Episodes (52)

Episode #2.1
S02E01 · Episode #2.1

Nov 05, 2012

A year later, Stef is first to arrive in Galaxy Park, a day before the staff is reunited for the new tourism season. While he catches up with lover Femke, his Exo space-ship suddenly appears to grant him a last chance to return to his planet, which he turns down, even though it means loosing some of his powers and his alien appearance. The secretive Anti Alien Division has detected and localized the ship. After the others arrive for the welcome drinks, Freddie insists on redistributing the jobs by draw of lots.

Episode #2.2
S02E02 · Episode #2.2

Nov 06, 2012

Just aft he secretive Anti Alien Division (AAD) has detected the ship and ordered the remaining alien captured, three suspiciously grim guests arrive in Galaxy Park. Yurik Maes and Hans Dans insist to get the most remote bungalow, and fast. Cleaning it in time would be impossible without Stef's alien telekinesis. Grumpy professor Otto Kumar rudely refuses any help with his substantial, mysterious luggage. Freddie's redistribution of the jobs already roves inefficient. Os Vermeire cheerfully receives a shipment by deliveryman but hastily hides it from everyone.

Episode #2.3
S02E03 · Episode #2.3

Nov 07, 2012

Didi finds Stef and Femke Googling professor Otto Kumar, a world-renowned alien specialist, but is rudely refused any contact, while the couple wonders what his equipment is for. Yurik Maes and Hans Dans move into the most remote bungalow. Didi is a disaster as animator, until Stef uses telekinesis to make him into a darts champion. Instead of reconsidering the inefficient redistribution of the jobs, Freddie just complains about poor results. Didi and Os come up with an idea for the weekend: a space party.

Episode #2.4
S02E04 · Episode #2.4

Nov 08, 2012

Professor Kumar nearly catches nosing Stef and Femke, who are daunted by his lab equipment. Os is forced to admit confidentially to Paula that in order to afford his new motorbike, he ordered wool for embroidery, but can't manage that. Didi unsuspectingly enjoys Stef's telekinesis help with crochet, but accidentally discovers Stef's powers by witnessing him cleaning 'magically'.

Episode #2.5
S02E05 · Episode #2.5

Nov 12, 2012

Didi first faints, then hugs Stef after accidentally discovering his alien super powers and promises secrecy. Braving incessant questions about his home planet, Stef decides against wiping Didi's memory again, but Femke mistrusts that, especially after Didi meets professor Otto Kumar, who states alien experts must face adversities and 'make difficult chooses' but never hide the facts. Hans Dans and Yurik Maes disclose they are TV staff, looking into the possibilities for devoting a reality program to Galaxy Park. Preparations for the alien party continue.

Episode #2.6
S02E06 · Episode #2.6

Nov 13, 2012

Didi nearly breaks his promise of silence towards professor Otto Kumar, but is stooped in time. Hans Dans and Yurik Maes tell Mel she's eligible to star in their studio's reality TV program about Galaxy Park, so she happily volunteers to ask her colleagues all background questions they want, which only Stef avoids. Preparations for the alien party are completed, with a non-alcoholic 'super nova cocktail' designed by Oz.

Episode #2.7
S02E07 · Episode #2.7

Nov 14, 2012

The punch was spiked, which makes everyone who drank it sick - some are even hospitalized. Didi, who drank none, realizes and convinces the others. Despite his terrible record as pat owner, Didi is ordered to mind a customer's guinea-pig. Doctors De Graaf and Peeters arrive and demand, on Health's authority, blood samples from everyone. Stef is tipped off too late, and now risks exposure as blue-blooded alien. Paula is released.

Episode #2.8
S02E08 · Episode #2.8

Nov 15, 2012

Didi thinks of filling the vial for Stef's blood sample with berry juice, so he won't be tested and found out as alien. Stef's telekinesis prevents Femke's hasty clumsiness ruining the swap. Professor Otto Kumar is seen conversing with the mysterious 'Health inspector', who seem to have come out of the blue. Hans Dans and Yurik Maes order Mel to find out more about her colleague's private past. Paula is brought back from hospital and helps Os with his embroidery. Freddie is asked to see another patient, which he also brings to the park.

