Episodes (235)

Episode #1.5886
S2014E01 · Episode #1.5886

Jan 26, 2014

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Episode #1.5887
S2014E02 · Episode #1.5887

Jan 27, 2014

Although the search for twins and Kyle seems hopeless, combing their efforts Casey and Zac realize they're abducted together, probably by the cult, and trace dying Evan's phone history to the dock where the kids are rescued from the container just in time. Nate showers and changes, having lost his cloths i the hospital explosion, at the Braxton house, where Rickie enjoys seeing him towel-only. Harvey still only tells Alf he was stranded on an island and rescued by fisherman. Heath realizes that the bomb was meant for the school and finds Montgomery attempting to plant...

Episode #1.5888
S2014E03 · Episode #1.5888

Jan 28, 2014

Spencer, Josh and their girls sneak into school at nights for kicks. Heath is about to take bomber Montgomery apart, but luckily Andi arrives with Leah, who got the truth from Matt, so no illegal violence occurs. Andi is rewarded as Heath's thanks helps convince Josh to give his half-brother another chance.

Episode #1.5889
S2014E04 · Episode #1.5889

Jan 29, 2014

The twins are shocked first by the news the bomb killed their father Evan, then by discovering guardians Zac and Hannah on kissing terms, but after an initial scolding for secrecy, Oscar starts coming around. Josh accepts contact with half-brother Andy again, but keeps the rogue on a short leash. After Sasha wined 'we don't have romantic memories like you and Maddy', Spencer seeks Chris' advice, but ends up seeing Sasha steal a kiss from his slick brother. Palmer nearly throws Andy out of the surf-club for 'pool hustling', but $5 'victim' Jett calls him off.

Episode #1.5890
S2014E05 · Episode #1.5890

Jan 29, 2014

Montgomery's bomb causes enormous damage in hospital, but only one fatality: Ethan, thus unable to explosion why he told Zac and Hanna 'no longer to worry' about the twins, whose absence all night now looks like an abduction. they are indeed locked into a container, near suffocation, while two cult goons on guard just wait for Ethan's instructions. In the rubble, Nate must perform cranial surgery on Bianca. Harvey is back, but can't bring himself to tell Alf's startled household what happened at sea. Darryl is meanwhile relocated to his new, undisclosed prison.

Episode #1.5891
S2014E06 · Episode #1.5891

Feb 02, 2014

Heath is relieved when Bianca wakes up from coma but saddened when Nate finds Ricky lost the baby Darryl never knew about. Kyle again refuses intimacy with ex Phoebe and tells the tireless flirt he's over the childish pursuit of rock start status. Chris decides to manage the diner better the Irene ever could, which drives Leah crazy, but prefers quitting early when Phoebe asks if she can crash with him, yet is told to remain a gentleman in separate beds this time.

Episode #1.5892
S2014E07 · Episode #1.5892

Feb 03, 2014

Heath despairs over Bianca's short term amnesia, but encouraged to persevere soon finds her memory kicks back in. Kyle questions Nate's motives for staying around, even doing chores, now Ricky is medically out of danger. Overhearing Nate's theory she's only staying at the Braxton home because she hasn't accepted loosing Darryl, she packs a bag and meditates on the beach whether she still belongs with the Braxton family, but Nate finds her and claims she does given her rapport with the remaining brothers. Harvey returns from visiting his daughter in the city, yet still...

Episode #1.5893
S2014E08 · Episode #1.5893

Feb 04, 2014

Zac wants to spare the twins the bother of arranging their father's funeral, but Oscar considers that another meddling and feels so strongly that his fist publicly hist his startled, yet restrained guardian. Zac agrees to attempt talking it over at dinner, but Evie declines for both to be with Matt, which also enrages Oscar. Spencer is not amused that Chris, whom he gave his room to allow privacy with Phoebe, barely throws out some cloths. It's Jett who, told not to mope over his separation, decides to abuse Irene's absence to throw a party at her home, which appears ...

Episode #1.5894
S2014E09 · Episode #1.5894

Feb 05, 2014

Both Harrington boys think the other brother organized the party in Irene's house, only to discover it's Jett and VJ's doing when it's too late. Casey found out, but goes easy on everyone, just as he accepted to give Andi a job in the gym by way of second chance, as Maddy begged him, to Josh's surprised delight. Oscar objects to Matt coming with Matt again, but Zac drags them home for a serious talk about family cohesion trough concerting. Irene however returns early, furiously breaks up the party and promises a 'long list of punishments'. A mysterious man was looking...

Episode #1.5895
S2014E10 · Episode #1.5895

Feb 05, 2014

Casey is furious when he finds the gym vandalized. Obvious suspect Andi resigns rather then defend himself. Hoever he's soon rehired after it becomes clear the culprit is recently jail-released Sean Green, who demands retraction of Andi's damning declaration to the police and threatens to hurt Josh and Maddy too. Andi wants to give in and accept being jailed again, Josh insists they must risk trusting the police.

Episode #1.5896
S2014E11 · Episode #1.5896

Feb 09, 2014

Casey insists, despite Kyle's objections, the Barret brothers should move in with them for safety. Only assembling the River Boys saves them and Maddy from Sean Green's gang. At a private meeting in the restaurant, Kyle offers Sean a bribe to leave town, which is laughed away, but apparently deals with the fiend in a way that leaves blood on his hands when Casey arrives. Irene shamelessly abuses the Spencer brothers and Sasha as slaves by way of endless punishment for the party neither actually threw, but caves in shortly after their collective protest.

Episode #1.5897
S2014E12 · Episode #1.5897

Feb 10, 2014

Wounded Sean goes to Irene's, expecting to find the Harrington and Walker parents, whom he was told to be doctors at the party, ad takes them all hostage. Chris works up the courage to overpower him. Kyle was not amused by Casey's ingratitude for forcefully chasing Sean after he refused a bribe, but they change their tune after the news Sean is in hospital. Kyle has had enough and turns to Phoebe, who initially turns him down but soon welcomes him back 'to the old life'. Tamara considers leaving town to be rid of the Braxtons.

Episode #1.5898
S2014E13 · Episode #1.5898

Feb 11, 2014

After a back-breaking night on her trailer couch, Kyle gets Phoebe to open up completely over fond and playful reminiscences, even ex Tamara offers to help out at the restaurant despite her notice. Nate finds the perfect distraction for emotionally exhausted Rickie: a beach picnic. The twins are so emotionally confused over their traitorous father's death that Evie refuses to attend his funeral, but Oscar gets her to come 'for his sake', while a mysterious female keeps just away from the mourning party during Zac's moving speech to remember his elder brother's ...

Episode #1.5899
S2014E14 · Episode #1.5899

Feb 12, 2014

Heath is getting desperate as Nate simply can't give a prognosis whether or when Bianca's memory will return properly. Still he tells Rickie not to bother about Darrul anymore and seize another chance at love. Nevertheless she tells Nate it's too soon to consider a steady relationship. Palmer extends Jett's punishment endlessly, and when he finds out Marilyn has been treating him and took over some chores simply adds new ones. After the funeral and an initial refusal to present herself, Denny Miller, the mystery attendant, claims to be the twins' illegitimate ...

Episode #1.5900
S2014E15 · Episode #1.5900

Feb 12, 2014

Heath is finally worn down by Banca's exhausting relapses into amnesia, so they both fall asleep while she left a stove pit on. Showing callouses, Jett finally gets Palmer to promise it's the last batch of punitive chores, but during those finds a necklace with a note stating it was buried as cursed since its theft. VJ is enlisted to find out, hoping for a reward, to whom it belonged- Marilyn, whom Jett seems willing to blackmail. Harvey tells Roo he can't live on as before his shipwrecking.

Episode #1.5901
S2014E16 · Episode #1.5901

Feb 16, 2014

Heath and Bianca would have been burnt in the fire hadn't Casey fortunately noted it in time, yet Heath has a hard time accepting none can remain watchful non-stop. Jett blackmails Marilyn into doing his chores while Josh is away, but Alf notices, so the whole truth gets out. The Barret brothers are too broke to pay for proper meals, so Andi must swallow his pride to ask Casey for extra shifts so he can buy what Josh needs for the new school term. After Nate tells Ricky being just friends isn't enough, she resolves to confront Darryl, which forces Casey to tell her ...

Episode #1.5902
S2014E17 · Episode #1.5902

Feb 17, 2014

To Heath's relief, Bianca's memory returns, and despite the rekindled bombing trauma, she intends to resume her principal school as the new school term looms. Casey has to prompt Andi to explain to understandably suspicious Josh that the sudden cash for school necessities is a gym job advance, not ill-gotten. Hearing the Braxton brothers knew that Darryl was relocated makes Ricky wine they still don't count her as real family, so she moves out, Nate takes pity on her. After meeting Denise 'Denny' Miler, Zac believes she's Ethan's bastard even before a baby picture in ...

Episode #1.5903
S2014E18 · Episode #1.5903

Feb 18, 2014

As uncle Zac hoped, Oscar decides he wants to meet Denise and gets initially vehemently-opposed Evie to join him with the twins' half-sibling 'Denny'. Chris is atypically embarrassed to be generally hailed as a hero after his overpowering of the armed fiend at Irene's. While Harvey lets Roo believe he's missing or rather left their old life, he has Alf keep silent that he's hiding out around.

Episode #1.5904
S2014E19 · Episode #1.5904

Feb 19, 2014

Kyle grudgingly suffers Pheoeb's fickle distance, but Chris, who came offer to 'be used', hopefully makes her see sense. Then a recording of her latest song-smith production causes another rift. While Spencer is unable to locate Harvey, he gets Harvey to keep his whereabouts secret for now too. Spencer is dragged along to a the girls night to distract Roo, who decides to resume her own life.

Episode #1.5905
S2014E20 · Episode #1.5905

Feb 19, 2014

Kyle sets straight the DVD mishap with a mixed one of his own making, showing Phoebe he's working at a serious relationship. Bianca returns to school, but as Leah notices her memory constantly fails, and worse, she gets a panic attack when reminded of the bomb on site, so Heath has to rush in. Harvey and Roo now seriously consider a divorce, but dread telling Spencer and Maddy. Ricky moves out of the Braxton home, is deeply frustrated and finds support with Nate, although she told him it's too soon after losing Darryl for them to become an item, which she starts to ...

Episode #1.5906
S2014E21 · Episode #1.5906

Feb 23, 2014

Nate and Rickie are happy together, in and out of bed, but she hesitates to go public. Unlike supportive Heath, Casey sounds unpleasantly surprised that she got over Darryl so fast and tries frantically to locate big brother. After Bianca's traumatic first day at school, Heath firmly pushes her to persevere. The matter is complicated by the arrival of his daughter Darcy, who looks forward to joining Bianca's school but is feared to make her memory disorder public. When Harvey and Roo finally announce their divorce plan, Maddy weakly refuses to accept it, but Spence ...

Episode #1.5907
S2014E22 · Episode #1.5907

Feb 24, 2014

Reluctantly, Zac uses his prison contacts to get Casey transferred Darryl's whereabouts. Seeing Darcy disheartened, Casey encourages her to 'stand up for herself' on her first school day. Heath has mixed feelings when he hears she bullied even older kids. Poor Jett is forced to act as welcoming host, but the handsome ex-bully obviously arouses more romantic but covert interest, which allows Bianca, who fears for Heath-like constant mischief, to strike a deal. Oscar refuses to sit out unpalatable Evie's refusal to discuss meeting 'fake' sibling Debbie, as Zac suggested...

Episode #1.5908
S2014E23 · Episode #1.5908

Feb 25, 2014

Spencer still can't understand why Harvey has to leave, but the man keeps in hiding, stalling on his proposal to talk to Spencer, and John covers for him, unlike Jett. Just when Oscar despairs about Debbie, as she prepares to leave, Evie agrees to a proper talk. Spencer wisely declines running Sasha's campaign for class captain and successfully proposes Tamara, but as she proves for better at campaigning, Matt, who vandalized Sasha's posters, gets the whole class to call for her to run instead.

Episode #1.5909
S2014E24 · Episode #1.5909

Feb 26, 2014

Now Kyle and Phoebe are back on lever terms, he hesitates to commit as she lives all the way in Melbourne, but is told the bay 'isn't too bad'. Spencer sulkily hesitates even to accept a meeting when Harvey is finally motivated, but Maddy convinces him to seize closure, which renders Josh jealous of her exclusive attention. Chris is determined to reward Irene by finding her a male match, however unhelpful enlisted Palmer proves as adviser. It takes blunt Andi to tell Sasha what Casey nor Spencer dared: she's the unpopular one who barely stands a chance against Tamara,...

Episode #1.5910
S2014E25 · Episode #1.5910

Feb 26, 2014

Heath is indifferent, Kyle bugged and insulted when Casey reproaches them not to care enough when announcing he found which prison Darryl was transferred to. Anyhow, a fraternal visit is refused and Ricky is now as happy with Nate as Heath with Bianca, Kyle and Phoebe seem close too. Andi weighs heavily on Josh to make up with Maddy or leave town forever with him. Chris still hasn't found a date and potential mate for Irene from Palmer's address book and Marilyn starts smelling a rat.

Episode #1.5911
S2014E26 · Episode #1.5911

Mar 02, 2014

Heath turns his Melbourne stag night one night stand, who arrived pregnant claiming the baby is his, away, but when Kyle finds out and tells him to do the right thing, owes up to Bianca. Bitter over Maddy's attention for Spencer, Josh accepts to take over as school captain campaign adviser for Sasha. Seeing how grossly she abuses helpers like pollster Jett, Josh joins Tamara's team. Marilyn is relived to discover that Palmer is helping Chris find a mate for Irene, not proposing to herself already.

