and Gore & Suarez Biting

Jun 26, 2014

The Roast puts a red sock in the headlines' whites laundry, and we look at the revelations from Clive Palmer's big change of mind after a brief meeting with Al Gore. Also, Al Gore is a Jedi.

Roast Recap 13
S03E65 · Roast Recap 13

Jun 27, 2014

If you've had your head in the sand hiding from climate science for the past week, why not surface for some air and a catch up on the week's news with our recap?

Senate Guide, NRL Incident & Scott Morrison
S03E66 · Senate Guide, NRL Incident & Scott Morrison

Jun 30, 2014

The Roast repeatedly whispers "It's not your fault" to the headlines until they break down crying, we start looking at the incoming senate, and controversy within NRL.

Farewell Senators, Family First & Welfare Changes
S03E67 · Farewell Senators, Family First & Welfare Changes

Jul 01, 2014

The Roast slaps an ice cream out of the headlines' hands, and we don't even allow the incoming senators one day in the job before getting stuck into them. Bet they feel special.

Pup in Senate, Facebook Manipulation & Tax Letters
S03E68 · Pup in Senate, Facebook Manipulation & Tax Letters

Jul 02, 2014

The Roast surgically removes puns from the headlines, we look at the history of the PUP, and examine revelations that Facebook is manipulating our feelings. If that depresses you, find some kitten pics.

Senate Week, CBA Scandal & Graeme Innes Leaves
S03E69 · Senate Week, CBA Scandal & Graeme Innes Leaves

Jul 03, 2014

The Roast repossess the headlines' home thanks to aggressive lending, we end our Senate Week coverage, and look into the current CBA fraud sCANdal.

Roast Recap 14
S03E70 · Roast Recap 14

Jul 04, 2014

If you're a new incoming senator and have spent the week desperately reading up on your new terrifying job, you can catch up on all the week's events with The Roast's Recap.

Same-Sex Families, Asylum Seekers & Jacqui Lambie
S03E71 · Same-Sex Families, Asylum Seekers & Jacqui Lambie

Jul 07, 2014

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Scott Morrison, Palmer Upstages & Pink Floyd Album
S03E72 · Scott Morrison, Palmer Upstages & Pink Floyd Album

Jul 08, 2014

The Roast puts a beehive in the headlines' sock drawer, Palmer upstages his senators, and we look at the growing media focus on asylum seekers. Was it a media blackout or media spotlight?

Muir's Amendment, Shinzo Abe & Roast Breakfast
S03E73 · Muir's Amendment, Shinzo Abe & Roast Breakfast

Jul 09, 2014

The Roast lets the headlines kill dolphins for research purposes, we look at Shinzo Abe's speech, and Ricky Muir fights for the environment, like Captain Planet if he loved motor vehicles.

Indonesian Elections & World Cup
S03E74 · Indonesian Elections & World Cup

Jul 10, 2014

The Roast makes the headlines pay $11bn to be demoralised in their own country, we look at the Indonesian election, plus more World Cup coverage. Brazilians best change the channel during the second half of the show.

Isreal-Palestine, Work for the Dole & Abbott and Lies
S03E75 · Isreal-Palestine, Work for the Dole & Abbott and Lies

Aug 04, 2014

The Roast makes its team write headlines for $10 an hour, we look at the Israel-Palestine conflict, and examine work for the dole. Whatever happened to "be on the dole for the dole" or "the dole" as it was known?

Asylum Seekers, Dodgy Medecine & Commonwealth Games
S03E76 · Asylum Seekers, Dodgy Medecine & Commonwealth Games

Aug 05, 2014

The Roast hides sad headlines under a media blackout, we look at more recent developments with asylum seekers, and examine medicine that can kill you. The Roast: side effects may include cynicism and laughter.

18C, Terrorism Laws & Ricky Muir
S03E77 · 18C, Terrorism Laws & Ricky Muir

Aug 06, 2014

The Roast makes sure all the headlines are on Team Australia, and we look at the effects of leaving 18C and the Coalition's suggested terrorism laws. If you're a racist terrorist, all the worse for you.

Brandis & Metadata
S03E78 · Brandis & Metadata

Aug 07, 2014

The Roast meta-reads the headlines but not the contents, and we look at Brandis' attempts to explain his own policies. Something to do with envelopes and addresses so that people living in the 80s can understand.

Roast Recap 15
S03E79 · Roast Recap 15

Aug 08, 2014

If you've been trying to stay off the grid so that the government can't harvest your metadata, worry not. You can catch up with the news in our weekly recap. Just destroy the television when you're done.

