Episodes (51)

Episode #3.1
S03E01 · Episode #3.1

Oct 16, 2016

The kids return to the DAM for the new school term. The Ghost Rockers play an opening concert, but the girls are late due to Charlie's fashion trouble and Mila feeling watched, which she is. Alex feels a little left-out, having no lover in the band. Unwilling to be out-staged by visiting colleagues from prestigious art schools, the principal foolishly claims ti have entered the musical competition. Matthew is happy with Lauren.

Episode #3.2
S03E02 · Episode #3.2

Oct 18, 2016

The DAM staff hastily seeks to organize a musical by presenting the whole project as a competition to win the director's chair, for which candidates abound. Unamused Mila reacts rudely when she discovers her sneaky observer is none other then her ex-con father Miguel, but he insists to have been falsely accused of murder. They agree to meet in a stash location, but the police follows them there unseen.

Episode #3.3
S03E03 · Episode #3.3

Oct 19, 2016

Brandon's senor dance class pupils are instructed to prepare a choreography on their roots, so he visits his father Rocco in jail to learn about his late mother, especially her fatal accident. The DAM competition to win the musical director's chair divides even the band, as Alex is tempted to desert Jimy's side for Lauren. Cop Tom and his partner question Mila about her ex-con father Miguel's escape, but she insists pretends not to have heard about him, despite warnings of complicity charges.

Episode #3.4
S03E04 · Episode #3.4

Oct 20, 2016

Brandon goes trough his late mother Helena's things, which wields inspiration for his choreography, but also finds the story of her fatal accident abroad when he was little can't be true. The DAM competition for the musical director's chair is won by Jimmy's side but Lauren refuses to give up and still expects Alex's help. Charlie finds out about Mila's ex-con father Miguel's escape and claim of innocence, but guesses they know the victim. The band ghosts give them a clue, pointing to the retired cop detective who still believes Miguel murdered Lena.

Episode #3.5
S03E05 · Episode #3.5

Oct 24, 2016

Brandon goes confront father Rocco in jail with the holes in the story about his late mother Helena's death, but finds him unresponsive and evasive, which messes up his dance practice. Alex convinces musical director's Jimmy's to offer Lauren chores, but overplays it by promising her the assistant director chair. Mila's ex-con finds escaped father Miguel at home again claim of innocence, but however convincing that sounds, making her persist to lie to the police, fears he murdered Lena and decides to tell Brandon that's probably his mother Helena.

Episode #3.6
S03E06 · Episode #3.6

Oct 25, 2016

Brandon refuses to hear Mila's theory, yet makes jail father Rocco admit his late mother Helena's death was murder, but is shocked to hear Mila's father is the killer, so he turns bitterly on her for apparently defending and protecting him, which she does again questioned by cop Tom. At Alex's suggestion Jimmy made Lauren his assistant director but keeps dumping chores on her, while ignoring her ideas for 'Titanic the musical' or taking credit.

Episode #3.7
S03E07 · Episode #3.7

Oct 26, 2016

Brandon investigates his late mother Helena's murder, but ignores the significance of the key he found in her things, while the ghosts inspire Mila b-trough another song it and young Brandon are the clues, even adding a locker number. Behind Alex's back, Lauren abuses her assistant director chores to sabotage 'Titanic the musical' and discredit Jimmy.

Episode #3.8
S03E08 · Episode #3.8

Oct 28, 2016

Brandon and Mila team up and make up to investigates his late mother Helena's murder, finding the key fits an old school wing locker, containing papers showing she shared a secret with best friend Manuel. Discredited Jimmy's director job goes to Lauren, until her sabotage of 'Titanic the musical' is exposed and his initial instructors found adequate.

Episode #3.9
S03E09 · Episode #3.9

Oct 29, 2016

Alex is pleased to see buddy Jimmy restored as Titanic director and eager to help, yet lets duly chores-punished Lauren lure him to write an alternative, Beauty and the Beast, to star them both. Jonas, having recorded Mila and Charlie's exclusive ghosts session, and supported by the other boys, confronts his lover who acts as if a victim when asked what they investigate behind his back. Brandon consults his father Rocco in jail again, who admits already having broken up with his late mother Helena before her murder, so she might have had a affair with Manuel.