Episode #1.5912
S2014E27 · Episode #1.5912

Mar 03, 2014

Oscar isn't prepared to let Denise leave town, being broke, just now Evie has accepted their half-sister, so he takes crazy risks to slip to her cash 'borrowed' from Hannah. Josh helps Matt trick Sasha so they can dump her so far she can't even attend the school election debate. Realizing how immensely unpopular her constant misbehavior and selfishness make her, Sasha ends up pledging support to Tamara, who gets elected together with Matt, although he didn't even stand. Josh and Maddy finally kiss up. Bianca accepts that Heath and she must deal with his baby and its ...

Episode #1.5913
S2014E28 · Episode #1.5913

Mar 04, 2014

Heath accepts to move out for now as Bianca claims she can't cope with his baby and Jessica having been told about the late Rocco. Nate prefers to step back while Darryl's fate moves back on Rickie's agenda due to Casey's plans. Zac sticks up for the twins and at last discussing their idea to offer Denny moving in with Evie, although she doesn't want to intrude. Hannah still goes mope and is slickly picked up for dinner by Andi, whom she admires for minding her ex-patient Josh. Visited in jail, Adam demands that Casey finds out about son Jamie's fate and promises '...

Episode #1.5914
S2014E29 · Episode #1.5914

Mar 05, 2014

Adam considered a deal with Casey, but sister Rickie's arrival and rude demand 'you owe Darryl and us' while refusing to care for him ever after decide him against testifying. Having heard about the exercise from Kyle, Andi furiously throws in the towel and enjoys an improvised beach date with Hannah, but soon admits Casey also just acts as good brother and is allowed back to the gym. Hearing about such family antics, which Rickie calls inescapable and unending, makes Phoebe wonder if Kyle comes with an excessive Braxtons package. Chris's plan to trick Irene into a ...

Episode #1.5915
S2014E30 · Episode #1.5915

Mar 05, 2014

Kyle meets Phoebe's ultimatum to tell her what tragedy started his off bond with three Braxton half-brothers, only to find frustratingly that she now claims it's impossible to trust someone who kidnapped and tried to kill Casey. Chris feels a looser, despite Irene assuring him she needs no romantic help and appreciates the gesture, and feels she may be right suggesting he's compensating for his own collapsed love life since Indi left.

Episode #1.5916
S2014E31 · Episode #1.5916

Mar 09, 2014

Heath assures Bianca their marriage comes first, even if that means no more children. Yet she can't handle secretly observing him with Jessica Lockwood, who lets him feel the baby kick, delighted it's to be a strong boy. Kyle agonizes over Phoebe's ultimatum: follow her or beak up forever. Chris is barely affected when a date with Tamara set up by Irene goes terribly wrong. Unexpectedly, Darryl returns to Summerbay.

Episode #1.5917
S2014E32 · Episode #1.5917

Mar 10, 2014

Darryl explains to his startled, delighted brothers that Adam actually confessed the Barret murder, so his sentence was reduced to time served. Chris's boat picnic with Denny is a blast, until he tells her Irene tricked him into asking her by promising to put his 'Chris burger' recipe on the menu and she leaves him stranded on the desert island. Heath warns Darryl he can't just return as top dog and insists he must face Ricky. She's however more interested in Nate, who arranged for her to get a good shot at a London photography job and may get time off to come along. ...

Episode #1.5918
S2014E33 · Episode #1.5918

Mar 11, 2014

Nate drops by at the Braxton home to get Darryl's assurance that he won't bother Rickie anymore. Andy can't stomach Darryl being freed, worrying how to tell Josh, but finds comfort with lover Hannah. Cued by Marilyn, Denny gets a job at Alf's bait shop so she can stay near the elated twins and startled Zac.

Episode #1.5919
S2014E34 · Episode #1.5919

Mar 12, 2014

By the time Josh hears about Darryl prison-release, Andi has already publicly used his fists on their father's 'murderer' and finds comfort in bed with Hannah, who keep hiding their affair for ex Zac and the twins. Palmer is found out having claimed breaking them up while arriving too late. Matt planned to dump the 'lame' school council work on co-captain Tamara, but Zac gets him to volunteer for some, so he gets Sasha to coach him. Jett is determined to get on the council, with our without their help.

Episode #1.5920
S2014E35 · Episode #1.5920

Mar 12, 2014

Josh desperately wants to know how Darryl got released and teams up with Maddy again. Jett admits he blackmailed Sasha to get into the school council, but Plamer's lecture ends in a de facto reward after he says the goal is to keep Gina's memory alive. Matt steals a kiss from Sasha and renders Spencer violently jealous by pretending it was the other way around. Hvaing seen heath feel the baby in Jess's belly kicking, Bianca packs and tells Heath he must chose one family.

Episode #1.5921
S2014E36 · Episode #1.5921

Mar 16, 2014

Josh tries to cope with Darryl's release as Adam killed his father, but wants to now where the corpse was hidden. To his surprise, Darryl and Rickie find out soon and offer any further help. Jessica Lockwood gets early contractions on the beach, alone with Heath, who stand by her before and after Nate's arrival and the delivery of his healthy boy, Harley. Even Chris can't cheer up Spencer after his breakup with unfaithful Sasha, so he agrees to move back to Alf's.

Episode #1.5922
S2014E37 · Episode #1.5922

Mar 17, 2014

Andy pigheadedly refuses to help Josh visit and rebury their father's dug-up corpse, so Darryl drives him, which makes Andy cry then the Braxtons should take care of his kid brother completely, he won't consort with 'father's killers'. Casey convinces Darryl they should give him time. Heath chooses to stay with Bianca, who realizes it's not fair to begrudge baby Harley such a great father, yet tells Heath he must break up their marriage, which he firmly refuses. Tenacious Chris's self-praised charms surprisingly win another date with Denny with some help from Alf and ...

Episode #1.5923
S2014E38 · Episode #1.5923

Mar 18, 2014

A few more pushes from Casey make Andi accept his duty is to help Josh, so he goes after Darryl. The wins make clear to Hannah they already realize she become Andi's lover, yet she refuses to tell Zach. Normally cocky Jett needs some encouragement but pulls off his school council maiden speech, pleading some kind of memorial for Gina. Matt's speech is a failure, but his hints at Sasha's infidelity duly humiliate her and anger Spencer, who scolds her cowardly denial after publicly stating he dumped her.

Episode #1.5924
S2014E39 · Episode #1.5924

Mar 19, 2014

Zac is disgusted about Hannah's secrecy, but grudgingly accepts they're romantically extinguished and may date other people. Although clueless what memorial to get Gina, Jett abuses all his skills to raise money in a benefit concert, starring Kyle accompanying himself on guitar.

Episode #1.5925
S2014E40 · Episode #1.5925

Mar 19, 2014

Heath is greatly relieved now Bianca proposes a compromise: Jessica stays the city with baby Harley, heath goes visit them. Nate and Ricky however find out that Jessica has only about a year to live, having abandoned cancer therapy for the baby's sake. Marilyn panics again when John wants her to move in. Darryl nor Nate can stand the other around Rickie, but she won't be 'protected'.

Episode #1.5926
S2014E41 · Episode #1.5926

Mar 23, 2014

Nate makes up with Rickie before she leaves indefinitely on London photography assignment. Hannah's belated honesty may appease the twins, but Chris inviting himself to the occasional meal is too much for Zach, who walks off and may consider Leah's suggestion to move out, yet resolves to stick it out for the kids' sake. Chris arranges at date with Denny but has to postpone it to work.

Episode #1.5927
S2014E42 · Episode #1.5927

Mar 24, 2014

Now the Barrett brothers have collected father's ashes to disperse and his meager personal effects, Andy is surprised to hear Josh's greatest frustration is to have no mental images of him. Thanked for his help by Josh, Darryl notices the legacy includes a partially cut-out childhood picture, which he steals. Zac nor Evelyn can cope with Hannah viz; both's 'secrecy', so Oscar mediates until the twins come up with a compromise: their 'parents' live separate private lives and only inform the duo. Despite Darryl's warning Heath can't cope with a final breakup, Bianca ...

Episode #1.5928
S2014E43 · Episode #1.5928

Mar 25, 2014

Casey convinces Zndi that he needs to spread their father's ashes with Josh, as closure for both brothers. Confronting his slut mother with the picture he stole from Josh, Darryl gets her to admit that Casey is actually John Barret's son, but should be spared such useless burden. Heath is crushed and furious to hear about Bianca's indefinite move to London, blames Nate and Darryl but accepts restaurant cash to go after her. Chris's picnic efforts, although a culinary miss, get Denny to admits he just played hard to get.

Episode #1.5929
S2014E44 · Episode #1.5929

Mar 26, 2014

While Darryl takes his two other brothers to London, startled Kyle is flat-out managing the restaurant and the gym. Seeing him in danger of taking his frustration out on staff, Tamara volunteers to help run the restaurant and suggests he may contact Phoebe, whom he obviously misses. Palmer and Jett happily welcome Marilyn, but can't hide they soon regret the invitation to make herself at home when she goes overboard with feng-shui. Matt explains to Sasha that he left school to care for his now sick kid sister Eloise 'Eli', there father having left months ago. Roo ...

Episode #1.5930
S2014E45 · Episode #1.5930

Mar 26, 2014

Darryl decides against telling Casey about his Barret half-brothers and fails to convince him to avoid them. When Heath reposts Darryl's lecture to go after Bianca on account of Rickie, they decide to fly to London together and take Casey, leaving startled Kyle to run restaurant and gym. Cornered by school mates, Spencer graciously makes up with Sasha. Hearing Matt is absent from school, she tries to get him back but finds him home alone with young kin Eloise Page. Jett and palmer are delighted to see Marilyn feels at home in their home, even if she rearranges it ...

Episode #1.5931
S2014E46 · Episode #1.5931

Mar 30, 2014

In London, Casey decides to make a tourist stroll alone and bumps into Bianca and Rickie, whom he can't convince to at least talk to his brothers. Trying to prevent them seeking the girls in their hotel also fails as Darryl smells a rat and gets Casey to confess. Back home, Josh is happy enough with Maddie not to mind Alf's old-fashioned house rules or putting up with her lonely ex Spencer's company, but she walks off when confusing signals make Spencer kiss her. Kyle can't get Phoebe to answer the phone and decides to pack and leave for Melbourne, possibly for good.

Episode #1.5932
S2014E47 · Episode #1.5932

Mar 31, 2014

Rather then tell gentle, accommodative lover Josh that misled Spencer kissed her once, Maddie tells her confused ex to keep away altogether, almost impossible for a house-mate. Alf tells John that he's allowed to sleep over with Marilyn, not to intrude Alf's domestic sphere, but Marilyn prefers coming to the Palmer home anyway. In London, Heath finally catches up with Biaca and forces her to talk, only to be told he needs to be a full time father, and that means separation. While sightseeing, Casey meets a clearly interested London girl. Ricky has started her ...

Episode #1.5933
S2014E48 · Episode #1.5933

Apr 01, 2014

Running after Ricky, Darryl was hit by a car. Dr. Matthews is clueless why he goes into coma, as only a broken leg is diagnosed, and the people on his cellphone take forever to respond. Heath made no progress with Bianca and decides they should just have fun for now. Casey found that wealthy law student to be Linda Somerset joint the tourist tour to meet him, but has to leave her bed and rush to hospital, where Darryl needs reanimation. Back home, Chris invents a 'perfect risotto' and puts it on the diner menu to impress Denny on their next date, but gets stuck on the...

Episode #1.5934
S2014E49 · Episode #1.5934

Apr 02, 2014

In London hospital, Darryl awakes from his mystery coma in time to reassure Casey, whom Lida asks to stay indefinitely after hot sex. Ricky coldly tells him she sees to future for them, nor can commit to Nate. Heath gets Bianca to agree she must at least try to return with him and baby Harley. Back home, Zac is not amused to fill in as principal. Nate gets lab results: the poison is from the mushroom in Chris's risotto. As Alf looses conscience, Chris heroically moors the yacht and rows the ashore.

Episode #1.5935
S2014E50 · Episode #1.5935

Apr 02, 2014

The lab confirms that the 'epidemic' is mushroom poisoning, traced to Chris's risotto. Having rowed Alf to safety, Chris confirms that he picked one wild kind. Kyle is back from Melbourne, having failed to find Phoebe or event to contact her by phone, and reopens Angelo's with Tamara. Oscar studies hard to catch up and make Zac proud in exams, so he's shocked when Evie decides instead to steal the questions for English from their guardian uncle's bag and refuses to join her fraud. Most patients recover failure well, but Leah, whom Nate found last, may die from liver ...

Episode #1.5936
S2014E51 · Episode #1.5936

Apr 06, 2014

To Kyle's delighted surprise, Phoebe turns up, claiming she was on tour when he visited Melbourne. After talking to Tamara, she accepts to discuss becoming a steady couple there. He pledges to leave his Summer Bay life behind, even his brothers. Seeing Kyle sticks to that even after they bump into Ricky, who tells that Darryl is in Londo hospital, she offers to wait for his and Casey's return so he can say goodbye properly. Most mushroom poison patients recover well, Alf's greatest worry is now 'nurse' Marilyn. Leah however may need a liver transplant, so Chris, ...

Episode #1.5937
S2014E52 · Episode #1.5937

Apr 07, 2014

To Oscar's horror, Evie flaunts the stolen exam questions to classmates, most of which greedily use them. Josh does too, fearing he won't pass despite hard study and Maddy's coaching, but Zac notices him consulting answers inked on his arm. Evie seemed to be waiting fort that and 'proudly' admits the theft. Casey and Darryl, on crotches, are back. Mother Cheryl again urges big brother to keep quiet about Casey's biological father, probably to no avail. However during a meeting with Rickie, her refusal to make up now she dumped Nate triggers his next mysterious ...

