Episodes (13)

A Year of Living with Fran
S02E01 · A Year of Living with Fran

Feb 01, 2009

Unlike Fran, who still can't admit she needs glasses, Riley remembered it's the first anniversary of his moving in with the Reeves family. So she decides to cook lobster Tetrazzini and he serves it bare-chested, but just then Allison brings her friend Becca for dinner, who thinks Josh is sexy too. Worse next: Fran's nasty ex Ted Reeves, the kids' dad, who dropped by with daughter Allison's laptop. After the way Ted takes Ryan's seat, constantly belittles him and the others practically ignore him, Ryan is out of the mood and wonders if he has any place at all. However ...

Going to a Bar Mitzvah with Fran
S02E02 · Going to a Bar Mitzvah with Fran

Jun 04, 2008

After Fran embarrassed Josh by telling his former schoolmate Barry Regal, now in Wall Street, the med school drop-out is the video store's assistant-manager, everybody goes to the bar mitzvah of a certain Kenny Goldstein. Alas Fran's ex, Dr. Ted Reeves, is there too, badmouthing Fran and Josh and out-staging her hunk Riley with professional model and dancer Rachel Hunter. The united front gives Ted as good as it gets, but back home it hits Fran: so long after Ted's leaving, is he still a valid excuse for their own failures?

Sweet Sixteen Again with Fran
S02E03 · Sweet Sixteen Again with Fran

Jun 05, 2008

Although Allison screamed she didn't want any fuzz for her 'sweet sixteenth' birthday, both parents decide to give her a memorable one. Fran comes trough: when she spots 'Queer Eye for the Straight Guy' presenter Kyan Douglas in Gregory's shop, she gets him to give Allison and her girlfriends a private make-over at home. Kyan even does the same for Josh, who is proud as a peacock and sends a picture to every girl who ever rejected him; only naturally radiant Ryan is simply too perfect as he is. Scumbag dad Ted had promised tickets for an Andy Vargas concert, but was ...

Learning with Fran
S02E04 · Learning with Fran

Jun 06, 2008

When Fran tells Ryan she is has no clue about all financial aspects of her interior decorating business, he suggests she should consider taking a business class, like Josh. To both boys' horror she takes that as joining Josh's class in college. As if Fran's boisterous style weren't embarrassing enough, so Josh pretends to be an unrelated 'Re-e-ves', she manages to cheat all too loud at desperately innocent Josh during the first marketing pop quiz, so both are thrown out. Allison has a new boyfriend, Todd, who is charming, bright, polite, slick- Ryan instantly hates ...

Ahead of the Plan with Fran
S02E05 · Ahead of the Plan with Fran

Jun 09, 2008

When Fran and Riley find 'adult' son Josh has brought a girl, Taylor Urbanski, over in his bedroom, ever scantier dressed, that's okay, but when teenager daughter Alison is seen kissing her slick boyfriend Todd -the one who unwillingly gives gentle Riley violent phantasms- they are dead against it, so Josh is suddenly chased as 'a bad example', and Taylor's mother is a better housewife. Next the hunt is on to catch the teen couple in the act and Riley plants the seed of commitment fear in Josh's sound male bachelor mind...

Going Crazy with Fran
S02E06 · Going Crazy with Fran

Jun 10, 2008

Riley's mother Donna called five times before his naive kid sister Jenny arrives, and she sure is a pot-plant, still engaged to Jeremy, her first boy-friend ever since Kindergarten. Josh and Allison make fun of Jenny, Fran takes her shopping as the girlish daughter she never had, to be told her taste is too slutty. Fran sends Josh to show Jenny New York, but they only return after a night when they 'accidentally' got married as drunk wedding witnesses for a couple they just met in a bar. Riley and Fran blame each-other as bad examples. Choosing a legal reason for ...