Episode #2.9
S02E09 · Episode #2.9

Nov 19, 2012

Freddie surprisingly presents the mystery patient, who is in treatment for amnesia, as the kids' not so new colleague: it's Ko. Ever-friendly Didi would welcome him back, so Stef tells him it's a murderous alien from planet Kronos whose mission is to kill Exos. Didi enjoys mind a customer's guinea-pig. The blood samples don't satisfy the AAD, which resorts to 'plan B'. Stef goes spy on professor Kumar's lab, but is discovered. Os can't wait for Paula to help him embroider again, but the other kids suspect a more romantic type of date.

Episode #2.10
S02E10 · Episode #2.10

Nov 20, 2012

Stef suspects Ko of faking amnesia and spies on him, but Ko wastes a perfect opportunity to kill the Exo and even risks being crushed until Didi intervenes. The next nights, first Paula and then Os are abducted and brought back without being noticed by their bunk mates, who are drugged with a gas. Os only notices that unusually sleepy Paula didn't turn up in the pool to help him embroider, so they agree she'll come and get him.

Episode #2.11
S02E11 · Episode #2.11

Nov 21, 2012

Didi finds the guinea-pig he minds mysteriously deep asleep. Together with Os and Paula having missed their nightly meeting, that puts the kids except reality lead-absorbed Mel on the trace of the abductors. Stef, Didi and Femke decide to watch Ko constantly, but meanwhile the gassing fiend strikes again.

Episode #2.12
S02E12 · Episode #2.12

Nov 22, 2012

Didi's inexplicably sleepy guinea-pig convinces the friends Femke didn't imagine narcotized abductions. Stef and his mates confront professor Kumar, who shows them his lab, but assures he only tries to prove aliens exist, not capture one. Os is told he'll loose his motorbike and deposit only he pays within a month. Paula helps him embroider again, but Mel, whom he warned the TV part must be a seduction lie, catches them in the 'unmanly' act.

Episode #2.13
S02E13 · Episode #2.13

Nov 26, 2012

Stef shows mates Didi and Femke a lab tube he found in professor Kumar's lab, proving he lied and must be involved in the punch scam to get blood samples, so he considers using his mind control. Os is mortified when Mel catches him and Paula embroidering and soon show it to the others, but after a laugh Stef offers they'll all help, and tests telekinesis can do that easily. Freddie is elated when the health inspection writes the blood tests were all negative, but Didi discovers they never received any samples.

Episode #2.14
S02E14 · Episode #2.14

Nov 27, 2012

After Stef discovered professor Kumar's sample of space punch, he, Didi and Femke tells him his reservation has expired and help him move out, only to be found out by Freddie, who keeps the paying guest. When Didi bumbles at darts, Stef admits he 'helped more before'. Os is delighted with everybody but Mel helping him embroider, so he promises 'any return favor', yet is reluctant to grant Stef a ride with his new motorbike. Didi finds out Kumar is a regular at the annual global space fans convention but can't attend in Arizona this year for financial reasons. So the ...

Episode #2.15
S02E15 · Episode #2.15

Nov 28, 2012

Professor Kumar's refusal to partake in the treasure hunt is overcome by inspiring a little girl to beg him to help her. While Os and Mel deal with the other guests, Stef, Didi and Femke make sure that Yurik, the only other competent competitor, doesn't beat Kumar. Alas, someone noticed and formally complains when Freddie proclaims Kumar's the winner team.