Episode #3.10
S03E10 · Episode #3.10

Oct 01, 2016

Jonas get the girls and Brandon, who agrees first, to tell the boys about Helena's murder. They agree to consult the spirits and research jointly without telling Brandon their secret. Jimmy's Titanic is finally staged properly and pleases the visiting musical competition selection panel. Alex helps chores-punished Lauren writing an alternative, Beauty and the Beast, starring them both. Manuel visits Mila again and hides in the school's props attic, but his noises raise Lauren's suspicion.

Episode #3.11
S03E11 · Episode #3.11

Oct 02, 2016

Having spotted a 'creep' in the school's props attic, Lauren calls the police, which interrupts Titanic but fails to find Manuel. Alex and Lauren hastily stage their Beauty and the Beast, which also pleases the visiting musical competition selection panel.

Episode #3.12
S03E12 · Episode #3.12

Nov 04, 2016

Jonas finds a clue in the ghosts' song 'up and down ever over' and Matthew's video of Helena dancing: the venue, an old show house. Cop Tom fails to find the 'creep' in the school's props attic, as Mila helps Miguel hide. The jury appreciates both Titanic and. Alex and Lauren's Beauty and the Beast, the last even more, while wining the students seem to lack team spirit, but the bad news doesn't stop at questioning Alex's gang loyalty; the principal wants neither show to go on.

Episode #3.13
S03E13 · Episode #3.13

Nov 06, 2016

Jonas's clue idea leading to an old show house yields a mushy poem by Helena about love for then toddler Brandon, which Rocco and Miguel recall was her 'proud-artistic' habit. Jimmy notices a strange pattern. The gang expected the principal to punish Lauren for staging an unauthorized alternative show, but Titanic is canceled too and both crews are deemed 'unprofessional', The spineless principal orders staff to consider expulsions and orders the next assignment to be 'team building' by pairing the best dancers with the weakest.

Episode #3.14
S03E14 · Episode #3.14

Nov 08, 2016

The mushy poem and pattern remain mysterious, even after a Ghosts song suggest's there's a matching half. The principal forces Jimmy to chaperon elsewhere expelled new pupil Fenne, who ditches him, yet both blame him. Lauren gets Alex to volunteer minding other newcomer Jules for her, but the principal and his hot looks change her mind. The poor dancers' unrealistic expectations can't be met, Jonas worries about Brandon's closeness with Mila.

Episode #3.15
S03E15 · Episode #3.15

Nov 09, 2016

The chemistry class inspires heating the mushy poem to complement the pattern which remain mysterious, until Brandon recognizes the map of a camping site his parents took him to as a little boy. The principal must force Jimmy to chaperon new pupil Fenne, until he hears ow badly the previous school treated her, but Lauren takes over from Alex to volunteer minding other newcomer Jules once she sees what a hottie that is. The dance assignment is neglected to check it out dispersed, allowing Brandon to playfully steal a kiss from non-amused Mila.

Episode #3.16
S03E16 · Episode #3.16

Nov 10, 2016

Jules sees trough Lauren's lies and shows no interest in wasting time on her. While Brandon's talent drags even hopeless Charlie trough the duo dances, absent-minded Mila ruins it for Jonas. The gang concentrates on searching the camping site, where Alex finds the spot the map suggests they must dig.

Episode #3.17
S03E17 · Episode #3.17

Nov 14, 2016

The gang finds and digs up on the camping site a buried suitcase, presumably Helena's, but apparently a robber's kit and hefty cash loot, plus a detailed map, probably for a target. Back at school, Jonas and Mila are 'blacklisted', in danger if expulsion unless they put up a dialogue within a week. Jimmy volunteers as director, picking Fenne as assistant. Brandon reluctantly agrees to consult Miguel, but the groundskeeper's dog has spotted the hole and the stash in the school attic is empty.

Episode #3.18
S03E18 · Episode #3.18

Nov 15, 2016

The gang finds Helena's robber's kit and cash loot not stolen, Alex just took them to the abandoned theater. Despite Jimmy, Jonas and Mila make little progress preparing a romantic dialogue. Brandon consults Rocco in jail, who doubts if Helena was a thief. Lauren deliberately locks herself up at school with Jules, but he shows no romantic interest until luckily liberated by Alex, into whom he confides being gay. Against Miguel's warning, Mila returns to snoop in the camping site but the groundskeeper's dog spots the intruder, so he captures her.

