Episodes (30)

The Longest Day
S07E01 · The Longest Day

Sep 26, 1985

Valene has an anxious wait to see if her twins will be returned to her. Abby remains on edge as she waits to find out if her lies and plotting will be exposed. Gary receives terrible news from Dallas.

Here in My Arms
S07E02 · Here in My Arms

Oct 03, 1985

While Gary is in Dallas for Bobby's funeral, Greg changes the plans at Empire Valley. Mack has a restraining order put on the Fishers to stop them leaving town with the babies. Karen tries to persuade Harry to accept that the babies can't remain with him and Sheila. Val finally has her babies returned to her.

While the Cat's Away
S07E03 · While the Cat's Away

Oct 10, 1985

Greg and Abby make sure the detonation area at Empire Valley goes ahead, despite it being in the place Gary didn't want it. Val gets used to being a mother to the twins as Ben feels left out. Abby hands running of the TV station over to Ben. Joshua is furious when Cathy agrees to buy a house without consulting him and tells her to move into it by herself. Gary grieves for Bobby.

The Christening
S07E04 · The Christening

Oct 17, 1985

Mack decides to investigate adoptions and asks the governor to send him someone to help him with the red tape. He sends Jill Bennett. She and Mack flirt and they kiss. Greg sees Laura with a co-worker and is jealous. Greg gives Abby a phony report that says the site for the TV station is better then where Gary wanted it. Ben tells Joshua that his ratings are slipping. Josh apologizes to Cathy and asks her to sing on his show again. Val plans the babies' christening. She asks Mack and Karen to be the godparents. Val decides to name her daughter Elizabeth (Betsy) after ...

A Little Assistance
S07E05 · A Little Assistance

Oct 24, 1985

Greg has an underground chamber built at Empire Valley for the communications center. Ben is depressed over whether he and Val will ever get married. Ben tells Joshua he'd better do something to get his ratings up, or he'll cancel his show. Joshua asks Cathy to sing again, but she doesn't want to and they argue. The next day Cathy has a big bruise. Val thinks Joshua hit her.The governor decides to keep Jill at Mac;'s office. He's angry and he and Jill continually argue. Greg decides to hire an assistant. A man comes in and says to the other applicants that the ...

A Question of Trust
S07E06 · A Question of Trust

Oct 31, 1985

Joshua is upset that Cathy gets more fan mail than he does. Ben shows Cathy how much the ratings rise when she is on. Cathy asks if Joshua knows that and Ben says yes. Gary's upset that the TV station was built on the wrong site. Greg tells Abby that she'd better get Elliot to back up their phony report (as Peter listens in on the phone). Abby tells Elliot that she found out his son was once arrested on a drug charge. He's graduating from law school and Abby threatens to tell his employers, so Elliot lies to Gary about the phony report. Karen's jealous of Mac working ...

S07E07 · Awakenings

Nov 07, 1985

Jill tells Mack that she loves him. Peter listens in as Abby tells Greg that Gary called the surveyor to come into town. Peter has a man call Gary pretending to be the surveyor and rectifies the situation. Karen offers Laura a job overseeing the next phase at Lotus Point. Joshua doesn't show up for a taping, so Ben has Cathy sing for the whole show. Josh sees it, and is really upset. He meets a waitress, Linda, and makes out with her. Joshua has Cathy meet him and he beats her up. She runs to Ben's. They have a heart to heart talk, and Ben tells her to leave Joshua. ...

Pictures at a Wedding
S07E08 · Pictures at a Wedding

Nov 14, 1985

Gary is sure the twins are his. Joshua tries to break into Cathy's apartment, and then trashes Val's house. Val kicks him out and Lilimae is upset. At the station Joshua finds out that Ben gave his show to Cathy, and he and Ben fight. Cathy tells Ben that Josh is upset because Lilimae is dying. Ben talks with her Doctor, who says Lilimae only has bursitis. Cathy is upset that Joshua would lie to her like that. Greg thinks Peter is snooping too much, but Peter says Greg is sloppy with information. Equipment convoys for the underground communication center are coming to...