Episode #2.16
S02E16 · Episode #2.16

Nov 29, 2012

Stef and his mates convince Freddie they didn't sabotage sole real competitor Yurik, so professor Kumar is declared the winner, accepts his prize and the kids happily hep him pack for the Arizona convention. Didi helps Os in a silly prank-war against good sport Stef.month. Ko's memory is triggered again by seeing Didi use his secret recording pen. At night, another boys abduction is prepared, but Didi actually sees the gas being pumped in.

Episode #2.17
S02E17 · Episode #2.17

Dec 02, 2012

The boys' prank war escalates, accidentally involving Femke. Stef discards Didi's conviction, supported by another sleepy guinea-pig episode, to have been abducted at night 'by aliens', since prime suspect professor Kumar is off to the Arizona convention. Freddie orders everyone to organize a sports day. Ko's memory is triggered further when he finds his TBO ID. Paula announces her perfect Kristof is coming to the park for a few weeks.

Episode #2.18
S02E18 · Episode #2.18

Dec 04, 2012

Paula is shattered when her perfect Kristof announces he isn't coming to the park after all, so Stef and his mates decide to cheer her up with a campfire barbecue. It still goes true, with Kristof, when he arrives by surprises, having turned down a photo-shoot and fancy party, and instantly charms everyone except Mel. Os thinks of turning the sports day into an old-fashioned scouts-type event and convinces Mel to apologize for having claimed Paula invented Kristof. Ko accidentally discovers he has superhuman powers.

Episode #2.19
S02E19 · Episode #2.19

Dec 05, 2012

Just before Didi, whom Stef Exodises at his request to hypnotically retrieve his memory from the latest abduction, can denounce the alien-hunter, Os accidentally finds them out. He swears secrecy and starts booby-trapping the boys' bungalow. Mel, whom GHans already told the studio refused 'her' reality soap, thus walks twice onto a rake. With a bloody nose she reproaches Paula for spending time with Kristof and neglecting her desk job. Os is delighted now Stef's superpowers finished the whole embroidery shipment, hopefully in time to pay for his new motorbike.

Episode #2.20
S02E20 · Episode #2.20

Dec 06, 2012

Ko is first to painfully discover Os's booby traps line. Afterward he confides in Didi to be bitter nobody seems to miss him since he lost his memory. Stef get even Kristof to play along in a prank, pretending Os's embroidery was refused, while in fact his motorbike is delivered. The old-fashioned games sports day goes well. Feeling ignored by Mel, Os sabotages her date with Hans, who promised to use his studio contacts for her even now the reality show fell trough. Thus she discovers a lab in Hans's bungalow.

Episode #2.21
S02E21 · Episode #2.21

Dec 10, 2012

Os is delighted that he managed to sabotage Mel's date with Hans, but she thus she discover a lab in his and Yurik's bungalow. They told her to be member of the Anti Alien Division (AAD) and got her tot promise help, but she thinks it's nonsense. When she tells Stef and his mates, they realize there are two dangerous alien hunters in the park and decide they must search their bungalow. Ko is startled, stumbles upon his caravan's old spy equipment and starts remembering his mission from Kronos. Kristof treats Paula to a romantic candle dinner with violin serenade, but ...

Episode #2.22
S02E22 · Episode #2.22

Dec 11, 2012

Stef demonstrates his telekinesis to prove to Mel that friendly aliens exist, but that only spooks her and she ends up running to Hans and Yurik's bungalow, offering them her hunting help. Ko now fully remembers his mission from Kronos, rediscovers his equipment and contacts home to resume duty. An Exo spaceship detected the call but not the message and has other priorities. Kristof's excessive courtship treatment now bores as well as embarrasses plain Paula, but she hides to avoid telling him.

Episode #2.23
S02E23 · Episode #2.23

Dec 12, 2012

Os convinced Mel to trust Stef's bunch and pretend to be at Hans's side in his and Yurik's bungalow, where none of the others could get entry with any excuse, so as to spy on them. When she tells Stef and his mates the hunters have no clue but won't give up, they realize they need a double spy and a diversion, so Mel is recruited and pretends her suspects are Freddie, which is laughed away and Ko, which they seem to believe, but she overhears them planning to continue the abductions: Stef and Femke. Kristof almost ignores Paula's request to tune down the romance.