Abbott's Lies.Com, Sitting Is Bad & Ape Selfies
S03E80 · Abbott's Lies.Com, Sitting Is Bad & Ape Selfies

Aug 11, 2014

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Young Liberals, Internships & Mathias Cormann
S03E81 · Young Liberals, Internships & Mathias Cormann

Aug 12, 2014

The Roast sends the headlines to the kitchen where they belong, we look at the financial burden of internships, and examine misogyny amongst Young Liberals. It's like The Coalition: Kids.

Iraq, Democracy & Costello
S03E82 · Iraq, Democracy & Costello

Aug 13, 2014

The Roast follows the headlines into a war-zone, we look at Australian involvement in Iraq, and 40% of Australians are apparently losing faith in democracy: still a landslide win for democracy overall though.

Shorten Vs Hockey, the Budget & Pyne's Birthday
S03E83 · Shorten Vs Hockey, the Budget & Pyne's Birthday

Aug 14, 2014

The Roast zooms past headlines walking along the side of the road being all poor, and we look at "Foghorn Leghorn" Joe Hockey: yes, Joe Hockey, that Texan rooster. - wait, what?

Roast Recap 16
S03E84 · Roast Recap 16

Aug 15, 2014

If you missed The Roast this week because you're still walking home from work because you're not rich and don't drive, worry not. We've compiled the best bits of the week for all you povvo walkers just getting home.

Climate in the Media, Health & Phone Tapping
S03E85 · Climate in the Media, Health & Phone Tapping

Aug 18, 2014

The Roast ignores 97% of the headlines that contain facts, we look at Maurice Newman's contribution to the climate science debate, and explore what's killing us this week. Watch us if you want to live.

Julian Assange, Ice Bucket Challenge & Clive Palmer
S03E86 · Julian Assange, Ice Bucket Challenge & Clive Palmer

Aug 19, 2014

The Roast shaves the beard off of headlines that have been living in an embassy for 2 years, we look at the current situation with Julian Assange, and nominate no one to do the Ice Bucket Challenge.

Team Australia & Jacqui Lambie
S03E87 · Team Australia & Jacqui Lambie

Aug 20, 2014

The Roast changes all headlines to the words "Australian Flag", and we look into the growing concept of Team Australia. That's tonight on TABC: Team Australian Broadcasting Company.

R.I.P. Great Barrier Reef & Young Politics
S03E88 · R.I.P. Great Barrier Reef & Young Politics

Aug 21, 2014

The Roast dumps tonnes of satirical dredge on the headlines, and we look at the fate of the Great Barrier Reef. Not to give anything away, but we should probably change its name to Grave Barrier Reef.

Roast Recap 17
S03E89 · Roast Recap 17

Aug 21, 2014

If, like the writers and production staff of this show, you've been trapped in your workplace for a whole week, here's your chance to catch up on the week's events.

Scott Morrison, Media Botch & Mobiles on Planes
S03E90 · Scott Morrison, Media Botch & Mobiles on Planes

Aug 25, 2014

The Roast says all headlines are dangerous because of one extremist headline, we look at The Daily Telegraph's media botch, and Scott Morrison leaves his media blackout to answer questions.

Disability Wage Review & Rudd Gillard Book
S03E91 · Disability Wage Review & Rudd Gillard Book

Aug 26, 2014

The Roast's dog accidentally fouls on the headlines' lawn, and we take a look at the amazingly fair wages being paid to people with intellectual disabilities. Also, sarcasm.

NBN Cost-Benefit Analysis & Pup Kills GP Co-Payment
S03E92 · NBN Cost-Benefit Analysis & Pup Kills GP Co-Payment

Aug 27, 2014

The Roast delivers high speed headlines and the Coalition releases a cost-benefit analysis report on the high speed NBN.

Roast Recap 18
S03E93 · Roast Recap 18

Aug 29, 2014

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Renewable Energy Target & Julia Gillard Interview
S03E94 · Renewable Energy Target & Julia Gillard Interview

Sep 01, 2014

The Roast plunges into a time portal and finds headlines about Julia Gillard, and we look at the fate of the Renewable Energy Target. This just in: success is bad, so start failing if you want to survive.

Australia in Iraq & Federal Arts Funding
S03E95 · Australia in Iraq & Federal Arts Funding

Sep 02, 2014

The Roast makes the headlines walk the plank yet again in a 5th Pirates movie and we examine Australia's role in fighting ISIS. Also, if anyone from ISIS is reading this: tonight's episode is about how awful the US is.