Until Parted by Death
S07E09 · Until Parted by Death

Nov 21, 1985

Ben and Val get married and go on their honeymoon, where they act really silly. Abby tells Elliot that all the men need physicals on Monday for insurance purposes. Elliot goes to the site and snoops in the underground chamber. On vacation, Abby gets a call that Elliot is dead, so they come home. Abby asks Greg why Elliot had to die, and surprised, he says he thought she had him killed. Cathy's apartment is filled with flowers from Joshua, and she is scared because he got in. She moves back in with Laura. Jason lets Josh in, and he begs Cathy to take him back. Laura ...

Rise and Fall
S07E10 · Rise and Fall

Dec 05, 1985

Joshua plots to ensure that he and Cathy stay together forever, by whatever means necessary.

To Sing His Praise
S07E11 · To Sing His Praise

Dec 12, 1985

Everyone is coming to terms with the aftermath of Joshua's fall, while Gary becomes suspicious of Abby's involvement with Greg Sumner and Empire Valley.

All's Well
S07E12 · All's Well

Dec 19, 1985

Gary and Mack get closer to finding out the truth behind Empire Valley, but Greg is using any means necessary to stop them.

S07E13 · Aftershocks

Dec 26, 1985

Greg threatens Abby with information about Val's babies. Greg tells Coblenz that Gary blew up Empire Valley because he tried to have him killed.

Unbroken Bonds
S07E14 · Unbroken Bonds

Jan 02, 1986

Peter tells Laura that Greg needs her, so she invites him to dinner. Gary tells Val that he know the twins are his. She tells him that he needs to respect that she, Ben and the twins are a family. Gary continues to hang around the twins, so Ben tells Gary it has to stop. Abby gets mad when Gary sides with Karen on a Lotus Point issue. He says that he trusts Karen, and doesn't trust her, so he will always side with Karen, and she'd better get used to it. Gary also sleeps with another woman. Jill is in town and tells Karen the Governor wants to know if she'd be ...

Web of Lies
S07E15 · Web of Lies

Jan 09, 1986

When Abby hears that Karen is being considered for the planning commission, she tells Greg that she wants the seat. Abby tries to talk to Gary, but he says it's over, and he invites Jill for a drink. Ben is angry that Gary knows about the twins, but Val swears she didn't tell him. Greg sends Laura a note that says "I Love You Very Much" and takes her out for a romantic evening. Laura asks Mack how she can get divorced, since she can't find Richard. Cathy still wants to tell the truth, and is depressed over the situation. Ben tries to cheer her up. Cathy finally tells ...

The Confession
S07E16 · The Confession

Jan 16, 1986

Jill tells Karen that someone spoke to the Governor on Abby's behalf, but she'll do all she can to help her. Abby tells Karen that they won't choose her because of her drug problem. Karen tells them about her drug problem, but it's too late - the Governor already chosen Abby. Peter lets Greg know he went to law school. He then visits his mother and they talk about how they'll have a lot of money soon. Cathy and Lilimae are grilled by police. The police tell Mac that they may be charged with murder - after all, Cathy was in prison for murder, and Lilimae had run over ...

S07E17 · Alterations

Jan 23, 1986

The police decide not to prosecute Lilimae and Cathy, however a story about what happened is in the tabloid that Sonny works at. Peter and his mother discuss her relationship with Galveston, and how Peter is Greg's half brother. Jill tells Mack that the Governor wants her to work with him, and she'll be moving into the office next to his. She gives him the key to her room at the Bryant Hotel. Mack drives by the hotel, but decides not to go in. Greg calls Abby, and Olivia picks up an extension. She hears Greg threaten to tell Gary that Abby knew all along that he was ...