Episode #3.19
S03E19 · Episode #3.19

Nov 16, 2016

The gang is puzzled why Mila misses rehearsals with Jonas for their vital performance, ignoring she's caught and roped up by the camping keeper. However a voicemail inspires Brandon to get suspicious and go there, just in time to help her escape despite the formidable guard dog. Jimmy has a breakthrough deciphering the letter code found in Helena's robbery kit and at the camping site, actually the name of a legendary robbery gang which was after the chalice which presumably was her museum robbery target, and indeed got stolen.

Episode #3.20
S03E20 · Episode #3.20

Nov 18, 2016

Jonas dumps Mila having seen her kiss rescue-savior Brandon, one secret too much. Yet Jonas's anger renders their vital performance career-saving. Fenne waves mystery calls but gets a surprise visit from a man from her past. The deciphered letter code and another ghosts song combine to point to the chalice robbery-suspected mystery gang. Mila panics when she sees her father secretly arriving there.

Episode #3.21
S03E21 · Episode #3.21

Nov 21, 2016

Jonas, having dumps Mila, bitterly abstains from gang activities. The others speculate why Miguel never told Mila about his connection to the relics gangsters, having seen him at the presumed HQ, like the camping manager. Jules, raised in Dixieland, is to co-teach a Charleston project, and selects enthusiastic two-left-feet-hottie Alex as his dance partner. The mystery man from Fenne's past snatches an advance from her purse when demanding she pays back her 1,500 Euro debt soon. Jimmie gets the principal to consider reentering the musical competition by promising to ...

Episode #3.22
S03E22 · Episode #3.22

Nov 22, 2016

The gang sneaks out of the robbers' HQ, nearly discovered by their boss and his security cameras. Jimmie's musical budget projection is laughed away as twice what the school can afford, so he needs to raise half himself. So he and Fenne plan to turn the Charleston project into a paying performance, increasing the pressure on Alex to do well with relaxed partner Jules. Jonas avoids Mila, but is convinced to rejoin the Ghostrockers in the case of Helena and the chalice. The girls wriggle trough Quinten's home, finding out he directed the piece during which Helena was ...

Episode #3.23
S03E23 · Episode #3.23

Nov 23, 2016

Jules shows insecure Alex his own method to teach the Charleston 'by feeling' outdoors, and it helps. Jimmy and Fenne start selling tickets for the dance spectacle, but she's reminded by the mystery man she must pay soon, even if that means stealing from the till. The girls are caught breaking into director Quinten Merx's home, detected by his security cameras, so the boys hold him at knife-point and demands details about his and Migue's part in Helena's toxic murder and the chalice robbery, but he's too scared, and indeed gets grilled afterward by the camping ...

Episode #3.24
S03E24 · Episode #3.24

Nov 24, 2016

Jules and Alex perform great at the Charkeston event, which is a ht, yes Jules's mother seems displeased how well it clicks between the new mates. Jimmy is delighted by the ticket sales, but Lauren sort of sees how Fenne steals most to pay off her debt. The robbers gang, having questioned Quinten Merx after the break-in, head for the school. The clue Quinte slipped to Mila leads her and Brandon to an archive, where they find a stash including a tape containing the theater lay rehearsal recording used to frame Miguel for Helena's toxic murder.

Episode #3.25
S03E25 · Episode #3.25

Nov 28, 2016

Jules tells Alex his dream is to dance for his idol in Australia. Jimmy doubts Lauren's claim that Fenne stole the ticket sale receipts, which she indeed hands to Freddie to pay off her debt, so a body search yields nothing. The robbers gang arrives at the archive, where they find a destroy the tape containing the theater play rehearsal recording used to frame Miguel for Helena's toxic murder. Miguel still is delighted that Mila finally believes him, but his hideout is assigned by the principal as junk dump.

Episode #3.26
S03E26 · Episode #3.26

Nov 30, 2016

Alex leaves silently upset when Jules laughs about his mother's condition they not become boyfriends to afford him a dream workshop in Australia for food grades.The principal's 'squatter' alert puts cop Tom on the trace of Miguel, leading to Mila, who clearly helped the 'escaped murderer'. Jimmie needs inspiration for a cheap hit musical by tomorrow and sees Freddy kiss Fenne. Brandon wants to replace Jonas as Mila's boyfriend but believes it's too soon to move. Out of other clues, the gang returns to Quinten, who moves now the gold snake bandits are active again and ...