Episode #1.5938
S2014E53 · Episode #1.5938

Apr 08, 2014

Andy accidentally learns trough Hanna that Darryl has a baby photo in his wallet, guesses it must be the one stolen from them according to Josh and 'borrows' her key to get it 'back' from the hospital safe. The incident gives Darryl, who dislikes being treated by Nate and confided about Casey's father only into their common ex Ricky, another clutter crisis. Zac gives easy on the greatly relieved cheating class, only to find Evie even more hostile, according to Tamara because she needs though love, while Hannah not only ignores her irresponsible absence but dares scold...

Episode #1.5939
S2014E54 · Episode #1.5939

Apr 09, 2014

Chris relieved to see that Spencer still stands by him and people seem to forgive his monumental mushroom misjudgment, Denny may agree to another date. Heath happily brings home baby Harley, showing him off to Jett, hesitantly helped by Bianca, until he mindlessly uses their late son Rocco's teddy-bear. Andy is dumped by Hannah for 'borrowing her hospital safe key. Matt turns up again, seeking Sasha's previously waved help.

Episode #1.5940
S2014E55 · Episode #1.5940

Apr 09, 2014

At his wits end with Bianca, Heath calls mother Cheryl, whose bullish 'direct approach' seems to make it even worse. Leah's lab test results show she won't need a transplant after all. Pushed together again by Jett, John and Marilyn agree to meet only at the Palmer home, not unamused Alf's. Matt plans a fugue with his kid sister to avoid her being placed in foster care, but decides against it after hearing Sasha's experience.

Episode #1.5941
S2014E56 · Episode #1.5941

Apr 13, 2014

Darryl leaves hospital in a vain attempt to disinterest or deter Andi from investigating the baby photo, the hothead rudely notifies Casey that he's leaving the gym indefinitely, presumably to do just that. Matt enjoys babysitting Harley for Heath and lets Casey convince her to tell Darryl about her miscarriage. Matt is not amused that Sasha invites him at home but still only meddles without accepting any intimacy, yet takes a breakup back. The diner is almost deserted since the mushroom disaster, so Marilyn decides to resign and Irene closes it indefinitely.

Episode #1.5942
S2014E57 · Episode #1.5942

Apr 14, 2014

Just when Heath thinks Bianca is easing in life with Harley, she announces thinking about resuming work, he objects against her seeing one night lover Zac again, she brings up his infidelity. Just when Spencer has convinced Evie it's time to make up with Zac, she has to prevent Heath's fist revenging his 'marriage wrecking'. Darryl hopes to make up with Rickie now she has disclose her miscarriage and Bianca assured him it was never about Nate, but despite admitting to love him still too, she states' it's over.

Episode #1.5943
S2014E58 · Episode #1.5943

Apr 15, 2014

After publicly punching Zac for his one night with Bianca, Heath promises her to hold back and she promises to stop calling Harley 'his mistake', but they don't agree whether she can retrain to work. Zac is furious to be blamed Hannah, who sides with Bianca and insolent Evie, whose disrespect at school is compounded by truancy, driving him to the bottle. Chris decides to reboot Irene's diner, which succeeds with sassy support from the Palmers, Marilyn and Phoebe, who next 'decides' to join duly suspicious Kyle's restaurant staff.

Episode #1.5944
S2014E59 · Episode #1.5944

Apr 16, 2014

Kyle finds Phoebe's crazy, impulsive ideas as insufferable as her rudeness and utter incompetence. She realizes waitress work is not the fun she expected, but either dares end her restaurant 'employment', each hoping to motivate the other to give up. Furious after overhearing Maddie and Spencer discuss their recent kiss, Josh bitterly scolds her, especially for secrecy. Oscar is eager to comfort her. Nate loses patience with Leah's complete neglect of his medical rest instructions, taking in now homeless Matt for the time being.

Episode #1.5945
S2014E60 · Episode #1.5945

Apr 16, 2014

Andi has found out Casey is a Barrett too and blackmails Darryl for hush money, but Josh accidentally overhears them and is furiously shocked. Nate questions Rickie about her frequent meetings with Darryl but is assured they're not getting together again. Oscar eagerly comforts Maddie now Josh is ignoring her, gets coached by John who misunderstood Marilyn's suggestion and thus is mistakenly taken by Josh as proof she moved on.

Episode #1.5946
S2014E61 · Episode #1.5946

Apr 20, 2014

Now Josh knows Casey is his half-brother, he wants to get to know him closer, but is thrown out of the gym, without a chance to discuss their kinship. Casey is furious at Darryl's secrecy and for telling others, even Rickie, before him, shocked to hear Andi was even paid hush money. Andi is startled when Darryl snaps he already disclosed the truth, but resigns from the gym and drags unamused Josh away. Darryl and Rickie warn Kyle and Phoebe about their obvious pretenses about her waitress inadequacy, with simultaneous result: she's fired the moment she resigns. Sasha ...

Episode #1.5947
S2014E62 · Episode #1.5947

Mar 31, 2014

Lost and confused, Josh sneaks in to sleep with Maddie, but is caught and chased by Alf, who rebukes their secrecy most, until Josh asks permission to return and owes up they already 'went further'. Casey can't handle being Josh's half-brother any better then Andi, who fears losing his, so both pick fights at the restaurant, Casey even insists to get arrested. Kyle worries how to control Phoebe, who called the police and warns she'll keep doing so. Especially Darryl is heart-broken that 'baby brother' now rejects his help, and has to cope with 'confused' Rickie's ...

Episode #1.5948
S2014E63 · Episode #1.5948

Mar 31, 2014

Despite failed formal mediation, Marilyn convinces Alf to allow Josh and Maddie making love in his room, rather then unsafely. Darryl enjoys a night with Rickie, who sneaks out anyway, but ends up telling his rival Nate she's grateful, but they're trough. Zac is driven by ex Hannah's mean hostility and threat to leave with the twins to drink too much and sleep at school. Seeing Josh and Maddie back together, Oscar sweetly resolves to be just her supportive study mate, but soon tires of her aloofness.

Episode #1.5949
S2014E64 · Episode #1.5949

Mar 31, 2014

At the anniversary of Palmer's wife's death, school and locals gather for the inauguration of an essay prize in the former principal's memory, except the thanks to the Harrington brothers again busy diner staff. After initial refusal to attend, Evie finally agrees and buries her absurd grudge against Zac, who keeps drinking as Bianca isn't ready to resume the principal's job, and now discovers his bottle. Heath presents initially delighted Darcy to half-brother Harley, but she rejects the baby when she realizes he's at the core of his tense rapport with Bianca.

Episode #1.5950
S2014E65 · Episode #1.5950

Mar 31, 2014

Zac risks hitting rock bottom, as ingrate Bianca, whose skin he saved by filling in so long as principal, insists to inform the department about his bottle. Marilyn explains she only deeply disappointed Jett by missing the Gina memorial and dedication because of a delay in her own surprise: a commemorative bench plaque at her and John's favorite thinking spot. Chris is convinced to be romantically irresistible again. Josh, Oscar and Spencer behave jealously, even at school.

Episode #1.5951
S2014E66 · Episode #1.5951

Apr 27, 2014

Having found Zac sleeping with a hangover in his car, Oscar decided to drive him home, albeit without a license, and hit an object. It's Tamara, whom Leah reports missing the next morning. Alf adds her to the target list of the rescue search for baby Harley and brat Darcy, who jealously took him away when not allowed to stay with father Heath indefinitely too. Tamara is found timely, but the kids wandered into the bush, without supplies. Marilyn reminds John that Jett's birthday is coming up, which the long-neglected knave actually never celebrated properly till date.

Episode #1.5952
S2014E67 · Episode #1.5952

Apr 28, 2014

Heath dies a thousand deaths before Harley is found and brought to hospital, where the baby boy's condition remains critical, yet has to forgive Darcy and be strong for Bianca. Noticing Zac's car damage, he and Oscar each think to have hot Tamara, but decide to keep quiet for now. Casey is back, but only to move out. Darryl finds him collapsed in the gym due to incompetent removal of his River Boys tattoos.

Episode #1.5953
S2014E68 · Episode #1.5953

Apr 29, 2014

Chris prepares for a dream night with Hannah and wants Spencer out of the way, but his attempts to hook up his brother with Evie fail. Tamara recovers well, so guilt-consumed Oscar and Zac still keep quiet about what seems a hit and run. Collapsing again while moving out, Casey finally lets Darryl bring him to hospital, afterwards tells his London lover he'll never rejoin her. Andi and Darryl bicker over whether to meddle with 'their' kid brothers' uneasy search to strike a half-brotherly rapport.

Episode #1.5954
S2014E69 · Episode #1.5954

Apr 30, 2014

Against Kyle's advice, Phoebe invites Josh and Maddy to the Braxton home 'to get acquainted'. Seeing everyone mortally uneasy, they convert it into a near-silent beach picnic. Josh tries to calm down Andi, who fears loosing his half-brother to Casey, but is told to prove his loyalty by moving back to Mangrove River together, even if that means leaving school and Maddy. Chris panics when his romantic date goes so well that Denny uses the L-word. John negotiates to by a boat as accumulated birthdays present for Jett, but half overhearing him calls in secret about ...

Episode #1.5955
S2014E70 · Episode #1.5955

Apr 30, 2014

Jett isn't amused with John's 'ideal boy's present, a rowing boat which requires endless toil, but has a blast at Palmer's bumbling and make-up after Marilyn realizes her 'rival' is just wood and admits Brian is a jealousy-figment. Heath realizes Bianca isn't ready to help him care for Harley and resolves to return to baby to his mother, only to be told she just died. Kyle calls Phoebe to order about meddling with him, the Barret brothers and Maddy, to little avail. Josh explains to Maddy Andi needs reassurance and is his only family apart from aloof Casey.

Episode #1.5956
S2014E71 · Episode #1.5956

May 04, 2014

Desperate to save his marriage, Heath decides heart-broken to return baby Harley to his late mother's family. By the time Irene makes Bianca realize how deep her cruel choice cuts, Heath is already on his way. Although Tamara is released from hospital, the police keeps investigating the presumed 'hit and run'. Oscar ditches class, barely able to avoid open panic. Zach is surprises to find his car, which the police was about to inspect and thus find his smashed headlight, disappeared, actually after Hanna called ex Andy 'for help'.

Episode #1.5957
S2014E72 · Episode #1.5957

May 05, 2014

To Darryl's great relief, Casey finally takes his advice to make friends with Josh, who is happy to take the time to work out a half-brotherly rapport. Now it's time to ask mother Braxton about her fertile love-life. Andy is disappointed that Hannah called him to hastily, secretly repair Zac's headlight but refuses to resume their affair. However just seeing it, Tamara faints and Zac tells the police he probably hit her.

Episode #1.5958
S2014E73 · Episode #1.5958

May 06, 2014

Casey scolds his cowardly, adulterous mother, Darryl convinces him to let her tell more, allegedly his father Barret was her true love, abusive Danny 'just' the breadwinner. Chris fakes illness to avoid meeting Denny, but like Spencer, Irene sees trough it and sends her along with soup, forcing exposure and a scolding break-up. Jett is increasingly unhappy to find that Palmer's 'ideal birthday present' is a leak boat and he's expected to raise the money to repair it by selling 'gelato' ice-cream.

Episode #1.5959
S2014E74 · Episode #1.5959

May 07, 2014

Palmer is puzzled that even Casey's generous contribution to the boat repairs can't fully cheer up Jett, who suddenly retracts on his enthusiasm to join a parent-free schoolmates weekend, until Marilyn works out he just fears the family budget is too tight, which is soon set straight. After Kyle sneers at Phoebe lazily still accepting a parental allowance, she bets she can raise more money then her restaurant wage. Busking in provocative dress wins both cash and unwanted attention, yet when Kyle firmly chases 'sleez' Bazza Douglas, she scolds that as if patronizing. ...

Episode #1.5960
S2014E75 · Episode #1.5960

May 07, 2014

Heath is back, having attended Harley's mother funeral, but couldn't give up his son and demands Bianca finally decides whether to be a proper spouse, instead of leaving him to his fate, but she just runs away, and when he catches up admits their marriage seems at its final end. Kyle is relieved when Phoebe's father, hot-shot lawyer Mark Nicholson, whom she practically only knows from checks but now surprise-visits, seems to like him, but after hearing about his name change to Braxton, his assistant is instructed to dig up the dirt. John and Marilyn agree it's too ...

Episode #1.5961
S2014E76 · Episode #1.5961

May 11, 2014

Kyle is appalled when Mark Nicholson, who couldn't even convince his daughter he's staying in the Bay just for quality time with her, offers him a bribe to leave her. Kyle turns it down, but when the cash is ostentatiously left on the road, takes it home to hide. As Nate feared, Tamara's conditioned worsened again. Oscar can't stand Zac facing trial for his accident and owes up to his startled uncle.

Episode #1.5962
S2014E77 · Episode #1.5962

May 12, 2014

Oscar owes up to Zac, who feels morally responsible anyway and tells him to just keep quiet. Oscar still informs the police, who just dismisses his 'misplaced loyalty'. Heath offers Bianca a chance to reconsider when she collects her belongings to move out, in vain. While meanly showing no consideration for Zac, Hannah is back on kissing terms with Andi. Oscar is shocked when Tamara confides in him the crash may leave her permanently blind. Zac offers his resignation after the school kids start ignoring him due to the rumor of his drinking problem.

Episode #1.5963
S2014E78 · Episode #1.5963

May 13, 2014

Josh is not amused that Maddy immaturely keeps dodging school work, apparently to provoke Alf, yet neither can correct his. Despite good advice from Spencer, Chris is determined to deal with Casey as 'rival' fir Denny, but ends up making a fool of himself trying to copy the masterly surfer without any experience. Heath makes clear to Bianca that she can't expect careless friendship after wrecking their marriage by refusing to deal with Harley.