Mining Tax Repeal Superannuation & Lambie Ice Bucket
S03E96 · Mining Tax Repeal Superannuation & Lambie Ice Bucket

Sep 03, 2014

The Roast pours a bucket of headlines all over the television and we take a closer look at the after effects of the mining tax repeal. Sadly a debate on the Comedy Writers Tax has failed to reach the Senate.

Gamergate, Misogyny & Bob Day
S03E97 · Gamergate, Misogyny & Bob Day

Sep 04, 2014

The Roast sits in the house with the red seats and squirms through Bob Day's maiden speech and we take a closer look at sexism in gaming, an issue that seems as hard to beat as Tetris level 30.

Roast Recap 19
S03E98 · Roast Recap 19

Sep 05, 2014

If you've been working overtime this week to desperately cobble together a better superannuation, you might have missed this week's news. Thankfully, we've put together this recap.

Australia Fund & One Year of Parliament
S03E99 · Australia Fund & One Year of Parliament

Sep 08, 2014

Unlike Oasis, the Roast decides to looks back in anger at the last year in politics, and we look at Palmer's live-action Australia Fund in a not so live-action way.

Hawking, Royal Baby & Scotland
S03E100 · Hawking, Royal Baby & Scotland

Sep 09, 2014

The Roast reads Stephen Hawking's new book and we look at the debate surrounding Scottish independence, it's like a Scotch Finger; split down the middle and delicious with milk.

Apple Watch & New Submarines
S03E101 · Apple Watch & New Submarines

Sep 10, 2014

The Roast yells 'Up Periscope!' and examines Australia's new submarine purchase, then torpedos the announcement of the new Apple Watch.

Community Television & Gene Patenting
S03E102 · Community Television & Gene Patenting

Sep 11, 2014

The Roast finally tunes in to Community Television only to find out it's getting the boot, then looks into gene patenting, before realising it has no right to make money off Gene Wilder.

Roast Recap 20
S03E103 · Roast Recap 20

Sep 12, 2014

The Roast recaps the biggest stories of the week, from Scottish independence and iGasms to a scathing review of the first year of the Abbott Government.

Terror Alert Level & Black Caviar
S03E104 · Terror Alert Level & Black Caviar

Sep 15, 2014

The Roast sires jokes about Black Caviar's daughter and Team Australia gets high on terror alerts.

New Zealand Election & Pollie Recognition Survey
S03E105 · New Zealand Election & Pollie Recognition Survey

Sep 16, 2014

The Roast looks at the day's headlines and a showdown in New Zealand between an internet entrepreneur and the government. We understand Peter Jackson has already bought the film rights.

China Coal, Panda Sex & Polio
S03E106 · China Coal, Panda Sex & Polio

Sep 17, 2014

The Roast looks at China's changes to coal import rules and Clive Palmer's voting record. It's not as impressive as his napping record.

Medical Marijuana & Food Star Ratings
S03E107 · Medical Marijuana & Food Star Ratings

Sep 18, 2014

The Roast uses star ratings to find healthy food and medical marijuana moves one step closer to legalisation. Good news if you're health conscious and have the munchies.

Roast Recap 21
S03E108 · Roast Recap 21

Sep 19, 2014

If at first you don't succeed try and try again. It appears we didn't succeed in getting you to watch these bits the first time, so here they are again in the Roast Recap.

Terrorism, John Howard & Lambie and the Brick
S03E109 · Terrorism, John Howard & Lambie and the Brick

Sep 22, 2014

The Roast looks at John Howard's big TV interview and Jacqui Lambie's comments on terrorism and Iraq. It's a great time for anyone who really misses 2003.

Terrorism Legislation, Tony Abbott & Climate Change
S03E110 · Terrorism Legislation, Tony Abbott & Climate Change

Sep 23, 2014

The Roast flies first class with PM Tony Abbott to not attend a UN climate change summit and domestic terrorism fears mount. Fear and temperature levels are rising.

Gillard Interview & Charity Sector Regulator
S03E111 · Gillard Interview & Charity Sector Regulator

Sep 24, 2014

The Roast throws its two cents into the government's Charity Sector Regulator bucket. Here's hoping we can claim it as a tax write off.