Episode #3.27
S03E27 · Episode #3.27

Dec 01, 2016

Alex is strangely quiet after Jules cheerfully remarks his mother thinks they are an item. Jimmy overhears Freddie warning Fenne even paying off her debt can't sever their ties, then finds she has a bracelet with the golden snake emblem. The police officially searches Mila's place for traces of Miguel. Brandon agonizes how to approach her without scaring her off.

Episode #3.28
S03E28 · Episode #3.28

Dec 02, 2016

Alex gives a great sensitive mime performance. Jules is not amused when his snobbish mother makes crystal clear his dream workshop in Australia depends not dating 'common' Alex, posing a dilemma. Miguel hides scared and hand-wounded, is delighted that Mila sent him provisions, delivered by Brandon, whom he finds greatly recalling his mother. Jimmie gets desperate for inspiration for a cheap hit musical by tomorrow and gets Fenne to admit she was dragged into the gold snake gang with Freddy. Jonas promises to help Mila who wants to try getting her recruited.

Episode #3.29
S03E29 · Episode #3.29

Dec 05, 2016

Alex is down because Jules is no longer cheerful and aloof, is if preoccupied by Australia, ignoring his mother's condition. Inspired by Jonas's research about the Medici murder play Miguel rehearsed with Helena, and the news their theater is being restored for the musical competition, Jimmy decides to stage that. Brandon finds out that Mila is determined to leave the Ghostrockers, who are shocked, so Jimmie must admit Fenne considers introducing her to the golden snake. Freddie is not amused that Fenne suggests Mila could take her place and orders the intruder ...

Episode #3.30
S03E30 · Episode #3.30

Dec 06, 2016

Alex is down even more then Jules, who reluctantly tells him he's concentrating on his career and preparations for by Australia. Blinded by colleague Vince De Leeuw's ambition to beat the conservatory in the musical competition, the principal agrees to team up with Vince in artistic charge on Jimmy's Medici murder play. Brandon and her fellow Ghostrockers protest that Mila is determined to leave the band, so Jimmie must admit it was Fenne condition for introducing her to the golden snake. Freddie ponders Fenne's suggestion that Mila, being unknown and Miguel's heir, ...

Episode #3.31
S03E31 · Episode #3.31

Dec 07, 2016

Alex's gloom yields a fine melancholic piano performance, which he dedicates to unnamed negative muse Jules, who has chosen Australia but regrets it. Jimmy is panicking, unable to track down the rare Medici murder play script. Brandon and Jonas decide to keep an eye on Mila, whom Fenne prepares for her 'test mission' to join the golden snake.She must seduce the rival Silva gang's playboy prince Lucas, and her grossly cocky attitude seems to awake his interest.

Episode #3.32
S03E32 · Episode #3.32

Dec 08, 2016

Jules's posh mother's endless nagging and snobbery over finding a suitable mate 'our level' decides him to break his promise and delightfully surprise Alex with a passionate kiss. Brandon can't resist breaking up Lucas and Mila, which renders him suspicious. Frederik prepares and instructs her to break into the rival Silva gang's playboy prince Lucas's villa, and steal the priceless statue, but she clumsily sets off his alarm. Jimmy finds the rare Medici murder play script, helped by Charlie, and assures her they remain best buddies.

Episode #3.33
S03E33 · Episode #3.33

Dec 12, 2016

Alex wants to tell the mates being on kissing terms with Jules, but he holds back, asking to 'chill'. Frederik nearly left without Mila as the villa alarm was triggered but gets her out after Lucas arrives, who fails to follow them, and wonders how she got into the safe unprepared, but is delighted they got the statue. Desperately preparing the Medici Murder musical project for Vince, Jimmy kisses Charlie.

Episode #3.34
S03E34 · Episode #3.34

Dec 13, 2016

The Medici Murder musical project presentation is a hit, hood enough to snatch the last competition spot the Conservatory was counting on. In celebratory mood, Jimmy and Charlie tells the band gang they're a couple. Alex confides Jules kissed him, but wants to keep it quiet, and when asking Jules with another kiss learns the problem is his mother's obsession with an exclusive career focus. Mila ignores warnings from Manuel and Brandon that stealing to infiltrate Golden Snake is way over the top, and overhears the gang boss explain to Frederik that the cup Helena ...