Coupling with Fran
S02E07 · Coupling with Fran

Jun 11, 2008

Riley and Fran realize they don't have many common friends because of their generation gap, but find her friend Becca and his Danny ideal for a double date on their anniversary. When the girls overhear Riley saying he pretended the cool leather coat she gave him is too delicate for him to wear in construction, she's livid but decides to test him further by giving instead an indestructible watch. Meanwhile Josh has fixed his nasty sister Allison a date with hunky Cory, but she and her cahoot dump the lovely boy just because he's a freshman, hence 'social suicide for ...

Healing with Fran
S02E08 · Healing with Fran

Jun 12, 2008

Fran insists till Riley allows reporter Catherine Johnson to write a piece on them as a couple, supposedly as publicity for their businesses, in the local newspaper 'Long Island Life'. Just then Fran's ex Ted drops by to give Alison a driving lesson, but is too proud to decline helping Riley move the couch and gets a heart attack. Because Riley feels guilty even though he couldn't know, they take the recovering bachelor in at home. Josh finally sees a chance to get back at the ever abusive dad from hell when nurse Stacy declines Ted's flirting but eagerly goes out ...

The Whole Clan with Fran
S02E09 · The Whole Clan with Fran

Jun 13, 2008

Fran's parents Hal and Cookie, full-blood Jews who retired to Miami, are visiting her. Riley get to feel barely subtly that he is considered beneath their daughter, as if he were a spineless German sponger. Fran is furious when ma, who disapproves of all her choices, even openly takes Allison's side when the teenager wants to take the pill against PMS, while Fran fears that will only lay her totally open to boy-friend Todd, whom she mistrust even more then teenage hormones. Meanwhile Riley fears he's doing his cause no good by accepting to bet against Hal behind ...

Masquerading with Fran
S02E10 · Masquerading with Fran

Jun 16, 2008

It's Halloween, so Josh is eager to get Riley and Fran out of the house, so he can entertain his present girlfriend Tina. It goes great, till the police drops off devilish sister Allison, only because all cells are full, for driving to a party -she told Fran that Todd drove- without ever having had a license. Meanwhile Riley learns to his light shock Fran has brought him to a costume party -he makes a very cute Indiana Jones- without invitation, as earlier to a funeral, so she can hunt for interior decoration customers. Alas one of the guests, bar-girl Beth, throws ...

Going to Bed with Fran
S02E11 · Going to Bed with Fran

Jun 17, 2008

Fran flirts with Riley's boss to get a job.

Dreaming with Fran
S02E12 · Dreaming with Fran

Jun 18, 2008

When a waitress flirts with Riley at Fran's birthday dinner, adding she can see where Josh got his good looks, Fran is down and gets nightmares about all the Reeves family being ancient, fat and ugly, only Ryan still seems a young god at 70. When Riley gets her to see a gynecologist, the verdict is a hysterectomy, which stops her PMS, even if it starts menopause. Ted does the operation which goes well, everyone is at her bedside, but after a nightmare about Riley wasting his young life to take care of her, she breaks up unilaterally, pretending he now makes her feel ...

Reuniting with Fran
S02E13 · Reuniting with Fran

Jun 19, 2008

Now Fran has dumped her true love Riley and thrown him out 'for his own good', both of them are miserable enough to become impossible to live with, Fran is filling the Reeves house with TV-sale appliances which do more harm then good. When dumb Becca turns out to be as good at singing ('The Way We Were', perfect for more waterworks from Fran) as Allison stinks at any form of performance, Josh decides to launch her at cousin Merrill's wedding to Riley's mate Danny. There the lovebirds face facts, Josh tells the true reason and conclusions are drawn...


Living with Fran Season 2 (2008) is released on Feb 01, 2009 and the latest season 2 of Living with Fran is released in 2008. Watch Living with Fran online - the English Comedy TV series from United States. Living with Fran is directed by Peter Bonerz,Gerry Cohen,Barnet Kellman,Steve Zuckerman and created by Josh H. Etting with Tim Meadows and Mort Drescher.

As know as:

Living with Fran, Да живееш в Фран(Bulgarian), Living with Fran(English), Život s Fren, Robbing the Cradle


United States



Production Companies:

Fringe Producers, On Time and Sober Productions, New Regency Productions

Cast & Crew

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