Kevin Rudd, Emma Watson & 4Chan
S03E112 · Kevin Rudd, Emma Watson & 4Chan

Sep 25, 2014

The Roast tells you that Kevin Rudd called Julia Gillard's memoir 'fiction' and an online reaction to Emma Watson's UN speech is stranger than fiction.

Roast Recap 22
S03E113 · Roast Recap 22

Sep 26, 2014

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Cambodia Refugee Deal & Clooney's Wedding
S03E114 · Cambodia Refugee Deal & Clooney's Wedding

Sep 29, 2014

The Roast didn't get invited to George Clooney's wedding, so instead uses the time to look at our refugee deal with Cambodia. To any Cambodian refugees, at least you'll speak the language when you're resettled.

Corporate Tax Avoidance & ABC Cuts
S03E115 · Corporate Tax Avoidance & ABC Cuts

Sep 30, 2014

The Roast looks into tax evasion and ABC budget cuts. So if Lateline gets cancelled, send your complaints to the Cayman Islands.

Newman Inquiry & Hong Kong Protests
S03E116 · Newman Inquiry & Hong Kong Protests

Oct 01, 2014

Hong Kong protests against China and the Coalition protests that Clive Palmer's Senate inquiry is a vendetta against the Qld Premier.

Burqa, Terrorism Laws & Leyonhjelm
S03E117 · Burqa, Terrorism Laws & Leyonhjelm

Oct 02, 2014

The Roast spies on David Leyonhjelm's speech about tobacco tax and hopes its coverage about new anti-terror laws doesn't get us spied on by ASIO.

Roast Recap 23
S03E118 · Roast Recap 23

Oct 03, 2014

The Roast Recap. Stories include the protests in Hong Kong and the shutdown of The Australia Network. So shutdown your other plans to catch up on the week's news.

WA Crime Prevention & Olfactory Senses
S03E119 · WA Crime Prevention & Olfactory Senses

Oct 06, 2014

The Roast examines CCTV footage in WA and smells it to make sure our olfactory senses are working before singing glory glory to the headlines.

Greg Hunt, NZ Govt Texts & Twin Peaks
S03E120 · Greg Hunt, NZ Govt Texts & Twin Peaks

Oct 07, 2014

The Roast checks Greg Hunt's facts on Climate Change. Turns out Wikipedia isn't a peer-reviewed scientific journal after all.

Labor Reform, John Faulkner & the Dole
S03E121 · Labor Reform, John Faulkner & the Dole

Oct 08, 2014

The Roast looks at calls for Labor Party reform. Actual reform seems unlikely, though. The only thing the Labor Party likes to change is their leader.

Ebola, Pup & Bloodmoon
S03E122 · Ebola, Pup & Bloodmoon

Oct 09, 2014

The Roast dives into the Palmer United Party and surfaces as confused and disoriented as we are by Australia's inaction on Ebola.

Roast Recap 24
S03E123 · Roast Recap 24

Oct 10, 2014

The Roast recap gets bored with the ALP's attempts to reform itself, hot in a changing climate and sick with Ebola in Africa - so get ready to turn that frown, even more down.

Racist Rants & Curriculum Review
S03E124 · Racist Rants & Curriculum Review

Oct 13, 2014

The Roast crams for the school curriculum review, and then gets kicked off the bus after shouting the findings at some unsuspecting passenger.

Putin and G20, Abbott & Coal
S03E125 · Putin and G20, Abbott & Coal

Oct 14, 2014

The Roast finds a physically threatening way to interpret news as we look at Abbott's promise to "shirtfront" Vladimir Putin. In tomorrow's news, Abbott will have mysteriously disappeared.

Daily Telegraph, Media Bias & Counterfeit Goods
S03E126 · Daily Telegraph, Media Bias & Counterfeit Goods

Oct 15, 2014

The Daily Telegraph uncovers some striking media bias involving NSW Premier Mike Baird and a shady media publication called 'The Daily Telegraph'.

Egg Freezing, Foreign Subs & Adelaide Election
S03E127 · Egg Freezing, Foreign Subs & Adelaide Election

Oct 16, 2014

The Roast lets Apple and Facebook freeze its eggs in case it one day wants to have a more miniature version of a 10 minute show.

Roast Recap 25
S03E128 · Roast Recap 25

Oct 17, 2014

The Roast recap shirt-fronts the week's news. Stories include Abbott v Putin, racism on public transport and a guide for those doing final year exams. Exam tip: the answer is C. Even in the essay questions.