Episode #1.5964
S2014E79 · Episode #1.5964

May 14, 2014

Josh firmly calls an end to ingrate Maddy's childish misbehavior, spelling out how lucky she is with 'parental' guidance, leading to her confession to him and ultimately Alf that she stupidly, selfishly hoped to force Roo to return early. Hearing about Chris's absurd jealousy, Darryl can't resist tauting him together with Casey, whose denial to have any interest in Denny isn't quite convincing to big brother. Spencer warns Chris against using his black book pick up tricks but gets reluctant Denny to make the fist sensible move. Palmer finally takes off his wedding ...

Episode #1.5965
S2014E80 · Episode #1.5965

May 14, 2014

Darryl forces Phoebe to learn that her father Mark Nicholson offered Kyle cash to dump her, but she also questions Kyle's attitude. Andi can't pay Alf the caravan rent, but Casey is in no mood to just take him back as gym employee without proof of adult work ethics. Marilyn's support to find "Gina's" wedding ring and patience are just the notch Palmer needs to put it away "till Jett's engagement".

Episode #1.5966
S2014E81 · Episode #1.5966

May 18, 2014

Although deeply insulted, the Braxton brothers remain calm when Phoebe's father arranges for the police to search their home, gym and restaurant. Josh duly doubts Maddy's promise to stop misbehaving and care for him instead, then scolds Andi's all but diplomatic approach but even dragging him to the gym to apologize backfires. Phoebe tells her father to leave her in peace as he can't give Kyle a break, but her own inability to trust him shakes Kyle's confidence. Plamer and Marilyn fail to spend quality time 'without minding Jett', whose only rely to countless sneaky ...

Episode #1.5967
S2014E82 · Episode #1.5967

May 19, 2014

Hannah and Evelyn selfishly plan to have Zac be jailed for Oscar's crime, while Zac himself is determined to assuage his guilt by taking the blame, not caring about Oscar's own guilt. Oscar gives Sasha proof of what really happened and asks her to write an article. The other MacGuires are furious and Zac uses emotional blackmail to try and get Sasha to keep quiet. Leah and Nate encourage Tamara to have an operation that will save her sight but instead she rings her parents and says she wants to go home.

Episode #1.5968
S2014E83 · Episode #1.5968

May 20, 2014

Zac and Oscar are near despair as Sasha already printed the knave's confession. Tamara calms down about Oscar after funding support with Casey but decides to move back home. Chris refuses to side unconditionally with Denny against Sasha, Casey reconciles them too. Heath tells Bianca to leave him alone as she can't accept him and Haley as a package.

Episode #1.5969
S2014E84 · Episode #1.5969

May 21, 2014

After finding Heath's panic over Harley's fever fortunately exaggerated, Nate advises closure in his wrecked marriage. John is furious when presented the bill for vandalism at camp which Jett took part in, Marilyn believes his story it was a prank gone out of hand, but John insists on severe punishment. Bianca initially refuses to discuss a divorce but the even requests a transfer to another school. Josh wants to study for exams, but Maddy drags him along, while Spencer prefers extra shifts in Heath's gym, in her crazy plans to organize a mega theme party, which ...

Episode #1.5970
S2014E85 · Episode #1.5970

May 21, 2014

Thanks to Kyle, Phoebe reconciles with her father, who even thanks him. Admitting she can't undermine Palmer's discipline for Jett, Marilyn promises to punish the little vandal this time, but just can't actually be strict. Shortly after Andi's verbal abuse of the Braxons peeks again, someone shoots at their home from a driving car.

Episode #1.5971
S2014E86 · Episode #1.5971

May 25, 2014

After the shooting and a police visit which promises nothing, Darryl resolves to 'settle it himself', Nate and Casey stop him from beating up Andi, who denies such cowardly act to Casey, who even rehires him at the gym. Mark Micholson is impressed by Kyle's adult, gentlemanly behavior and is asked to take clearly rattled Phoebe safely home for a while. After another police questioning and agonizing wait, Oscar is formally summoned to juvenile court in a few days. He literally can't bare schoolmates staring and gossiping, doesn't feel the moral relief he hoped for, ...

Episode #1.5972
S2014E87 · Episode #1.5972

May 26, 2014

Oscar can't stand everybody fussing, but Andi firmly brings him back to Zac. Kyle overcomes Phoebe's 'independent' protestations against safely sending her home with father Mark. Heath is desperate how to keep Harley safe, so relieved when Bianca, who waits for her transfer application to be processed, surprisingly offers to mind the baby so long.

Episode #1.5973
S2014E88 · Episode #1.5973

May 27, 2014

Heath initially dismisses Bianca's offer to mind Harley until it's safe at home again, but soon accepts to let him with her, Nate and Leah. Bianca soon panics, but Nate manages to reassure her until the maternal instinct kicks in. Although even Josh doesn't feel like Maddy's party project, preferring to study for the approaching exams, she presses on pigheadedly. Alf firmly having refused the use of his home, Marilyn gets John to allow it in the Surf club. Josh is deeply hurt when he hears Maddy tell reluctantly commandeered Spencer, that his lack of party-enthusiasm,...

Episode #1.5974
S2014E89 · Episode #1.5974

May 28, 2014

Alf tries to get Josh to tell Maddy the truth about how hard he's finding studying but it only takes a few smart alec comments from Matt to make him carrying on lying to her, even though she buries her hurt at his avoiding her party. Spencer convinces Evelyn to go to the party but she decides to be a brat and blame Sasha for her family's problems. Matt tells her a few home truths but Sasha decides to be angry with the boy who stuck up for her rather than bratty Evelyn, who Spencer kisses anyway. Chris and Denny retire to the Diner to reconsummate their relationship. A...

Episode #1.5975
S2014E90 · Episode #1.5975

May 28, 2014

Matt finds it impossible to 'apologize' verbally to Sasha for his 'grossly inappropriate' defense of her article about Oscar. taking Jett's advice that actions speak louder, but lacking musical talent for a serenade, he decides to expose himself for worse on the beach: breeches on ankles! Chris accepts a lottery ticket in lieu of payment in the diner, to Irene's fury, but actually wins a cruise, which he donates to her, refusing to leave Denny behind with 'rival' Casey. Refusing to be 'exploited' by Palmer as surf club debt slave, Jett accepts a job in the bait shop ...

Episode #1.5976
S2014E91 · Episode #1.5976

Jun 01, 2014

Kyle is not amused to find Phoebe foppishly returned, although Darryl hasn't discovered who threatens the Braxtons and before he can send her back to Melboure, the Braxton home is mugged. Kyle chases the culprit but makes a bad fall on the head. Heath is delighted to see Bianca copes minding baby Harley with Leah, who still can't convince her to resume their marriage, he dares not rock the boat. With Oscar's trial expected the next day, Zac resumes his job, Andi tempts Hannah to pick up their relationship 'at gym'.

Episode #1.5977
S2014E92 · Episode #1.5977

Jun 02, 2014

Casey finds Kyke and calls an ambulance to bring him to hospital, where Nate treats his head wound. To Heath's Delight, Bianca admits she was wrong to refuse living with Harley impossible so their marriage is saved, but she hides a letter about her transfer request. Insanely jealous, Chris forces Casey to a bit of a fight on the beach, only to humiliate himself further.

Episode #1.5978
S2014E93 · Episode #1.5978

Jun 03, 2014

Having been forced to hit jealous Chris, Casey tells Denny they can't meet anymore, but he admits at home to be secretly interested romantically. Oscar luckily gets off on trial with a community service, yet still can't handle his guilt issues. Nate is far from amused to find his wife Sophie née Taylor, separated for years but never divorced, has moved into town as principal, and refuses to contemplate a reconciliation. To news still makes Ricky feel 'cheated on by an adulterer'.

Episode #1.5979
S2014E94 · Episode #1.5979

Jun 04, 2014

Josh studies with admirable zeal, but self-absorbed Maddy keeps expecting him to waste time on her, so he invents other obligations. Oscar is hospitalized with serious anxiety attacks. Mortified, who hates people coming inquire about his state, but ever-gently Spencer finds the right tone, referring to his own bipolar period. Palmer wants to treat Marlyn to a romantic weekend, hesitates about the costs but Jett pushed him. Overhearing him mention his 'wife', Marilyn gets cold feet, but soon reconsiders. Alf makes Jett's month by finding a near-free motor for his boat.

Episode #1.5980
S2014E95 · Episode #1.5980

Jun 04, 2014

Josh desperately seeks a place to study in quit, but keeps getting hounded by everybody, worst of all Maddy, who remains clueless until Sasha points out he simply still needs to put in more effort. Spencer comes up with a brilliant two couples study group plan, so Josh can get tutored without unnecessary embarrassment. When Marilyn proposes to John after a lavish dinner, he's so startled he runs off after saying 'no, sorry, I can't. Jett urges him to set that straight before it's too late, which works. Meanwhile stressed Jett takes his boat on a maiden trip, alone, ...

Episode #1.5981
S2014E96 · Episode #1.5981

Jun 08, 2014

Jett is nearly drowning by the time Palmer realizes the rascal is missing, not just sulking. Lacking a functioning motor boat, Darryl jumps in and swims to the rescue. John just rages ruining his and Marilyn's great day calls for major punishment. Josh and Evelyn find study group with models students Spencer and Maddy, who keep bickering about methods, hardly helpful, but get along well. Kyle spots Phoebe's father Mark talking in his assailant Morgan Woodley's car, and after being told he found nothing yet realizes that Mark Nicholson orchestrated everything just to ...

Episode #1.5982
S2014E97 · Episode #1.5982

Jun 09, 2014

Kyle refuses to tell Phoebe about her father's criminal methods, fearing it would break her heart', and fails to threaten Mark Nicholson to back down, but Darryl takes that over convincingly. Palmer promises ever-irresponsible Jett the worst-ever punishment for the ultimate knavery, but by refusing to celebrate their engagement with John in bully mode, Marilyn gets him to reconsider and accept Jett for once was excusable shocked and lost his birthday boat. Oscar claims his therapist works brilliant results, yet is reluctant to return to school and found in Hannah's ...

Episode #1.5983
S2014E98 · Episode #1.5983

Jun 10, 2014

Oscar isn't responding to therapy, feeling unworthy of respect or help, so Hannah expects Andi to assist him in the gym and exchange experiences as multiply convicted ruffian. It works for Oscar, who resolves t become a model school boy more ten ever, but Andi feels manipulated and dumps Hannah. Heath is shocked to find out that Bianca had been hiding her transfer, yet decides, now her principal spot is taken, that she must accept. Nate regrets his separated wife Sophie telling people she's his spouse and resists any couple-like attention, yet ends up kissing her back.

Episode #1.5984
S2014E99 · Episode #1.5984

Jun 11, 2014

Chris thanks Casey for walking away from 'his' Denny, but Darryl convinces his 'kid' brother not to risk wanting all his life to have given her a go. Still not happy with Sophie's return in his life, and starting as principal, Nate tells her the reciprocated welcome kiss was a one-off. At Heath's insistence, Bianca happily starts commuting to a city school, but he's left anxious, alone with Harley. Having been expelled from the shelter, Matt is squatting.

Episode #1.5985
S2014E100 · Episode #1.5985

Jun 11, 2014

Despite all his hard work, Josh isn't nearly confident is his history test results, finding comfort only with Evy, although Andi finally shows support his way. Casey finally works up the courage to tell Denny he desires her, but is told she can't even consider dumping Chris now. Matt admits he squatted in school after leaving the homeless shelter, which feels like a losers dump, but finds a generously offered alternative: moving in with Leah.

Episode #1.5986
S2014E101 · Episode #1.5986

Jun 15, 2014

Josh firmly resists lazy Maddy's attempts to draw him from school work for idle fun. Spencer tries to explain to her, only to get stuck with the winer in the gym. Zac effectively coaches his clearly charmed new principal Sophie, who gives as first art assignment as self-portrait. Josh and study-buddy Evy decide to swap assignments, only to slave over them desperately, yet score well. Josh proves himself a masterly photographer, gently pushed by professional Ricky.

Episode #1.5987
S2014E102 · Episode #1.5987

Jun 16, 2014

Heath is pleasantly surprised when Darryl offers to mind Harley so he can contact Bianca. Darryl's brothers are puzzled when he calls a family meeting, only to send them back without explanation. Rickie inspires him to try again, probing each's happiness, at a family barbecue picnic. Noticing Phoebe won't be appeased about the presumed lurking danger, Kyle decides to tell her father arranged for the attacks. Casey still dares not tell he admitted to Denny to be in to her. As soon as Spencer confides in Maddy that Evie is embarrassed about her feelings for Josh, she ...

Episode #1.5988
S2014E103 · Episode #1.5988

Jun 17, 2014

Oscar must go collect his community service tasks in town, but suffers from anxiety and refuses help, feeling he already troubled everybody too much. Andi, in a triumphant mood after Hnnah practically begged him to take her back, manages to appease and accompany the knave, then reassures him gardening is just right. Kyle braves Phoebe's rage over not being told earlier, fears she'll regret turning her father in and gets Casey to make her reconsider and opt for a more subtle 'revenge': cutting off contact. Plamer is scared into seeking excuses when Marilyn starts ...

Episode #1.5989
S2014E104 · Episode #1.5989

Jun 18, 2014

To Zac's relief, Oscar accepts Nate's suggestion to try medication. Jett is not amused when Marilyn decrees that by way of wedding tryout, after she moved in and started changing everything in their home, they must spend days with her in Alf's home. Sofia nags Nate because he duly informed the school counselor about her drug problem and asks Sasha to run for school captain again, but her fake refusal may turn sincere after Matt declares he won't stand if she does.