Episode #2.24
S02E24 · Episode #2.24

Dec 13, 2012

Os is instantly smitten with new girl guest Robin, almost falling for Stef's prank-claim she prefers short hair guys. Mel's attempts to make the Anti Alien Division (AAD) hunters suspect just Ko fail, only Robin's arrival chases them from Femke. Didi reluctantly helps Paula staging a picnic to scare off too perfect Kristof, but he only takes it as a challenge to win her back even more courteously. At night, when the others are to the movies, Stef is ready to resist the AAD abduction attempt, wearing a gas mask.

Episode #2.25
S02E25 · Episode #2.25

Dec 17, 2012

Hans and Yurik fail to abduct Stef before the gang returns and helps constrain them, so Stef can use his mind-control to make them abandon and forget their plans, even leave the park. To celebrate, the kids get Freddie's reluctant permission to hold a pool party. Only Os deliberately breaks the condition not to invite gusts, for Robin, but half the public somehow found out and joins in. Too perfect Kristof finally understands plane Paula doesn't want a romantic prince and gracefully leaves.

Episode #2.26
S02E26 · Episode #2.26

Dec 18, 2012

Stef and his mates are puzzled why Hans and Yurik fail to obey Stef's mind-control but stay in the park, now apparently as cheerful guests. Mel is instructed to seek contact again and find out their intentions. Ko is excited when planet Kronos announces a capsule carrying some Extron, the rare substance that can and even eliminate Exos. Ko proposes an Alliance to fellow alien hunters Hans and Yarik, who first refuse and capture him, but after his mysterious escape accept, so he reveals Stef is the alien.

Episode #2.27
S02E27 · Episode #2.27

Dec 19, 2012

Hans and Yurik can barely believe Ko's claim a shipment of the rare substance to overcome Exos is on the way. Stef wonders when the space capsule carrying it crashes into the park. Freddie is not amused that customer service turned slow with Ko off and Os jealous of Robin's attention for Stef. Now too perfect Kristof has left, Paula finds Didi eager to help her fit tighter in the gang again.

Episode #2.28
S02E28 · Episode #2.28

Dec 20, 2012

Stef notices the space capsule which bring the piece of Extron, but ignores its nature and is distracted by Ko, who gets hold of it. Hans and Yurik convince their reluctant ally Ko to leave it with them for examination, provided they never leave it out of sight. Didi notices they always carry something light-emitting in a backpack. Stef decides they must find out what and agrees to let Didi start an inoffensive but smoke-rich chemical fire, so both boys can slip into their bungalow during the evacuation. When Stef touches the Extron, which had no effect on Didi, the ...

Episode #2.29
S02E29 · Episode #2.29

Jan 07, 2013

Stef's arm was terribly burned or worse by short exposure to the piece of Extron, but Didi quickly put it back in its case and hides them in the boys bungalow. Ko is shocked when he discovers Hans and Yurik lost it and orders them to retrieve it stat. They follow Didi, who promised to hide it and carries the case around, but when they dig it up it's empty. Stef needs time to heal, nursed by Femke, so the other kids in the know redistribute the tasks. Robin volunteers to help and thus impresses Freddie, who feels only Paula remains dutiful even while the firemen are ...

Episode #2.30
S02E30 · Episode #2.30

Jan 08, 2013

As Ko instructed, Hans and Yurik expected to retrieve the Extron by following Didi, who buried the case, but it only contained a child client's dead goldfish. Stef's condition seems only to get worse since his short exposure to the piece of Extron and disables his superpowers, so the mates hide him and redivide the work, but Paula gets suspicious. Didi and Os secretly retrieve the hidden Extron and take it to professor Kumar, who confirms its extraterrestrial and keeps it for observation, but prints a 3D copy to mislead the alien hunters.

