
Nightmares full movie is released on Jan 01, 2016. Watch Nightmares online - the English Action movie from United States. Nightmares is directed by Romane Simon and created by Romane Simon with Travis Fear and Ciera Foster.

Nightmares is an action - horror new media web series starring and executive produced by Ciera Foster ( Foster Features Inc) . The series follows the protagonist " Aella Sky" played by Ciera Foster, a young woman suffering with severe sleep deprivation and psychosis due to chronically enduring brutally violent dreams with every slumber. When Aella assumes a state of complete sleep the world as she knows it no longer exists, as Aella is thrust into an alternate reality of seemingly never ending nightmares. With each nightmare growing increasingly more dangerous than the last, Aella's very survival depends on her ability to fight her way out of the nightmares, to stay awake and to stay alive!


United States



Production Companies:

Foster Features

Official Site:

Official Page

Cast & Crew

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