Episode #1.5990
S2014E105 · Episode #1.5990

Jun 18, 2014

Jetts accepts to walk Darcy to school and stop for juices, but as soon as he senses she hopes for a romantic dimension, makes clear she's simply too young. Her wining makes Heath wrongly presume his baby was abused, so Jett runs s fast as he can. Once the truth becomes clear, Heath duly apologizes to Jett, who is just relieved to be out of the picture, then calms down Darcy once she ends her bathroom lock-in. Nate worries how to share town with his ex. Matt is persuaded by Leah to consider standing for co-captains with Sasha.

Episode #1.5991
S2014E106 · Episode #1.5991

Jun 22, 2014

Darryl is surprised by Heath's dedication to earning custody of Darcy by becoming a respectable citizen. Oscar vows to catch up as model student. Nate and Sophie have a 'first' post-divorce dinner, which starts awfully, but agree to just go easy. Matt accepts to be Sasha's co-captain but soon starts regretting her endless expectations, on top of which the principal now blackmails him into wearing correct school uniform.

Episode #1.5992
S2014E107 · Episode #1.5992

Jun 23, 2014

Josh and Evie find comfort only with each-other while anxiously waiting for the exam they studied their arses off for and then for the results. Josh's joy when he aces it is spoiled by clueless Maddy, whose arrogance went as far as not noticing the question on the back. Zac duly refuses a 'second chance' and Josh is so furious about her playing the victim without even congratulating him that he dumps her. Although Nate's dinner with Sophie started badly, they land together in his bed. Matt finds out and thinks he can blackmail his new principal into letting him off at...

Episode #1.5993
S2014E108 · Episode #1.5993

Jun 24, 2014

Now everyone sides with Josh, as even Andi invites Casey to join congratulating 'our nerd brother', self-absorbed Maddy still need several sermons to realize she's the insensitive ingrate. her attempted apology remains self-centered, yet after surprising encouragement from Evy, Josh takes her back against his better judgment. Chris is stood-up by Denny, whom he assumed wrongly would cancel alleged previous engagements for an evening with him, so he pampers unwilling 'guest' Spencer instead, only to find it the morning she lied and has feelings for patient Casey, who ...

Episode #1.5994
S2014E109 · Episode #1.5994

Jun 25, 2014

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Episode #1.5995
S2014E110 · Episode #1.5995

Jun 25, 2014

Heath is near a nervous wreck while his all or nothing custody claim for Darcy is pending. Phoebe insists to dispose of everything her father ever gave her in a garage sale, but Kyle and Darryl end up stopping that. Oscar feels better, thanks to gym tutor Andi, who tells Hannah to stop playing games: they are publicly on or completely off. Palmer convinces Marilyn that living at Alf's, now Roo is back, isn't a long term option, so he proposes looking for a new home. When that proves out of budget, she promises to give his house another go.

Episode #1.5996
S2014E111 · Episode #1.5996

Jun 29, 2014

Andi turns Hannah's own game against her by sneaking out 'to spare her house-mates' until she promises to go public as a couple. While Casey seems a natural at babysitting Harley, to Ricky's delight, Darryl tells her, sick of badgering about future plans, those can't include a baby. Tired of constant interruptions during dinner, Nate ends up turning off his cellphone while making love, although on call. Roo collapsed the previous evening but was't found until next morning due to Alf's house-mates scattering outdoors.

Episode #1.5997
S2014E112 · Episode #1.5997

Jun 30, 2014

Nate is furious to discover his cellphone has been silenced, so he missed six calls from hospital, actually about Roo, whom nobody else could diagnose. He blames Sophie, who wines he'll never stop seeing her as a junkie. Josh offers to stay with Maddy at Roo's sickbed, but is turned away. Evie invites him for a walk, then to the farm, where they find a stray horse, which he rides with her clinging to him, culminating in a kiss. Darryl tells Rickie he'll never embrace parenthood, fearing he might prove as horrible as his own old man.

Episode #1.5998
S2014E113 · Episode #1.5998

Jul 01, 2014

Heath commandeers cheerfully willing Kyle, a natural, to babysit Harley, and as he must run the restaurant, during the day Phoebe, while Heath handles Darcy. All but maternal Phoebe concludes Kyle and she need their own home. Josh and Evie agree their budding relationship can go nowhere to spare Maddy, but Marilyn sees them kissing at the bus stop and despite Palmer's advice to stay out lectures the now too popular knave as if he owes Maddy. Matt, unable to afford spending on Sasha, decides to become Angelo's new pizza boy, but Kyle isn't hiring, even after being ...

Episode #1.5999
S2014E114 · Episode #1.5999

Jul 02, 2014

Heath is not amused when Phoebe accidentally betrays to Darcy that he's suing for sole custody again. Kyle rebukes Phoebe for telling his brothers they're moving out, yet can't actually object to the idea. Spencer must shatter Chris's rekindling romantic hope by reporting that despite Casey's utter bumbling at the gym's beach boot camp in Denny's presence, she only joint to be with him. Matt can't see the harm in Irene catching him and Sasha kissing at her home, yet she's fired. So Matt begs Kyle until offered a pizza delivery shift after Zac claims Matt is good with ...

Episode #1.6000
S2014E115 · Episode #1.6000

Jul 02, 2014

Andi is pleasantly surprised and pays pseudo-hard to get when invited to the farm for a MCguire 'family dinner' with 'dessert' in bed. Zac claims to have no objection, yet pretends to have promised Oscar a night of camping, only to sneak back in by dusk. Chris tells Casey and Denny to accept their relationship, at least knowing he can move on too. Roo's pathology remains a mystery, Alf refuses to sleep, talk to other visitors or even eat.

Episode #1.6001
S2014E116 · Episode #1.6001

Jun 30, 2014

Nate found that Roo has meningitis, but can't treat it until tests show which type. Matt badgers Darryl about his delivery boy terms, but is rudely told he can only keep the job if he shuts up, yet that suffices to impress still jobless Sasha. Casey's insecurity around Denny remains problematic.

Episode #1.6002
S2014E117 · Episode #1.6002

Jul 07, 2014

When Oscar starts his community service, Zac waves Andy's warning that work details are like prison, counseling to stand up or be abused. Alas, Oscar ends up with a bloody nose after badgering by two abusive thugs. Realistic Kyle and clueless Phoebe find home-hunting difficult. Darryl feels sort of useless when Casey declines his help with Denny and asks Ricky to talk again.

Episode #1.6003
S2014E118 · Episode #1.6003

Jul 08, 2014

Andy deals with abused Oscar's bruised confidence and sets Zac straight, whose apologies don't impress the shocked knave so far. Kyle finds his criminal record, which he lied about at Phoebe's insistence, ruined their changes at both homes they applied to rent. Yet Kyle refuses Darryl's offer to have a Ruver Boy mate intercede. Now none of his brothers seem to need him any more, Brax agrees with Ricky to opt for a childless relationship. Matt is amused by Sasha fighting Irene, yet both are relieved when her needing a stand-in so she can attend Roo gets Sasha ...

Episode #1.6004
S2014E119 · Episode #1.6004

Jul 09, 2014

Heath warns Ricky, who eagerly volunteers to babysit Harley, against giving up her child wish for Darryl too easily, while trying to prevent hopeless brat Darcy from compromising his tireless preparations to bid for full custody. Exhausted by the diagnostic puzzle, which shows Roo has a viral infection of both meninges and brain proper, Nate goes surf while the family must track down her whereabouts to rule out countless suspect viruses, but it turns out she left Las Vegas weeks early. Nate offers Sophie an olive branch, only to be bluntly dismissed. Rather then help ...

Episode #1.6005
S2014E120 · Episode #1.6005

Jul 09, 2014

With Roo critically ill in hospital and Alf, John and Marilyn acting like headless chickens, it's left to Maddy to save the day by working out where Roo hid her travel documents, which show she went to Peru. Nate works out she's had an allergic reaction to an inoculation and she's soon receiving the right treatment. Spencer confronts Josh over finding marijuana hidden under the Barretts' caravan. Bratty Evelyn tries to force Spencer to keep quiet in order to protect the subject of her childish fantasies, but he only agrees to wait a day before telling the police. ...

Episode #1.6006
S2014E121 · Episode #1.6006

Jul 13, 2014

Josh warns Andy that Spencer is about to inform the police about the weed. Andy refuses to destroy it but promises a solution, actually hiding it in the farm shed. Zac admits to Oscar that he's planning to move out after a row with Hannah, assures him it's not supposed to diminish his commitment to twin and gets him to stay silent to Evie. Darryl finds on the beach Darcy, who ran believing that discovery of her fall and arm injury could result in final separation from her Heath, as once happened to schoolmate. Spencer protest innocence when Josh hits him because the ...

Episode #1.6007
S2014E122 · Episode #1.6007

Jul 14, 2014

Josh grows desperate, fearing Alf will expel him when he learns about the weed stash, but the Harrington brothers make Alf believe the only fought with Josh over Maddy. Chris discloses he, not Spencer, actually informed the police about Andy. Due to still lying Darcy's endlessly changed story and Heath's domestic abuse past, Nate feels legally and morally bound to report Darcy's broken arm, despite Darryl and Ricky's pleas. Casey refuses to tell Darryl how he incurred a cut or where he's going to while Darcy is still in hospital and 'abuse suspect' Heath not allowed ...

Episode #1.6008
S2014E123 · Episode #1.6008

Jul 15, 2014

Denny pressures Casey into going ahead with their camping trip, as he puts having sex with her over supporting his brother when he might have his children taken away. Ricky is annoyed that Nate's judgemental actions have caused Brax to once again doubt his fitness as a father, but Brax tells her he might change his mind. Roo is discharged from hospital but still refuses to explain herself, while Marilyn refuses to return home with John and Jett. Maddy tries to get her life back on track but is cut short when officious Sophie decides to write off a year's work because ...

Episode #1.6009
S2014E124 · Episode #1.6009

Jul 16, 2014

Maddy is upset that Sophie wants to keep her at school until she's twenty and pushes her friends away when they try to help. Josh whines to Sasha about his girlfriend once again, even spouting Andy's old lies about her, but is unable to break up with Maddy when she's nice to him again. Marilyn childishly tries to keep Alf and Roo apart, in a foolish attempt to prevent the inevitable argument over her unexplained secrecy. Phoebe is determined to get out of the Braxton house and ropes Matt into posing as an old landlord to give her and Kyle a reference. Kyle is ...

Episode #1.6010
S2014E125 · Episode #1.6010

Jul 16, 2014

Alf gives drug suspect Andy his marching orders, Josh can stay if big brother leaves quietly. Oscar protests after Hannah dumps her boyfriends, given there's no proof he wasn't set up, but that only inspires her to openly suspect 'jealous' Zac. Kyle is far from amused by Phoebe's dirty tricks behind his back, but ends up accepting moving into a semi-dodgy friend of Darryl's available apartment. Palmer looses his patience when Marilyn refuses to move back while 'Roo needs her', as the coach is killing his back and Jett starts feeling near-homeless.

Episode #1.6011
S2014E126 · Episode #1.6011

Jul 20, 2014

It takes Darryl, Zac and others to stop Heath from 'illegally' seeing Darcy at school to assure her she's not to be blamed, but she sneaks out to see him during lunch break, by which time he heard Harley is also to be taken away during the formal abuse investigation. Zac won't dignify Hannah's question if he set up Andy with a, answer and moves out, but when the weed stash is found in the shed, even Oscar takes that as proof. Andy now seems cleared, but can't honor his drug deal with a 2 hours deadline. Alf's advise to let Marilyn "think she's in control" about living...

Episode #1.6012
S2014E127 · Episode #1.6012

Jul 21, 2014

Darryl convinces Heath last moment not to run with his kids but avoid the police on his tracks by returning Darcy to grandmother Connie. However when the crone collects her, she learns about the child-abuse charge and insists to question Nate, after whose refusal she concludes sole custody must now be awarded to her. Matt can't stand Sasha's enthusiastic nagging about study and career perspectives, which River Boys like him don't even dream about.

Episode #1.6013
S2014E128 · Episode #1.6013

Jul 22, 2014

Heath's joy, shared by his brothers an their girls, over the official decision not to take Harley away after the child abuse investigation is cut short, as grandma Connie calls him an incorrigible liar and resumes sole full-time custody of Darcy. Casey carefully avoids dragging Denny into the latest Braxton drama, but she feels patronized and reacts furiously, refusing to spend time when he drops by. Nate and Leah are relieved to find that Sophie wasn't pregnant or relapsed but has appendicitis, he feels guilty for suspecting her as long term addict and worries if ...

Episode #1.6014
S2014E129 · Episode #1.6014

Jul 23, 2014

Spencer grows more suspicious of Josh's feelings for Eve, but Maddy refuses to consider she may loose her boyfriend, while wining even her mates agree that her laziness at exams deserves repeating the year. Nate is relieved that Sophie has the courage to turn down painkillers after her appendectomy. Matt is appalled when Sasha, whom he wouldn't even let listen to his private music, plays it at school. Casey assures Denny he wants her in his life. Jett pushes John and Palmer to work on getting their marriage project on track.

Episode #1.6015
S2014E130 · Episode #1.6015

Jun 30, 2014

Everyie is shocked to see that Josh has been beaten up badly as a warning from the drug dealers, but Andy still hoped to play innocent. Hannah finally realizes the truth and dumps him, but Zac refuses to return home, disgusted by her utter lack of trust. Jett pushes Palmer to work on the wedding preparations, but Roo forces herself upon the obviously unamused bride, who still refuses to call her off.

Episode #1.6016
S2014E131 · Episode #1.6016

Jul 27, 2014

Maddy finally cottons on to the fact Josh has been cheating on her, and even Oscar, smitten with Maddy, begins to realise Evelyn is far from innocent. Evelyn denies everything but Josh admits the truth to his girlfriend. For all her protests, Evelyn is quick to fall into Josh's arms now he's single. Zac forgives Oscar for believing criminal Andy over him but Hannah is already making up excuses for Andy. Heath decides that, with Connie selfishly keeping him and Darcy apart, he and Harley are best off joining Bianca in the city. Brax convinces Connie to let Heath say ...