Episode #2.31
S02E31 · Episode #2.31

Jan 09, 2013

Didi manages to plant the fake Extron in Hans and Yurik's bungalow. Fooled, they decide not to tell Ko but study its effects themselves, hiding it in a rugby ball, which to their astonishment has no impact when handed to Stef. feeling completely ignored, Paula hands her notice to Freddie, who orders everyone back on their assigned posts. Stef is surprised by Robin, who doesn't just visit but unexpectedly tries mind-control rays on him.

Episode #2.32
S02E32 · Episode #2.32

Jan 10, 2013

Stef's arm is suddenly healed by the contact with Robin, who reveals she's actually Exo-30, sent by the spaceship to check on him and reports back about the Extron, which she is instructed to eliminate. Ko discovers Hans and Yurik retrieve it, concludes from their failed test that it must be a fake and goes looking for the real one. Stef needs time to heal, nursed by Femke rows jealous of Robin as Syef frolics with her. To Freddie's dismay, Paula gives her notice as the gang can't explain why she's excluded from so many conversations.

Episode #2.33
S02E33 · Episode #2.33

Jan 14, 2013

Stef gloomily finds himself ignored by Femke, who is clearly jealous of Robin but pretends rather to miss Paula. Ko found at that the Extron is a counterfeit and grimly briefs Hans and Yurik, who decide to steal Stef's DNA to appease the AAD HQ. Freddie demands the kids focus on work again and come up with a novel entertainment project. Only Femke tries to oppose Os and Robin's suggestion for a 'modern pageant'.

Episode #2.34
S02E34 · Episode #2.34

Jan 15, 2013

Stef assures insecure Femke that Robin, whom he told still not to consider returning to their planet, isn't in love with him, without telling she's fellow Exo alien Exo-30, whom the spaceship instructs to bring them the the Extron, safely cased in titanium. Stef therefore begs Os to pick it up from professor Kumar on his motorbike. Ko however has been spying and set a trap. Hans and Yurik retrieve it, concludes from their failed test that it must be a fake and goes looking for the real one. Freddie's instructions lead to Femke finding out that Paula was hiding in an ...

Episode #2.35
S02E35 · Episode #2.35

Jan 16, 2013

Stef and his mates are appeased when Os arrives with the titanium-case, without mentioning his motorbike incident, so the Extron is entrusted to Robin, who takes it to the ship, but she's followed by Ko, who conferred again with Hans and Yurik. Stef is startled when Didi states humans and aliens can't ever fully understands each-other, yet cohabit as harmoniously as with pets. The gang now concentrates on preparing the pageant, bosses around by Mel, who hopes to win herself.

Episode #2.36
S02E36 · Episode #2.36

Jan 18, 2013

Stef says goodbye 'forever' to Robin, who is to return to the spaceship and Exo with the titanium-cased Extron, and report further observation remains advisable. The gang has a blast during the pageant, which terribly nervous Didi presents excellently thanks to a self-made auto-cue. Mel's disappointment over Robin's victory is soothed by Femke showing her judge Os graded her best.

Episode #2.37
S02E37 · Episode #2.37

Jan 21, 2013

Stef has been followed and caught by Ko, who exposes him to the uncased Extron, but Hans and Yarik turn up and take them all to their bungalow, as their ADD instructions are to catch the alien alive. Ko's protestations are not only ignored, Stef cries out he's another alien race, but that's forgotten after Stef's failed escape attempt. The gang notices his disappearance belated, as Os and Didi have a hangover. A fake goodbye letter convinces Femke that Stef has left with her alleged rival Robin.

Episode #2.38
S02E38 · Episode #2.38

Jan 22, 2013

Stef is watched constantly by Hans and Yurik, who refuse to slack as Ko suggests. The Extron Robin brought to the space ship has been found fake, so realizing Stef must be in danger, she beams back to earth, where Mel accidentally witnesses her transformation. The gang is informed, Paula already suspected Stef's goodbye letter a fake. Freddy however must mobilize everyone for emergency labor as fire inspector Peter Mertens gives them only the next day to deal with a long list of flaws.