Episode #3.35
S03E35 · Episode #3.35

Dec 14, 2016

Alex overhears Jules' mother stating he must not only focus on his career, but 'common' Alex isn't good enough for the posh family, so Alex goes into sulking mood, fearing their relationship is doomed. Mile wines endlessly to Miguel and Brandon as if they had no reason to worry about her excessive risk, and is duly given a non-passing grade by the new dance teacher, as she failed to prepare or even find a proper partner. Instructed by Vince to show the musical cast and crew who's boss, Jimmy finally does but overdoes, needing sensible advise. The ghosts latest song ...

Episode #3.36
S03E36 · Episode #3.36

Dec 15, 2016

Alex overhears Jules' mother stating he must not only focus on his career, but 'common' Alex isn't good enough for the posh family, so when Jules begs understanding to save his Australian dream, Alex goes into sulking mood, fearing their relationship is doomed. Mile wines endlessly to Miguel and Brandon as if they had no reason to worry about her excessive risk-taking, and is duly given a non-passing grade by the new dance teacher, as she failed to prepare or even find a proper partner, even runs off, yet Brandon seeks to comfort and rescue her, but she just snaps ...

Episode #3.37
S03E37 · Episode #3.37

Dec 19, 2016

Jules' mother bursts into class to praise his devotion to his career, but thus decides his mind to publicly kiss Alex , so when she demands Jules chooses give up his Australian dream, even proves prepared to move out of home. Mila gets Brandon as stake-out to plant a bug on the ballerina statue, but Fre catches her at the safe. Jimmy's casting is compromised when headless Charlie forces him to offer poor actor Jonas the male lead.

Episode #3.38
S03E38 · Episode #3.38

Dec 20, 2016

Alex is back in jolly mood now Jules has chosen him over Australia. Jonas and co-lead-lover Fenne act worse then Jimmie feared, yet Vince announces a checkup soon. Fre doesn't realize what Mila was doing, she even overhears him agree to a delivery with the one person who knows where to find the cup and is given the ballerina statue as price . Brandon comes along to check up on the parcel, but they're caught.

Episode #3.39
S03E39 · Episode #3.39

Dec 21, 2016

Alex is delighted that Jules chooses him over Australia, but his mother calls his bluff when Jules threatens to move out. Vice attends a rehearsal where Jonas didn't even learn the right text and orders the male lead replaced. Mila plants a bug on the ballerina and follows Fre delivering it to a fence who pays for it with a horse statue delivered to a warehouse, where Jonas and she are caught searching for it, but he bluffs their way out and snatches the Trojan horse, even makes the owners explain it holds half the code to the poisoned cup.

Episode #3.40
S03E40 · Episode #3.40

Dec 22, 2016

Alex is back in jolly mood now Jules has chosen him over Australia and charms unwilling Mila in taking Jukes in as temporary house guest. Jimmie fired Jonas as male lead, the rest of the gang feels he betrayed the band of friends. There is no progress in deciphering the Trojan horse code or finding the other half. Miguel is pleased that Mila starts believing in Brandon again. Thanks to a security video, Fre and his superior find out Jonas and Mila commandeered the horse and realize they're after the cup for Miguel's sake.

Episode #3.41
S03E41 · Episode #3.41

Jan 09, 2017

Jules and Alex are happy as artistically productive, openly kissing couple, his posh mother tries to get the Australian masterclass to count but the Academy stick to the program. Fre and his superior admit to big boss Torenstra that Miguel's daughter stile the first code part and are ordered to fix things. Fre arranges to copy her cellphone which puts them just as far as the band gang plus Miguel and Brandon on the trail of the second code half, a Paris museum piece Helena probably stole. Jimmie's alternative leads impress Vic, but Charlie wines friendship must come ...

Episode #3.42
S03E42 · Episode #3.42

Jan 10, 2017

Jules, who color-messes her laundry, and self-invited Alex happily take over host Mila's apartment. Both band and crime gang realize the second code half must be on the Trojan horse artist's simultaneously Paris museum-stolen Odysseus-statue, and resolve to get it. Jonas objects to Charlie dumping Jimmie over the recasting.

Episode #3.43
S03E43 · Episode #3.43

Jan 11, 2017

The band gang is first at the villa to steal the Odysseus statue from a villa, with Alex risking life and limbs to distract the guard dogs. Fre's gang arrives just in time to record the break-in, his boss decides to let them go and inform the police. Only Jimmie refused to go along with such excessive risk, but finds his new cast too professional to bond as friends.