Friendly Enemies
S07E18 · Friendly Enemies

Jan 30, 1986

Peter tells Greg that he's his brother, and brings Sylvia to meet him. Laura thinks Peter is up to something, and is frustrated that Greg seems unconcerned. Abby overhears Laura telling this to Karen, and she asks Peter out for a drink. Gary decides to go into racing. Karen finds Jill's hotel key in Mac's pocket and confronts him with it. He tries to explain that he would never use it, but it made him feel younger, more alive, like life wasn't passing him by, and he hopes Karen will understand. Crying, she says no. Mac's upset that Jill went through his Westfall file ...

The Key to a Woman's Heart
S07E19 · The Key to a Woman's Heart

Feb 06, 1986

The tabloid has an article about how Joshua tried to kill Cathy. Ben tells her that Sonny works for the tabloid. She breaks down crying and Ben comforts her. Cathy slaps Sonny, who tells her he had to do it, to tell her side of the story. Greg tells Laura that Galveston kept a file on Sylvia, and sent her monthly checks. Greg tells Peter that he can prove his loyalty by working with him to recover Empire Valley and bring down Gary and Abby. Jill continues to investigate Westphall, but won't tell Mack why. Mack gives her back the key and it upsets Jill. Mack apologizes...

A Very Special Gift
S07E20 · A Very Special Gift

Feb 13, 1986

Karen and Mack make up. Greg asks Peter to start a social relationship with Abby. Peter tells Sylvia that Greg wants him to spy on Abby, and Abby wants him to spy on Greg. Sylvia is concerned that Peter's double dealing will backfire on him. Gary and Jill sleep together. Later, they run into Peter, who asks Jill if Gary suspects anything. She says no. Mack and Ben think that the Governor must be opening the Westphall case, since Jill is so interested in it. Abby hires a detective to check out Jill. Michael finds that Olivia has a joint, but she says she's holding it ...

Irrevocably Yours
S07E21 · Irrevocably Yours

Feb 20, 1986

Val and Ben think Gary's gift is out of line, but he's given it to them in a trust, so they can't do anything about it. Ben's furious, and tells Gary that there's a lot more to being a father than genes, and he is the twins' father. Greg and Abby are furious when they find out Gary gave away Empire Valley. Mac finds out that Jill hounded the Governor for months to work with him, but she says it was just a career move. A woman comes up to Mac and Jill, and calls her Dottie Simpkins, and says they went to Franklin High together. Jill says she must be mistaken. Mac finds...

High School Confidential
S07E22 · High School Confidential

Mar 06, 1986

Michael is booked. He denies the joint is his, but won't say who's it is. Michael tried to convince Olivia to tell the truth, but she won't. Karen suspects it is Olivia's and tells Abby, who is enraged that Karen could think such a thing. Gary is in a race car crash, and is kept in the hospital overnight for observation. Abby shows up and doesn't like that Jill is there. She tells Peter that she values her marriage and to "distract" Jill. Mack and Jill go to check water samples at Westphall. The town doctor, who thinks he recognizes Jill, says that there has been an ...

Distant Rumblings
S07E23 · Distant Rumblings

Mar 13, 1986

Abby finds a joint in Olivia's purse and makes her tell the truth. Olivia threatens her with the twins, and Abby says to go ahead and tell. The judge lets Olivia off, but says she has to join a support group. Greg offers Peter $5,000,000. Peter doesn't accept, and tells Sylvia that it's a test. Jill tells Mack that her father used to own Empire Valley, and Galveston swindled him out of it, so her father shot himself. Cathy tells Ben she wants to leave the show. He confides in her (and later Mack) that he is tired of Gary being in his life whichever way he turns. He ...

Phoenix Rising
S07E24 · Phoenix Rising

Mar 27, 1986

Abby doesn't want a divorce, and tells Gary that if he doesn't give her the rest of Empire Valley, she will drag out their divorce, and involve Val and the twins. Gary gives it to her. Abby tricks Sylvia into telling her that Peter is not really her son. Abby has Peter escort her to a fundraiser. Gary is there with Jill, so Abby says if Peter doesn't distract her, she will stop paying his attorney. Peter says he'll tell everyone about the twins. Greg then threatens Abby with the twins. Abby, tired of everyone holding this over her, declares in front of everyone that ...