Girly Man, Burqa Backflip & Fish Sex
S03E129 · Girly Man, Burqa Backflip & Fish Sex

Oct 20, 2014

The Roast lifts the veil on the Parliament's reversal of the burqa ban and embarks on an epic quest to destroy the phrase "girly man" once and for all.

Gough Whitlam, Uni Professor's Emails & Killing Us This Week
S03E130 · Gough Whitlam, Uni Professor's Emails & Killing Us This Week

Oct 21, 2014

The Roast checks its email account, deletes offensive emails from a university professor, tags Killing Us This Week and puts the death of former PM Gough Whitlam in the "sad news" folder.

Asteroid Spotting, Aussie ISIS Teen & Fairfax CH10 Merger
S03E131 · Asteroid Spotting, Aussie ISIS Teen & Fairfax CH10 Merger

Oct 22, 2014

The Roast freaks out over the new ISIS video and the end of our asteroid-spotting program. Now we'll never know when the world will end. Meaning today is as good a time as ever to make passionate love to your ex.

Scott Morrison, Palmer United Party & Gough Whitlam's Greens
S03E132 · Scott Morrison, Palmer United Party & Gough Whitlam's Greens

Oct 23, 2014

The Roast joins the Palmer United Party in Mrs Palmer's place and offers to take on the responsibility of fighting Ebola. So far the plan is to make fun of it until it promises to stop doing what it's doing.

Roast Recap 26
S03E133 · Roast Recap 26

Oct 24, 2014

The Roast rewatches the teen ISIS video, pines for a time when you were allowed to fight in a cage in Melbourne and remembers that ridiculous comment Mathias Cormann made.

Ricky Muir, the Queen Tweets, Shorten Speech & Movie Pirating
S03E134 · Ricky Muir, the Queen Tweets, Shorten Speech & Movie Pirating

Oct 27, 2014

The Roast looks at Bill Shorten's defence of gay marriage and the makers of Dallas Buyers Club are on the hunt for internet pirates. So bad news for everyone in Dallas Stealers Club.

Trans-Pacific Partnership, Great Barrier Reef & ISDS
S03E135 · Trans-Pacific Partnership, Great Barrier Reef & ISDS

Oct 28, 2014

The Roast looks at the negatives of a multilateral Free Trade Agreement and the destruction of the Great Barrier Reef. So bad news for anyone who isn't money or a dead fish.

Fuel Prices & Uni Fees
S03E136 · Fuel Prices & Uni Fees

Oct 29, 2014

The Roast becomes 40 cents more expensive as we examine a potential rise in fuel prices, and we look at uni fees. If you drive to uni you should basically give up now.

Direct Action & Jacqui Lambie
S03E137 · Direct Action & Jacqui Lambie

Oct 30, 2014

The PUP backs the Direct Action Plan and Jacqui Lambie attempts to pull the wool over our eyes and the burkas off our faces.

Roast Recap 27
S03E138 · Roast Recap 27

Oct 31, 2014

You wake up in a cold sweat, you don't know where you are and you've missed a week's worth of life. Luckily the Roast Recap is here to catch you up.

Climate Report & Goodbye Roast
S03E139 · Climate Report & Goodbye Roast

Nov 03, 2014

Brisbane prepares itself for G20 and the UN prepares planet earth for some bad news. SPOILER: It's *not* that the earth's pregnant.

Melbourne Cup, Art Theft & George Brandis
S03E140 · Melbourne Cup, Art Theft & George Brandis

Nov 04, 2014

The Roast covers the Melbourne Cup and then the National Gallery art scandal, heeding the age old advice not to put the art before the horse.

Ebola & Melbourne Cup
S03E141 · Ebola & Melbourne Cup

Nov 05, 2014

The Roast puts the Australian government's response to ebola under the microscope. Spoiler Alert: we find tiny traces of reluctant sympathy.

Goodbye from the Roast
S03E142 · Goodbye from the Roast

Nov 06, 2014

The Roast says goodbye to Australia's politicians and previews what we would have done if we were to return in 2015.

Roast Recap 28
S03E143 · Roast Recap 28

Nov 07, 2014

The Roast takes a look back at the week's news and it's a little awkward because we already said goodbye to it.


The Roast Season 3 (2014) is released on Mar 31, 2014 and the latest season 3 of The Roast is released in 2014. Watch The Roast online - the English Comedy TV series from Australia. The Roast is directed by Nich Richardson and created by Tom Glasson with Mark Humphries and David Ferrier.

As know as:

The Roast





Production Companies:

Hollow Bear Productions

Official Site:

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