Episode #3.44
S03E44 · Episode #3.44

Jan 12, 2017

Jules and Alex give Mila's apartment a much-needed makeover with gay taste, but the ingrate comes him a nearly-overstayed guest. Alex smashes the Odysseus statue, revealing a note containing the second code half, but Mila walks around with it outside, where Fre can snatch it up and show he recorded the break-in, which cop Tom already received. Jules dates Fenne, who backs down when he tries to kiss. Charlie remains mean to Jimmie.

Episode #3.45
S03E45 · Episode #3.45

Jan 16, 2017

The break-in recording instantly makes the Ghost Rockers wanted fugitives. Jonas barely escapes from school when cop Tom searches it and hides with Miguel and Brandon, yet can' resist sneaking out to see Fenne, waving her claim he's too good for her as he's the wanted criminal. Jules furiously believes art-thieving lover Alex is also a liar who made him sacrifice his home for nothing, so he returns. Jimmie is ordered by Vince to cease all contact with the disgraced band. Alex risks sneaking there to explain, but alas mother Curtis observes them and calls the police. ...

Episode #3.46
S03E46 · Episode #3.46

Jan 17, 2017

Alex risks everything to explain and win Jules back, but his mother called the cop Tom, whose team set a successful trap using Jules as reluctant bait. Jonas kissed Fenne and Mila Brandon before consulting an old theater contact from Miguel's day, but none of them makes progress on the code -nor does Fre's side- or escapes arrest. Jimmie is found out by Vince having delegated directing rehearsals to incompetent Lauren to visit the band -Brandon still isn't included- and duly rebuked.

Episode #3.47
S03E47 · Episode #3.47

Jan 18, 2017

Cop Tom having arrested Alex and Charlie, Vince pulls the lug on the musical, so Charlie has too much time to visit them and make up. Mila thinks the old man's clues can break the and goes to Miguel and Brandon, but was followed by Tom's team. Miguel distracts the by offering himself for arrest, Brandon makes sure she thus escapes. Fre and his boss captured Fenne to force her to help finding the band gang and crack the code, but she manages to call Jonas for help. .

Episode #3.48
S03E48 · Episode #3.48

Jan 20, 2017

Locked up, Alex and Charlotte can only speculate. Brandon proves the smart a,s responsible one, controlling Mila's headless emotions. Jonas rushed to the gold snake HQ to liberate Fenna, which as Bradon fears went too easy: Fre secretly follows them to the band's hideout. Charlie joins them and manages to crack the code, combining the halves into Greek letters spelling a Ducth text, unaware they're overheard the cu must be in a Great war fort.

Episode #3.49
S03E49 · Episode #3.49

Jan 22, 2017

Visiting Alex and Charlie in prison, Jimmie reports the code is cracked, the others free except Miguel. He convinces the school team a low-budget version of the Titanic musical is worth making, yet isn't sure how himself. Jules refuses even to hear about Alex. Jonas and Brandon's party find clues and key in the fort, and ultimately Helena's contraband stash, containing an apologetic letter for Brandon and the cup. But gild sneak observed and moves in to snatch it all up, including the gang boss whose murderer ID it may prove.

Episode #3.50
S03E50 · Episode #3.50

Jan 24, 2017

The gang is stunned to find the fold snake big boss in none other then principal Vince, who orders them eliminated by means of the fort's torture room with descending ceiling. But an open cellphone alerted Jimmie, whom Jules helps bring in the police, find and free the mates. Only Fre escapes and lurks around, while Alex and Charlotte are freed and join the celebration. Brandon accepts to play the lead with the others completing cast and crew so the musical can still go on.

Episode #3.51
S03E51 · Episode #3.51

Jan 25, 2017

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Ghost Rockers Season 3 (2016) is released on Oct 16, 2016 and the latest season 4 of Ghost Rockers is released in 2017. Watch Ghost Rockers online - the Dutch Drama TV series from Belgium. Ghost Rockers is directed by Gert-Jan Booy and created by Catherine Baeyens with Wout Verstappen and Juan Gerlo.

As know as:

Ghost Rockers





Production Companies:

Studio 100, VRT / Ketnet, VRT

Official Site:


Cast & Crew

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