Episodes (10)

Tultepec: Mexico's Skyrocket Central
S02E01 · Tultepec: Mexico's Skyrocket Central

Jan 04, 2012

The small city of Tultepec, a suburb of Mexico City, specializes in the production of fireworks, supplying much of the country known for fireworks in its festivals. In March of each year Tultepec celebrates with dazzling, flamboyant, and hazardous displays of fireworks that wildly exceed any other in Mexico.

In the Shadow of the Volcanoes: Chile's Melting Pot
S02E02 · In the Shadow of the Volcanoes: Chile's Melting Pot

Jan 11, 2012

Southern Chile is a land of forests, rivers, lakes, and volcanoes. It is also home to Native American and immigrant communities. We visit Mapuche Indians and German and Italian immigrant communities and the vast landscapes they inhabit.

The Rainforest Nisei: Japanese Immigrants in the Amazon
S02E03 · The Rainforest Nisei: Japanese Immigrants in the Amazon

Jan 18, 2014

In the early 1920s, a small group of Japanese peasants received a land grant deep in the vast forests of the Amazon. Today their descendents have become prosperous farmers, raising tropical crops and pepper, all the while protecting large tracts of primary tropical forest.

Two Millennia of Mayas: Guatemala's Cultural Legacy
S02E04 · Two Millennia of Mayas: Guatemala's Cultural Legacy

Jan 25, 2014

Archaeologists have only recently begun to restore the important Maya city of Ceibal, situated along the Passion River deep in the Petén forest of Guatemala. We travel to the site with scientists directing the latest excavations and visit the homes of the Maya workers who are restoring the site.

Ice, Rock, and Water: The Sierra Nevada
S02E05 · Ice, Rock, and Water: The Sierra Nevada

Feb 01, 2014

California's Sierra Nevada is the largest and highest mountain range in the continental United States and, until recently, a geological puzzle. The source of colossal wealth in the form of gold and, now, water, it was a formidable roadblock to settlement of the state. Wevisit the range with renowned tectonic specialist Eldridge Moores.

Fiesta in the Yucatán: Maya Traditions
S02E06 · Fiesta in the Yucatán: Maya Traditions

Feb 08, 2014

Each year on January 6, pilgrims travel to the ancient Maya city of Tizimín in the Yucatán peninsula to celebrate Epiphany. The festival of the Day of the Kings combines pre-Columbian and modern themes, all of them gilded with the touch of the Mayas.

Panama: A City and a Canal
S02E07 · Panama: A City and a Canal

Feb 07, 2014

Panama City has been a pivotal shipping port for hundreds of years-over water and over land. Today it has become an economic powerhouse, the Hong Kong of the Americas, thanks to its booming canal. But the canal cannot function without the services provided by the huge rainforest that envelopes it.

Bahia: Brazil's African Connection
S02E08 · Bahia: Brazil's African Connection

Feb 22, 2014

African-Brazilians provided Brazil with internationally renowned cultural symbols: samba and carnival. The center of African-Brazilian culture is the city of Salvador in the state of Bahia. Its connection to Africa-physical and cultural-helps us to understand the distinct cultural and culinary contributions from this vibrant repository of African influence, and to recognize the heritage of slavery

Winter in the Caldera: January in the Yellowstone Hotspot
S02E09 · Winter in the Caldera: January in the Yellowstone Hotspot

Mar 01, 2014

Yellowstone National Park is U.S. national park, and one of the most visited. In winter, access is limited, and visitors and wildlife are challenged by deep snow and fierce cold. The frozen landscape is utterly transformed from summertime, and its explosive potential is even more evident.

Whistles in the Mist: Whistled Speech in Oaxaca
S02E10 · Whistles in the Mist: Whistled Speech in Oaxaca

Mar 08, 2014

The Chinantecan people of mountainous northern Oaxaca, Mexico, speak by whistling as well as by talking. We visit their isolated community and see for ourselves how they use whistled speech to supplement-and sometimes replace-spoken speech.


In the Americas with David Yetman Season 2 (2012) is released on Jan 04, 2012 and the latest season 6 of In the Americas with David Yetman is released in 2016. Watch In the Americas with David Yetman online - the English Documentary TV series from United States. In the Americas with David Yetman is directed by Daniel Duncan and created by David Yetman with David Yetman and .

As know as:

In the Americas with David Yetman, Voyage aux Amériques avec David Yetman, Amerika mit David Yetman


United States



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