Episode #1.6017
S2014E132 · Episode #1.6017

Jun 30, 2014

While Heath prepares himself and Harley to move in with Bianca in the city, Darcy made another fugue, which brought granny Connie too. Seeing the heartbreaking goodbye, she finally acknowledges the devoted father and children belong together and agrees to let Darcy join them. Nate releases Siphie from hospital and accepts Leah's offer to put her up during rehab, a daunting prospect for Matt.

Episode #1.6018
S2014E133 · Episode #1.6018

Jul 29, 2014

Now Heath has left for the city, Darryl wants the flat to finally start enjoying his own life with Rickie and a baby, Phoebe claims it for her and Kyle, who is miserably caught and mediates sensitively. Busybody Roo's wedding planner nagging drives brides-pair and Jett crazy, despite some inspiration from party-minded Chris, but either dares tell her off. Jett explains to Matt that living with the principal can be milked.

Episode #1.6019
S2014E134 · Episode #1.6019

Jul 30, 2014

Casey is all but amused to find out that Andy sleeps in the gym because he has drug debts which also caused their common sibling Josh to be beaten up, yet the knucklehead refuses any help. Since Josh admitted he's now in love with Evie, self-absorbed Maddie plays the victim of a malicious world and turns on everybody. Casey gets help to convince Denny he loves her and only protects her from excessive Braxton drama. Matt 'convinces' Sophie to allow him and Sasha time off for work as captains, but instead of liberty at home it's such actual, checked-up chores in a ...

Episode #1.6020
S2014E135 · Episode #1.6020

Jul 30, 2014

Shy Oscar has an eye on Maddie, so he keenly volunteers his shoulder for her to cry on now 'everyone betrays her'. Spencer tries everything to keep her in line at school, but duly berated in class by Zac for bickering with Josh and Evie, she runs off, swearing never to return, which Spencer reports to Alf and Roo. Evie plans a family dinner reconciliation, which Zac accepts attending, but Oscar cancels, to stand by Maddie, and Hannah reconciles with Andy. Finding out the extent of Andy's drug dealer trouble as he now sleeps in the gym, Casey takes in Josh, who isn't ...

Episode #1.6021
S2014E136 · Episode #1.6021

Aug 04, 2014

Kyle and Phoebe are put out to find Casey has moved Josh in without telling them, especially when Casey decides to hurl petty insults at them instead of actually telling them what's going on. Roo tries to talk to Maddy about her decision to leave school but she isn't in the mood for discussion. Oscar tries to get Evelyn to go easy on Hannah about Andy, unaware their pathetic aunt is already back sleeping with the man who wrecked their family and is now stealing from her. Depressed Maddy turns to smitten Oscar for comfort, leaving bratty hypocrite Evelyn desperate to ...

Episode #1.6022
S2014E137 · Episode #1.6022

Aug 05, 2014

Bratty Evelyn is outraged that spurned love rival Maddy has slept with twin brother Oscar, and tries to get Josh to skip school so she can whine to him about it. Maddy manages to drop the attitude long enough to have a discussion with Roo and admits that, although Oscar makes her feel good about herself, she doesn't like him the way he likes her: She ends the fling, leaving him heartbroken. Hannah finally begins to cotton on to how dangerous Andy's situation is and thinks it would be a good idea to confront the local drug dealers. Running out of options, Casey steals ...

Episode #1.6023
S2014E138 · Episode #1.6023

Aug 06, 2014

Jet is delighted that beloved Nina is suddenly back, less to hear it's only one day, for a family party. Unlike her, a family dinner hardly appeals to him, so Marilyn transforms it into a romantic duo-dinner and promises to invite Nina for her own wedding. Zac feels caught between Leah and Sophie accuses each-other of deceptive games, Nate stands by his wife. Matt gets nothing but ingratitude from Sasha, however he tries to help the inept would be-poet.

Episode #1.6024
S2014E139 · Episode #1.6024

Aug 06, 2014

While Palmer wriggles to limit the expensive wedding extravaganza, born romantic Jett treats Nina to a luxury picnic while waiting for Marilyn to confirm Nina's parents allow her attending the wedding. Nate and Zac convince Leah and Sophie to discuss their mutual distrust, which leads to a somewhat scary sisterhood. Chris, who clumsily helped restore Leah's romantic confidence, also cheers up Denny over a special dinner where she explains having signed up for Braxton drama, not Barret complications, but ends up scolded and slapped for 'imagining' signals and kissing ...

Episode #1.6025
S2014E140 · Episode #1.6025

Aug 06, 2014

Denny is scared of Casey finding out Chris kissed her, so vile Phoebe resorts to Braxton thuggery in order to scare harmless Chris into staying quiet. Maddy is determined to find a job but interfering Roo is equally determined to force her to go back to school and sabotages her attempt to get a job at the gym. However, when loyal friend Spencer speaks up for Maddy, Casey decides to give her a job after all. John cryptically tells Marilyn the one person he wants to be at the wedding won't be, so she decides to secretly invite Shandi, the daughter he hardly knows.

Episode #1.6026
S2014E141 · Episode #1.6026

Aug 10, 2014

Hannah finds Andy has been beaten up by the dealers he owns money to and is soon being melodramatic about it. Pretty much everyone else follows suit, with Brax annoyed about Casey giving Andy money and Andy warning Josh and Hannah to go into hiding. Maddy is enthusiastic about starting work until Roo tries to take her entire wages off her for rent and food and Casey makes it clear he's not interested in her ideas, intending to give her a hard time so she'll go back to school. Marilyn learns it was Xavier, not Shandi, that John wanted to advice and soon finds herself ...

Episode #1.6027
S2014E142 · Episode #1.6027

Aug 11, 2014

While Andy is is hospital, beaten up by his drug creditors, Kyle isn't sure bringing Josh for protection to the Braxton home is fair to others, mainly Phoebe and Rickie. Hannah finds her car tailed by a suspicious one, but gets away and alarms Darryl, who tells Casey to get Denny too and talks the missing $4,000 from the restaurant till so Andy can finally pay the drug scum. Palmer is far from amused when Marilyn confesses she sort of invited his estranged daughter, but forgives his bride.

Episode #1.6028
S2014E143 · Episode #1.6028

Aug 12, 2014

Kyle is furious about Brax once again making decisions without consulting him so buys a load of music equipment for the restaurant. Phoebe tells Brax that Kyle just wants to be respected and Brax tells him about his and Ricky's baby plans. Sasha and Matt are put in charge of a business enterprise exercise at school and while Sasha micro-manages everything, Matt lazes about then comes up with an improvised last minute scheme. Sophie makes him and Spencer the finalists, with Sasha eager to get involved with one of their projects. Maddy and Oscar clear the air and she ...

Episode #1.6029
S2014E144 · Episode #1.6029

Aug 12, 2014

After having fought off his community service bully, Oscar is obsessed with gym exercise and keeps ignoring Zac's instructions to give school due priority. Spencer finds Oscar also seeks to be 'coached' by Maddy at the gym. While Phoebe tries to master and somehow keep the music equipment against the Braxton brothers, she finds pizza-boy Matt a natural at using it, yet unwilling to act as DJ, but convinces him to use it for a jingle at his class group business project, which wins the school kids over against Sasha, whom Spencer duly scolds for wrecking everyone's ...

Episode #1.6030
S2014E145 · Episode #1.6030

Aug 13, 2014

John continues to worry about telling Jett about Shandi, so naturally Jett innocently adds to the guilt by being nice to him. Nate and Sophie are house hunting and Sophie continues trying to set up Leah and Zac; Leah is keen but Zac seems oblivious and Leah is disappointed when he simply asks for his old room back. Denny gets jealous of Casey's friendship with Maddy while Chris tries to make up for his actions by telling Casey what happened between them. The bland couple are soon back fondling each other so it's almost a relief that there's a sinister black car ...

Episode #1.6031
S2014E146 · Episode #1.6031

Aug 17, 2014

Cued by their spy, the drug fiends send scary roadkill to the Braxton home. Casey and Darryl bring Denny, but by the time they realize that was just a diversion, Josh and Evie, despite spotting them and trying to run, have been ceased and tied up in the farm. After some threats and abuse, worsened by her provocative stubbornness and arrogant attitude, chief thug Cody is convinced they don't know Andy's whereabouts and sends Darryl an ultimatum. John and Marilyn are meanwhile surprised to meet adult Shandi, who came weeks early to meet her father. An initial talk goes ...

Episode #1.6032
S2014E147 · Episode #1.6032

Aug 18, 2014

Darryl offers Cody's drug fiends the remaining $4,000, refusing only $1000 interest, to get Josh and Evie back. Just then, Andy returns, who brings the tripled ransom advance, enough to pay off all his debts. Darryl considers that as fishy as the drug fiends giving in so easily. Josh refuses to return 'home' with his deadbeat half-brother, who leaves him with Casey and is dumped by Hannah, whom Evie suddenly forgives. Jett learns about Shandi, assures John he understands and confesses to Marilyn's all too confusing after meeting his 'half-sister' who warns Palmer ...

Episode #1.6033
S2014E148 · Episode #1.6033

Aug 19, 2014

Nate already wonders if moving in with Sophie was right, fearing a relapse, so he avoids being home with her and invites people for a 'house warming party', but is caught out. Kyle and Phoebes's attempts to spare 'possibly pregnant' Rickie betray to her that Darryl's secret is out, and she refuses to be a 'princess'. Instead of enjoying 'her' poem being published, Sasha ruins everything by confessing to Sophie it's not hers, too late for retraction, without saying it's Matt's.

Episode #1.6034
S2014E149 · Episode #1.6034

Aug 20, 2014

Oscar pigheadedly exhausts himself with endless gym and outdoor exercises, ignoring Spencer's gentle warnings, until Nate's help must be called for after a collapse. Kyle is caught between Phoebe and Darryl and Rickie, who get into an argument over him having confided their child wish to his mature brother. After Matt proves to incredulous Zac that he wrote Sasha's laureate poem, she's let off the hook.

Episode #1.6035
S2014E150 · Episode #1.6035

Aug 20, 2014

Despite coordinated efforts from Spencer, who finds out he attends the gym repeatedly every day, Zac, Andi, who braves Hannah's sanctimonious hostility, and others, Oscar keeps overexercising within an inch of total collapse. Jett desperately tries to ingratiate himself with clueless-delighted, yet-suspicious John, terrified by Sandi's claim that Palmer can desert you any time, regardless of Marilyn's assurance that nobody can take his place in the happy couple's hearts. Spencer finds his brides boot-camp even harder in practice with Marilyn's Roo-lead party.

Episode #1.6036
S2014E151 · Episode #1.6036

Aug 24, 2014

Casey is delighted when Darryl finally confides his and Rickie's child wish into him, yet refuses to give up pleading for new chances for Andi, arguing he never benefited from crucial family support, unlike the Braxton bunch, who all needed it often. Oscar keeps over-exercising and puzzles community service bully Mitch, whom he previously knocked down in a fight, by voluntarily doing his heavy lifting and asking for a ride 'home' deep into the bush, where exhaustion finally makes Oscar collapse. Palmer and Marilyn have a hard time convincing terrified Jett that he ...

Episode #1.6037
S2014E152 · Episode #1.6037

Aug 25, 2014

When Zac realizes that Oscar pretended to expect a ride home from him and fins out his nephew actually got a lift from bully Mitch, a search is launched. Andi finds the dehydrated knave, Nate sees to his physical condition but warns he can handle only such symptoms until the mental cause, a feeling of utter lack of control of his life except for his bodily condition, is dealt with. Darryl demands Rickie makes up her mind: either got for parenthood all the way as if a done deal, or abandon the plan. Nate finds Sophie unwilling to keep 'coming last' after his ...

Episode #1.6038
S2014E153 · Episode #1.6038

Aug 26, 2014

Ricky and Sophie try to organise a double date with Brax and Nate but Brax prefers to sulk a lot and doesn't really give it a chance. Josh is feeling like a spare part at chez Braxton so Evelyn suggests he organise a family barbecue which changes into a cheating couples convention. With Casey and Denny indulging in an excessive amount of bedroom action, Evelyn is left feeling uncomfortable at Josh groping her and ends up whining to Denny that she thinks Josh will leave her because she doesn't want to sleep with him. Maddy is upset at seeing Josh and Evelyn carrying on...

Episode #1.6039
S2014E154 · Episode #1.6039

Aug 27, 2014

Maddy doesn't exactly let Spencer down gently, resulting in him accusing her of still being interested in cheating ex Josh. Scarlet woman Evelyn continues to have hang ups about sleeping with Josh but isn't honest with him until she sees him with Maddy; he tells her he's fine to wait. John fobs off both Marilyn and Shandi when they want a family dinner but Marilyn quickly twigs. Irresponsible Phoebe wants Kyle to skip work to help her write songs before turning to Matt, who is also at a loose end with Sasha obsessing over her poems, but Kyle is furious when he finds ...

Episode #1.6040
S2014E155 · Episode #1.6040

Aug 27, 2014

Kyle has to be stopped by Casey attacking Mat for verbally mashing pit at Phebe, who kept bugging him about his refusal to share credit for the song he helped her write. Kyle soon makes up and assure Matt he has real music and should consider reviving his school band. Jett is now confident enough for a family meeting with Shandi. Sassed by Denny about brides boot camp, Casey, who stands in for Spencer, duly exhausts his lover. Matt duly laughs away Sasha's ridicules color-coded 'author modes thinking caps'.