Episode #2.39
S02E39 · Episode #2.39

Jan 23, 2013

Stef remains tied-up in Hans and Yarik's bungalow, but when Ko, who enjoyed tormenting him with Extron, hears his 'alies' expect an ADD 'secure transport' to bring him to their HQ, he drugs Hans to execute Stef. The gang, briefed by Robin, must delay their search for Stef as Freddie hounds them to rush the fire safety improvements. Os and Didi use that job as an excuse to search every bungalow and are only barred from Yurik's bedroom.

Episode #2.40
S02E40 · Episode #2.40

Jan 24, 2013

Stef was nearly killed by Ko exposing him to the uncased Extron, but Yarik returns just too soon, wakes up and takes Stef to the AAD truck, to be subjected to cryogenics. The gang gees by Os and Didi's theory, but Freddie hounds them even worse to execute fire prevention as the inflexible fire inspector returns early and refuses any delay. Robin uses her telekinesis and Mel her female charms to hold up the truck, but there's no time to break in or free Stef, so Os must give chase on his motorbike with Robin while the erst is submitted to a fire alarm procedure exam.

Episode #2.41
S02E41 · Episode #2.41

Jan 28, 2013

Stef taunts Ko to a duel, until Hans and Yarik return in the AAD truck, which has technical problems, and stop Ko, still preferring cryogenics to execution, for the sake of scientific research. Stef convinces them only a DNA test will show if Ko is an alien too, but the Kronon hands them a hair, which is indistinguishable from humans. Os nearly has to stop the pursuit for lack of petrol, but Robin steals some using telekinesis. Freddie and the gang pass the inflexible fire inspector's hostile inspection and Mel his fire alarm procedure exam, thanks to her former ...

Episode #2.42
S02E42 · Episode #2.42

Jan 29, 2013

Stef can still convince Hans and Yarik that Ko, whose hair passed the DNA test in the AAD truck, is an alien too after he scratches himself and his skins heals almost instantly, so he's the one subjected to cryogenics. Os nearly lost track of the track, but catches up by shortcut. Robin helps him divert driver Bart long enough for Stef to escape into the wood. Freddie and the gang forgot all about his 'Galaxy daycare' day project, so Didi and the girls are stuck with a load of obnoxious small kids without any preparation.

Episode #2.43
S02E43 · Episode #2.43

Jan 30, 2013

Os and Robin find exhausted, wounded Stef and bring him back to the park, where clown Didi saves Freddie's ill-planned daycare project, only to be cruelly abused by the girls. Ko being froze, Hans and Yarik return in the AAD truck, after alerting HQ it's time to descend on the park with a full team. Stef waves Robin's urging that he must return to the ship to heal, but Femke and the gang insist, fearing he can never again be safe on earth.

Episode #2.44
S02E44 · Episode #2.44

Jan 30, 2013

While Os grins at Didi, trying far too gently to deal with an unruly swimming pool guest, the girls must clean up the daycare mess in a hurry. Stef is safely back, but weakened. Hans and Yarik realize he must have returned and instruct the AAD HQ to send the armed Alfa team urgently. Stef decides to stay and fight, supported by Os and Didi, although Robin sides with the girls that fleeing to the spaceship is his safer option.

Episode #2.45
S02E45 · Episode #2.45

Feb 04, 2013

Os and Didi triumph when Stef decides to stay on earth and fight, until professor Kumar reemerges, warning he intercepted the AAD HQ sending the armed Alfa team, which would have no trouble annihilating any aliens. Stef and Robin now accept to flee to the spaceship, but fail, presumably because it left.

