Episodes (3)

Nature's Miracle
S01E01 · Nature's Miracle

Jan 01, 2012

The Great Barrier reef, a series of coral reefs along Queensland's coast, is the largest structure created by organisms. Where geology and tides are favorable, coral reefs are created by innumerable minute organisms, animal and vegetable corals and the microorganisms they host. The islands are the richest maritime biotope for fish and other aquatic creatures. It all changes quickly with the tides, the season and shaping forces such as erosion.

Reef to Rainforest
S01E02 · Reef to Rainforest

Jan 08, 2012

Most of the Great Barrier Reef are island behind the corals. They have a diverse wildlife, dependent on their relatively rapid life cycle, height, arrival of 'immigrants', suitability for egg laying etc.

Reef and Beyond
S01E03 · Reef and Beyond

Jan 15, 2012

However fascinating the reefs themselves may be, far more species depend on the environment they create outside, both on island soil and in deep sea. Each occurs in Australia and its Indian Ocean waters in abundant number and variety.


Great Barrier Reef Season 1 (2012) is released on Jan 01, 2012. Watch Great Barrier Reef online - the English Documentary TV series from United Kingdom. Great Barrier Reef is directed by Richard Fitzpatrick,James Brickell and created by James Brickell with Monty Halls and Karl Stefanovic. Great Barrier Reef is available online on Disney Plus and Tubi TV.

As know as:

Great Barrier Reef, A Grande Barreira de Corais, Das Great Barrier Reef - Naturwunder der Superlative, A Nagy-korallzátony, Большой барьерный риф


United Kingdom



Production Companies:

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Digital Dimensions, Discovery UK

Cast & Crew

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