Episode #1.6041
S2014E156 · Episode #1.6041

Aug 31, 2014

Casey counts on a free day at the beach to surf and play with Denny, but has to cancel twice as protégé Andi tests his and Darryl's patience as gym employee by turning up late and leaving early, actually summoned by Cody to receive triple the agreed pay and meet his boss for more- it's Braxton nemesis Jake Pirovic. Kyle is clearly, yet silently, unamused that phoebe considers a music gig three days away, yet accepts when Denny offers to chaperon her. Marilyn tries to be 'less herself, desperate to get along with future daughter in law Shandi.

Episode #1.6042
S2014E157 · Episode #1.6042

Sep 01, 2014

Evelyn encourages Josh to see Andy but Brax is cautious. The meeting goes predictably badly and allows Jake to stoke Andy's feelings of resentment against Brax, resulting in Andy punching Brax on the beach for the umpteenth time. Hannah and a particularly aggravating Evelyn are keeping a close eye on Oscar's eating but Hannah agrees to give him restricted access to the gym. Heartbroken Maddy is having trouble letting go of her feelings for Josh and ends up trading bitchy comments with Evelyn, which results in Maddy realising Evelyn hasn't really slept with Josh.

Episode #1.6043
S2014E158 · Episode #1.6043

Sep 02, 2014

Smarting from her argument with Maddy, Evelyn makes a show of going back to Josh's place with him, then backs off like a scared cat when she gets there. Maddy seems ready to give up on getting Josh back until Oscar and Josh himself unknowingly give her hope. Ricky encourages Brax to spend time with Josh, so he fixes a car with him and offers to teach him to drive. Kyle is paranoid about Phoebe being away and takes his bad mood out on Josh until Ricky steps in. Nate once again treats Sophie as his last priority, ignoring her calls to help Hannah give nutrition advice ...

Episode #1.6044
S2014E159 · Episode #1.6044

Sep 03, 2014

Chris has made a mess of Irene's kitchen, as each attempt to improve it only led to more damage. The diner's catering for the school formal benefit is also compromised, so to redeem himself with the kids, he volunteers to man a kissing booth, but is dragged back to the kitchen. Matt, who saved the day, is nevertheless forced to man the booth, then drags Zac to 'hold it a while' and Leah tricked into kissing him as a dare, yet the two don't express her romantic interest or his complexer reluctance. Foregiving Nate gets Sophie to consider her unfounded suspicion is the ...

Episode #1.6045
S2014E160 · Episode #1.6045

Sep 03, 2014

Chris is back from a holiday trip with a spice rack to spoil Irene, but hearing she'll consider the kitchen 'oerfect' with new shelves, decides to throw those in. Refusing Spencer's nocturnal help as 'tsealing glory', Chris turns the kitchen into an oven-less war zone. That's also the first of a straight series of setbacks for the fun market Matt promises Sasha will pay for he formal dance now Zac finally accepts her lame 'poems'.

Episode #1.6046
S2014E161 · Episode #1.6046

Sep 07, 2014

Darryl and Josh both enjoy his first driving lesson, which helps hem bond brotherly. Casey discovers that Andi earned cash again and gets him to not deny it's from the drug & kidnap-fiends, in fact Jake Pirovic, who convinces Andi to lull Darryl into trusting him. With Chris and their diner colleagues as cupids, Leah fights her urge to run from Zac and end sup declaring her romantic interest, only to be told his situation is too complex to consider a relationship.

Episode #1.6047
S2014E162 · Episode #1.6047

Sep 08, 2014

Darryl tells delighted Casey he now trust Andi too, enough to give him the benefit of the doubt. Watching the Braxton family warmth, Andi gets second thoughts about betraying them, but Jake convinces him it's time to win their trust and fatally abuse it. Matt announces he won't take the finals, Zac counsels to give him time. Zac offers to move pit, Leah tells pleads against it. Sophie's paranoia now extends to demanding that Hanah refrains from seeing Nate outside the hospital.

Episode #1.6048
S2014E163 · Episode #1.6048

Sep 09, 2014

Hannah follows Sophie's instructions and stays away from Nate, then spoils the effect by telling him about it, although he and Sophie end up reassuring each other. Both John and Jett think they've scared Shandi off so Marilyn tries to track her down. All of the Year 11s have trouble finding dates, until kind-hearted Spencer lets Josh know how much it means to Evelyn and he admits he was just scared he couldn't afford a new suit. On learning they're going together, lonely Maddy impulsively announces she's going with Oscar.

Episode #1.6049
S2014E164 · Episode #1.6049

Sep 10, 2014

Maddy foolishly invites Oscar to the formal with her, resulting in Spencer having a go at her for using him to make herself feel better again. Sasha and Phoebe try to trick Matt into giving a performance at Angelo's but their thoughtless persistence only upsets him and he later reveals to Sasha that he hasn't played since his sister was injured while he was at a gig. Roo tries to arrange for Alf to give Marilyn away but Marilyn is soon in tears when Shandi returns and rudely cuts her out of a family meal.

Episode #1.6050
S2014E165 · Episode #1.6050

Sep 10, 2014

Casey mobilizes his Braxton brothers to help Josh prepare for the formal school dance, then learns Denny missed out oh hers and surprises her with a catchup. Seeing how well the Braxtons care for Josh ad even welcome him, Andi reneges on his promise to help Jake, who orders Cody to field plan B: kidnapping Josh. Marilyn tells John their marriage is off until he and Shandi can get sorted out.

The Murder
S2014E166 · The Murder

Sep 14, 2014

The teens gather for the formal but Maddy is more focused on looking for Josh than on her date Oscar, with a sulking Evelyn has to go on her own. Josh is being held captive by Jake in order to lure Brax into a trap. Instead, Andy goes to Casey, who decides to handle it on their own but lies to Denny, resulting in her going to Brax. Brax is soon back to his old habits of revenge and thuggery, dragging Kyle into his posse, so Matt has to take Kyle's place at the gig with Phoebe. Andy and Casey get the situation under control, driving off Jake and freeing Josh, but when ...

Episode #1.6052
S2014E167 · Episode #1.6052

Sep 15, 2014

Fickle Evelyn nearly kisses Spencer before she learns the truth about what happened with Josh, so Spencer sneers hypocritically at Maddy instead. Despite their brother just being killed, Kyle focuses on spinning a cover story for the police, only showing some emotion when he's alone with Phoebe, while Brax selfishly monopolises Casey's death, denying Kyle a chance to say goodbye to him and obsessing about pointless revenge. Ricky's chance to tell him she is pregnant goes up in flames, while Josh walks away from a guilt-ridden Andy and is comforted by Maddy when she ...

Episode #1.6053
S2014E168 · Episode #1.6053

Sep 16, 2014

Kyle tries to organise Casey's funeral but Brax is focused on getting revenge, making a mockery of Casey's sacrifice by plotting murder. Josh uses deluded Maddy for comfort sex, then takes the coward's way out and tells her to keep quiet. Sophie is annoyed when she sees Nate comforting Ricky and he doesn't help things by not telling her what's going on; afterwards, he tells her they should split up. The tragedy brings John and Marilyn back together as they tell Jett what's happened.

Episode #1.6054
S2014E169 · Episode #1.6054

Sep 17, 2014

Josh getting dressed while leaving Maddy's room leaves Alf and Ro wondering how close they are again. Jett is shattered when Plamer and Marilyn tells him abort the death of Casey, his virtual big brother. Shandi decides to leave them space to mourn and is sort of charmed by generous listener Chris at the dinner, yet keeps him at length. Nate is absurdly reproached 'not fighting for our marriage' by Sophie, who gives up simultaneously.

Episode #1.6055
S2014E170 · Episode #1.6055

Sep 17, 2014

Chris treats Shandi far too generously. Jett, to whom Shandi admits she was wrongly in doubting John belongs with Marilyn, prods the happy couple until they agree not to postpone the wedding plans for next months, despite the general mourning of beloved Casey. After more failed attempts to talk, Zac and Leah dismiss friends' insistence to declare their love. Somehow Casey's plight convinces Matt to agree to take his final exams after all.

Episode #1.6056
S2014E171 · Episode #1.6056

Sep 21, 2014

Kyle tries to keep everything together and organise the funeral while Brax continues to shut down and snap at Ricky, not helped by Cheryl blaming him for Casey's death. He does, however, manage to extend an olive branch to Andy. Cowardly serial cheat Josh continues to cruelly snub Maddy after their liaison and his attempts to keep his latest infidelity quiet are not helped when Evelyn, believing she's come out on top, decides to play the reasonable one and offer Maddy a truce.

Episode #1.6057
S2014E172 · Episode #1.6057

Sep 22, 2014

Brax decides to pay his respects to Casey by attacking a funeral director and storming off looking for Jake, although Andy eventually gets him to return and give a decent tribute, and is rewarded when Cheryl tells him Johnny chose him over her and Casey. Denny plays the part of grieving widow, yabbering about how Casey tried to stay out of his family's business and fainting at a dramatic moment. Josh finally admits to a self-absorbed Evelyn that he slept with Maddy, prompting the hypocritical brat to assault the girl she stabbed in the back. Alf demonstrates a ...

Episode #1.6058
S2014E173 · Episode #1.6058

Sep 23, 2014

Darryl and Andi are eager to revenge Casey's murder and end the Pirovic threat to the entire Braxton clan, so Kyle agrees to come along, but changes his mind when Phoebe protests they're likely to be either killed or jailed, which Darryl accepts instantly. John and Marilyn mess up their eloping excuses, so most loved-ones find out and want to come along. Nate finds drugs missing from hospital and erratic Sophie makes the only logical suspect, who refuses to talk and still expects him to just give in on staying married.

Episode #1.6059
S2014E174 · Episode #1.6059

Sep 24, 2014

As the 'secret' of the Palmer eloping spreads, acquaintances keep inviting themselves and others, until the couple realizes this isn't what they want either, so a plan C must be concocted. After dozy Oscar admits to have taken Denny's sleeping pills from hospital Sophie can prove her innocence to Nate, yet admits she stole worse from his bag without actually taking any. Matt isn't amused hat Sasha accepts to replace traditional mucking day with a lame video, yet gets to work to turn it into a prank in its own right, aiming at Sencer but accidentally recording Zac ...

Episode #1.6060
S2014E175 · Episode #1.6060

Sep 24, 2014

Zac and Leah are deeply hurt and disappointed that after each warned Matt and Sasha to be discrete, the knave still rendered their affair public in class, before her already distant son VJ could be told. The elopement is off and the wedding back on, but Chris finally gets Shandi to admit, prodded by Irene and Leah, she's romantically interested in him too, even asking him as wedding date.

Episode #1.6061
S2014E176 · Episode #1.6061

Sep 28, 2014

VJ is furious about the video exposing Zac kissing his mother and rightly expects school'mates' will taunt him, which leads to a public fight with Tyson, for which Leah still insists to report him. Spencer bitterly finds that Evie insists he'll never stand a chance with her, despite the break-up with Josh. He covers only one night for Matt, whom Sasha insisted to take in at Irene's behind her back, so it's back to the beach as he refuses to make up with surprisingly forgiving Leah. Darryl and Andi prepare for the ultimate confrontation with Jake and drive to his ...

Episode #1.6062
S2014E177 · Episode #1.6062

Sep 29, 2014

Broken Maddy still feels like the town outcast; only kind-hearted Oscar can put a smile on her face and selfish hypocrite Evelyn is soon taking that away from her as well, before clearing the air with Josh about his cheating. Denny hides out from her grief at the bait shop but is soon making inspirational speeches. Phoebe tries to convince Kyle and Ricky to do something to stop Brax's murderous revenge campaign but both are prepared to let things play out. Brax rams Jake off the road but as they face off Jake's car explodes next to them.

Episode #1.6063
S2014E178 · Episode #1.6063

Sep 30, 2014

Only Jake Pirovic was badly injured in his car's explosion, but the emergency services' quick arrival prevents Darryl from finishing off the fiend, who has escaped from low-security psychiatry. Yet in hospital, Andi, Nate nor a police guard can prevent a futile attempt, landing Darryl in jail while senior sergeant Emerson considers investigating the false statements on Casey's death. Working out plan C for the Palmer wedding proves a nightmare.

Episode #1.6064
S2014E179 · Episode #1.6064

Oct 01, 2014

Chris worries when it turns out Spencer all has the hot for Shandi, but spares no effort, reservedly helped by Jett, to lure of trick Palmer to a bachelors night, which goes well until the groom' back gives way seriously. The hens night is a blast, starring Chris as surprise stripper, but Marilyn freaks out when the wedding dress turns out lost and wants to cancel when she hears John's in hospital. despite initial reluctance, Nate agrees to a mortgage with Sophie to buy the apartment they presently rent.

Episode #1.6065
S2014E180 · Episode #1.6065

Oct 01, 2014

The bee in VJ's bonnet won't even allow 'intruder' Zac to pay him and Leah dinner, until knavish mate Jett convinces him that attempts to drive a budding couple apart only backfire, while milking their guilt can yield generous gifts and concessions. John is advised to try emergency therapy to stand at the altar despite his bachelor party-incurred hernia. Marilyn decides to call it off due to 'a sign from the universe', but Roo re-books everything anyhow and seizes the moment when the bridal dress finally arrives. Selfish Maddy is duly scolded not only for spending an ...

Episode #1.6066
S2014E181 · Episode #1.6066

Oct 05, 2014

Summer Bay gathers to celebrate John and Marilyn's wedding, as the pair exchange sweet vows and light a candle for absent friends. Jett asks them to adopt him in best man's speech and Chris gets a dance with Shandi but a ham-fisted attempt at discipline from Roo results in Maddy going out and getting drunk. The police still can't manage to pin attempted murder on Brax and attempts to dissuade him from wrecking everyone's lives by going after Jake again fall on death ears until Ricky tells him of her pregnancy. However, evil Andy manages to get past the incompetent ...