Episode #2.46
S02E46 · Episode #2.46

Feb 05, 2013

Stef and Robin can't find the space ship, but decide to hide rather then endanger his unsuspecting human friends, who still wonder what's best for Stef. Only Freddie really worries, for he park, when the AAD's Alpha team arrives, waving a 'court order' to enforce cooperation with their alien hunt. Os is hell-bent on pulling a punitive prank, using silvery foil. Professor Kumar sticks around but has to do with a tiny tent.

Episode #2.47
S02E47 · Episode #2.47

Feb 06, 2013

Os and Mel's prank diverted the AAD team long enough for Stef and Robin to flee into the boys bungalow, but the whole park is surrounded, so he needs to use telekinesis to avoid discovery. Os and Robin play lovers so they can search for the Extron, as Kumar states her sensitivity to it is their only tracking tool. The Exo spaceship is gone, to keep out of AAD reach.

Episode #2.48
S02E48 · Episode #2.48

Feb 08, 2013

Os and professor Kumar manage, using boys soccer as cover, to steal the AAD's Extron. Stef, now no longer threatened and using an alien suit for Freddie's end of summer party, and still undiscovered Robin now start disbanding the armed Alfa team, by using mind-control. After sending off the team leader, they believe to have triumphed, but Hans and Yurik see trough that game and resolve to stay. Didi thinks of a way to contact the spaceship using professor Kumar's fancy space monitoring equipment.

Episode #2.49
S02E49 · Episode #2.49

Feb 18, 2013

Stef rightly suspects he may not be really safe as he didn't get to use his mind-control on all AAD men. Hans and Yurik are indeed spying on them and think up a plan: Ko is defrosted and promised to be spared if he kills Stef. They actually plan to kill him afterward, but Ko sees trough that game and contacts his home planet for help to kill all hunters after Stef. After Hans finds a small piece of Extron, Ko assures him an injection containing that is most lethal, Yurick claims he can make Stef come for it. Didi reports professor Kumar's equipment picked up a signal ...

Episode #2.50
S02E50 · Episode #2.50

Feb 19, 2013

Stef wants to eliminate Hans and Yurik, but to his horror is confronted with them and Ko. However eve before injecting Stef with the Extron, the men try to disable Ko, who is saved by an identical-looking Kronon. In the confusion, Stef gets away, Hans can steal the Kronon weapon. Didi gets professor Kumar to signal to the Exo spaceship for help, which is promised, but also overheard by Ko's scan.

Episode #2.51
S02E51 · Episode #2.51

Feb 20, 2013

The Kronos duo lies in waiting for Robin, but decides to strike only after she leads them to Stef, are noticed and loose her track. Hans and Yurik use fake messages to capture all Stef's mates in the pool, inject Extron in it and send him an ultimatum to deliver himself there. Having agreed that still unidentified Robin will follow him and save he, Stef surrenders but is instantly thrown into the pool. The Kronos duo is catching up.

Episode #2.52
S02E52 · Episode #2.52

Feb 21, 2013

Stef seems to be dying in the pool diluting some Extron, Os fails to break loose and save his mate. The Kronon duo sneaks up on Robin and overpowers her with chloroform. Stef realizes no help is coming, surprises Hans and next Yarick, so both are Exodised and sent home without alien memories. The Kronon duo tries to use Robyn as blackmail chip and overpower the kids, but Stef wins the fight and saves Robin by joint transformation, after which he returns from the spaceship. The team can now cheerfully unsuspecting Freddie's end of summer party and enjoy it.


Galaxy Park Season 2 (2012) is released on Nov 05, 2012 and the latest season 3 of Galaxy Park is released in 2013. Watch Galaxy Park online - the Dutch Family TV series from Belgium. Galaxy Park is directed by Gert-Jan Booy,Dennis Bots and created by Ward Geryl with Nicolas Caeyers and Immanuel Lemmens.

As know as:

Galaxy Park





Production Companies:

Ketnet, Studio 100

Cast & Crew

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