The Legacy
S07E25 · The Legacy

Apr 03, 1986

Greg asks Laura to marry him. She says she will consider it. Greg fires Peter. Eric is very sick with arsenic poisoning. Abby finds out that Galveston dumped acid and arsenic in Empire Valley. She offers to sell Empire Valley to Greg, but he doesn't buy it, suspicious she wants to sell it so fast. Peter's mad at Sylvia for telling Abby everything. Sylvia says she deserves the money, as she really had Galveston's baby. Peter says he has done all the work and threatens Sylvia. Abby tells Peter she wants 51% of whatever money he gets or she will tell Greg that he's not ...

Arsenic and Old Waste
S07E26 · Arsenic and Old Waste

Apr 10, 1986

Ben's really upset about Cathy leaving. He tells her that he isn't the twins' father. He goes to the beach house with a gift for her and they make out. Val is worried because she feels Ben slipping away from her. Jill tells Gary that she can't see him because she's in love with him, but doesn't want to be. Peter apologizes to Sylvia for his threats. Mack finds out that the reservoir at Lotus Point is loaded with arsenic. Abby admits that Galveston dumped arsenic at Empire Valley. Greg tells Laura that Galveston left Gary the land because he knew it was polluted, but ...

A Change of Heart
S07E27 · A Change of Heart

Apr 17, 1986

Greg takes Laura to Las Vegas to get married at the Wedding Chapel of Joy. She's reluctant, but he tells her how much he loves and needs her. Later, Karen and ask Laura if there's anything she can do to get Greg to help with the cleanup of Lotus Point, and Laura remarks that a wife should have some influence over her husband. Abby's taken aback. Laura asks Greg to clean up Empire Valley for her wedding present. Greg tells Karen that he will clean up Empire Valley in four months if she will get him all of Empire Valley back, or she can kiss Lotus Point goodbye. Eric ...

His Brother's Keeper
S07E28 · His Brother's Keeper

May 01, 1986

Abby wants Karen to take Greg's deal. Gary and Karen try to figure out a way to clean up Empire Valley themselves. They turn to the EPA, Senator Henderson, and even try to get a loan, but nothing works out. Abby tells Gary that Jill's family owned Empire Valley, and that she's only with Gary because she wants Empire Valley back. Later Jill admits to Gary that when she first went out with him, she wanted Empire Valley, but then she fell in love with him. He coolly asks her "Is that it?" Senator Henderson is retiring, and Greg thinks Peter should be the next Senator. ...

Thicker Than Water
S07E29 · Thicker Than Water

May 08, 1986

Gary offers to take back Empire Valley from the twins. He then agrees to sell it to Greg if he will guarantee the cleanup. Greg tells Laura that he wants Peter in politics, because then he will be back in politics. Peter's resistant, so Greg says if he will run, he will publicly acknowledge him as his brother and give him a big settlement. Greg also stops Sylvia's monthly check. Abby also tells Peter to accept Greg's offer, and she sleeps with him. Mack is worried when Karen misses lunch and he can't locate her. Ben tells Cathy he will go on tour with her, and Cathy ...

The Longest Night
S07E30 · The Longest Night

May 15, 1986

Paige tells Mack that her mother died a year ago. Karen has gone missing. Mack suspects foul play.


Knots Landing Season 7 (1985) is released on Sep 26, 1985 and the latest season 14 of Knots Landing is released in 1992. Watch Knots Landing online - the English Drama TV series from United States. Knots Landing is directed by Nicholas Sgarro,Lorraine Senna,Joseph L. Scanlan,Nick Havinga and created by David Jacobs with Michele Lee and Ted Shackelford.

As know as:

Unter der Sonne Kaliforniens, Knots Landing


United States



Production Companies:

CBS, Lorimar Productions, Lorimar Telepictures

Official Site:

Official Site

Cast & Crew

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