Episode #1.6067
S2014E182 · Episode #1.6067

Oct 06, 2014

Brax and Ricky are finally happy but Andy's actions bring Emerson to their doorstep once again. Kyle treats the murderer like a hero and stops him from confessing, resulting in Brax being arrested instead. Maddy is embarrassed by her drunken antics the previous night but still ends up taking Roo's credit card and dragging an unwitting Oscar out shopping. Jett reiterates his desire for John and Marilyn to adopt him. Shandi upsets both father John and would-be beau Chris by announcing she has to leave town.

Episode #1.6068
S2014E183 · Episode #1.6068

Oct 07, 2014

Kyle stops Andy from confessing, the police indeed ends up releasing Darryl for lack of proof after Ricky tells about her pregnancy. Phoebe however decides to move out indefinitely. Jett flees the home honeymoon circus to VJ. Nate reluctantly allows Sophie to invite everyone to an improvised home warming barbecue, but gets her to admit the insistence to ask Hanna is another insane test of his commitment to their marriage.

Episode #1.6069
S2014E184 · Episode #1.6069

Oct 08, 2014

Class bully Tyson laughs away gentle VJ's attempt to make up. Matt suggests tempting him to administer a black eye, so he can demand expulsion, and even offers to 'help out', which Sasha converts into purple make-up, but Zac and Leah catch them. Josh tells Evie she can't just waltz in and expect him to be candid after dumping him, Denny makes her see that's logical until she knows and clarifies what she actually wants from/with him. Nate enjoys his housewarming barbecue, but Sophie gets so jealous of him and Hanah that she burns herself and insists he personally tends...

Episode #1.6070
S2014E185 · Episode #1.6070

Oct 09, 2014

Gray is soon manipulating son Matt into blaming himself for the loss of their home and the break-up of their family. He manages to get himself a place in the caravan park and all Alf and Irene can do is monitor the situation. Josh rejects Maddy's attempt to get back on friends level, but accepts Evelyn's attempt to ease her way back into being his girlfriend. Maddy continues to go crazy in an attempt to hide her pain, dragging a bored Oscar along on shopping trips. Sanctimonious sisters Evelyn and Denny are quick to try and turn Oscar again her and, when Oscar ...

Episode #1.6071
S2014E186 · Episode #1.6071

Oct 12, 2014

Maddy attempts to hide her guilt by concocting an excuse to leave her fraudulently obtained goods with Phoebe and tricking Oscar into keeping quiet, but is soon exposed, prompting a furious reaction from Roo. John and Marilyn makes moves to adopt Jett but Marilyn illogically wants a different surname to the rest of the family. Emerson finally brings Andy in for questioning but Josh proves his pathetic scumbag credentials by lying for the contemptible murderer and the case is dropped.

Episode #1.6072
S2014E187 · Episode #1.6072

Oct 13, 2014

With their revenge complete, the Braxtons contemplate giving Casey's old room to killer Andy. Brax attempts to claim ownership of the gym when he hears it's being sold, while Josh and Ricky take it upon themselves to clean out Casey's room and Kyle goes to Phoebe for comfort sex. Maddy tries to make things up with Roo and Oscar, but when she humiliates herself by making a pass at Oscar and Roo isn't in the mood to forgive her straightaway, she resorts to stealing from the gym as a way to lift her depression. John is hurt by Marilyn's irrational refusal to use her ...

Episode #1.6073
S2014E188 · Episode #1.6073

Oct 14, 2014

Andy is gratefully surprised when Darryl seems to solve both his pressing predicaments by buying the gym and giving him Casey's room. Nate hopes Sophie's nesting need is appeased by a mortgage and enjoys giving Hannah a first kayak lesson, but she steals a kiss. Chris' gloom over successive recent romantic failures is appeased by Denny just in time to help 'boring' brother Spencer make the right selfie for a dating site.

Episode #1.6074
S2014E189 · Episode #1.6074

Oct 15, 2014

VJ's position seems hopeless when nightmare Tyson sets him up as 'violent aggressor' by smashing himself against the lockers and Leah fails to speak up for him with Sophie, but Zac takes the bully to Nate for a checkup, which reveals it couldn't be abuse, only self-infliction with simulated symptoms. After seducing Nate all over, Hannah plays the injured party. Gray Page not only expects Matt to pay all is expense, which means extra shifts instead of studying for his exams, but even insists an a 'nightcap' which leads to a major beer hangover on exam day.

Episode #1.6075
S2014E190 · Episode #1.6075

Oct 15, 2014

VJ hasn't forgiven Leah's utter disloyalty, and suspended Tyson Lee rounds a jocks gang to beat up the gentle knave. Chris lets off Spencer as wingman to meet his Internet date. Matt firmly refuses to let Sasha dictate whether his exams get priority of his father Gray. Jett and Marilyn worry duly when Palmer tries to pay for a family honeymoon by producing a sounds of Sumerbay sea CD, forgetting the master he gave Jett to reproduce wasn't even cleared of gross public-abusive comments.

Episode #1.6076
S2014E191 · Episode #1.6076

Oct 19, 2014

Brax is continuing to see the gym as a memorial to Casey, and his attempt to offer a manager's position to perennial wastrel Andy falls on deaf ears. Maddy continues using the gym's money to fund her spending sprees and resorts to fiddling with the accounts to hide it from Brax. John and Marilyn race to recover the embarrassing CDs but this pales into insignificance when Jett, Leah and Zac realise VJ is missing. After he's been gone overnight, Brax and Leah force Tyson to admit he left him tied to a tree and Brax and Nate head off to the rescue.

Episode #1.6077
S2014E192 · Episode #1.6077

Oct 20, 2014

An art trip sees Oscar trying to get annoying couple Josh and Evelyn back together, but when Evelyn starts gushing over the art student acting as their guide it prompts Josh to act like a jealous berk and Evelyn to throw another bratty tantrum. Someone cottons to how Maddy is funding her compulsive spending sprees: Fortunately for her it's murderer, drug dealer and potential date rapist Andy, who isn't really in a position to judge. Brax and Nate spend ages wandering around the woods bickering like a married couple before Alf and the SES decide to look for VJ ...

Episode #1.6078
S2014E193 · Episode #1.6078

Oct 21, 2014

Darryl refuses to lay back and wait for rescue, or let Nate fall asleep, so they bicker about sports and real life. VJ regains enough control to help carry Nate to rescue, where a helicopter is waiting. Oscar gentle pushes Evie and Josh not to give up on each-other despite the row over Cal, who gives her the same advice. Oscar's abstract art is praised.

Episode #1.6079
S2014E194 · Episode #1.6079

Oct 22, 2014

Chris warns Spencer against giving the Internet date who stood him up another chance, but the gentle guy persists, only to see no girl turn up, just adult Keith Potts, who sort of probes him. Kyle is hurt but graciously bows out when Pheobe accepts touring with a band indefinitely, which practically amounts to moving to Melbourne. As the end of exams nears, Matt is drawn between cram-obsessed Sasha and lazy party-dad Gray and duly scolds his girl it's his life, not her call, especially when his kid sister Eloise 'Ellie' is brought along for a surprise visit.

Episode #1.6080
S2014E195 · Episode #1.6080

Oct 22, 2014

Chris finds proof of Internet, after a house-mate hint, that Spencer's date Amy is a very dodgy alias. Meanwhile his gullible brother has been lured into Keith Potts's home, believing him her overprotective father. realizing it's a crook who tries to lock him up, he knocks the fend down and breakdown beside him until Chris arrives with Alf. Kyle is initially resigned to Phoebe leaving him to tour, yet after a send off duet on Angelo's free podium makes her an irresistible offer: their own home. Jett is too scared to drive on another adoption day, so John gets the ...

Episode #1.6081
S2014E196 · Episode #1.6081

Oct 26, 2014

Having knocked fake Amy Keith Potts in hospital, Spencert is shell-shocked, unable to face him or give a declaration to the police, although that leaves him defenseless when the fiend wakes up and files an abuse complaint. Nate recovers well, but Sophie's insane jealousy extends to hostility against Hannah as his nurse, leading to a bickering he can't watch, resulting in him fainting while getting up. Hero Darryl's happiness with pregnant Rickie is disturbed by the mysterious arrival of a spooky motor-biker who inquirers about him anonymously and disappears. Jett is ...

Episode #1.6082
S2014E197 · Episode #1.6082

Oct 27, 2014

Spencer continues to be unable to see past fake internet girlfriend Amy to online predator Keith, despite Alf and Chris' best efforts, but a visit to Keith convinces him to go to the police. Maddy is at a loss as to how to pay back the money she stole from the gym so Andy, who owes her a few favours by now, agrees to lend it to her. However, he proves woefully incompetent at covering, so hypocritical scumbag Brax fires her despite forgiving Casey and Andy having done a lot worse without any kickback. Cowardly love rat Nate does another U-turn on his marriage and ...

Episode #1.6083
S2014E198 · Episode #1.6083

Oct 28, 2014

Brax and Ash turn out to have been in prison together and their secrecy makes Ricky nervous: Ash is looking for his sister, who doesn't know the full story behind his crime, while Brax is guilty about the fact he was picking fights in jail. Roo pays off Maddy's debts but discourages her from trying to find another job. Maddy finds an unlikely confidante in Evelyn, the girl who broke up her relationship, and makes the rather odd decision to go back to school. Everyone in town seems convinced Josh and Evelyn should get back together but when they kiss Evelyn runs off ...

Episode #1.6084
S2014E199 · Episode #1.6084

Oct 28, 2014

Josh quickly recovers from the failed move date, Evie even apologizes and agrees to 'just take it easy' only to kiss. Palmer is confident he can finance his family honeymoon with a film festival, although clueless what to feature. Kyle ignored that when hastily trying to organize a free podium at Angelo's for Phoebe's return home, both agree they best delay, but Palmer's taunting is taken as a chicken-challenge. Matt worries that his father Gray is completely relapsing into alcohol abuse and insists on renewed rehab, but Sasha barging in leads to a near-fight and an ...

Episode #1.6085
S2014E200 · Episode #1.6085

Oct 29, 2014

Jett and Phoebe both resort to tricks to spoil each other's events before calling a truce, but John loses out on the profit when Alf reminds him he said he was giving the money to the surf club. A drunken Gray disrupts Matt's act at the open mike night, prompting Matt to tell his father he can't help him. VJ confides in Zac that he's having a hard time dealing with his experience in the bush. Things begin to look up for Maddy when a way is found for her to go into Year 12 with her friends but then she collapses.

Episode #1.6086
S2014E201 · Episode #1.6086

Nov 02, 2014

Maddy is taken to hospital and is shocked when Nate tells her blood tests indicate she is pregnant. She eventually accepts Roo's help and confides in loyal friend Oscar, telling him Josh is the father. John continues to come up with increasingly impractical moneymaking schemes until Marilyn snaps. Phoebe continues to complain about being stuck at the Braxtons' and goads put-upon Kyle to ask Brax for a partnership. Brax is too arrogant to consider it, more concerned in giving Ash a job, while paranoid Ricky thinks Ash is dragging Brax into something criminal. Brax once...

Episode #1.6087
S2014E202 · Episode #1.6087

Nov 03, 2014

Darryl is near breaking point with everyone bugging him about his prison days secret and unfairness towards Kyle, but he ends up offering due apologies for bullying and the full requested 25% share in the restaurant, yet no revelation. Martin 'Ash' packs, feeling an obstacle for the Braxton family, but Phoebe retracts her hostility and Rickie convinces him to stay for tormented Darryl's sake. Offering to help Andi studying for a gym staff qualification, Hanah discovers he has a reading problem, but refuses to return on kissing terms. Instead she apologizes to Nate for...

Episode #1.6088
S2014E203 · Episode #1.6088

Nov 04, 2014

Sophie returns the keys to the drugs cabinet but keeps the pills. Nate tries to get out of the marriage by confessing to kissing Hannah, but Sophie merely gives Hannah a serve for her loose morals, and Leah when she foolishly tries to interfere, while refusing to let Nate move out. Marilyn's latest attempt to boost John's ego involves removing a part from the dishwasher and getting him to fix it, which ends disastrously. Maddy is in turmoil about her pregnancy but a heart-to-heart with Roo convinces her to keep the baby. However, she knows she'll be a hate figure ...

Episode #1.6089
S2014E204 · Episode #1.6089

Nov 04, 2014

Chris is at his wits end how to taunt 'kid brother' Spencer back to normal, is even pinned to the wall as he can't suffer anyone around since the fiend forced him to lash out hard. Alf suggests a fishing trip with other knaves, which Zac jumps at for VJ, and fearing they need to cover up with a larger number, Leah begs Matt, who reconsiders his spontaneous refusal just to escape Sasha's nagging about college picking. Josh starts thinking how to stand by useless Maddy's baby, hence get a job, still finish school and stay loyal to Evie, which Roo considers utterly ...

Episode #1.6090
S2014E205 · Episode #1.6090

Nov 05, 2014

Despite Zac and Alf's effort to turn the fishing trip into a bonding experience for the knaves, VJ is daunted by the wild and Matt's incessant taunting of 'Spencerina' ends in a well-deserved fist blow. Funloving Chris convinces the girls to include him in a chick movie night to cheer up Denny, who misses Casey terribly. Ash and Andi have another near-clash, Darryl still refuses to tell them what's eating him up and why he's so aloof with his loved ones.

Episode #1.6091
S2014E206 · Episode #1.6091

Nov 05, 2014

Zac respects VJ's confidence, having been shown his tattoo during the fishing trip. When Leah gets her son to confess his obvious secret, she turns on Zac for not betraying the knave's hard-won confidence! Chris and friends convince Spencer that he needs to overcome his trauma, to which end he must testify and warn his schoolmates, which works by school Intercom, so he must only face the applause afterward. Matt dumps Sasha, feeling she won't stay with a non-fellow-student anyhow, but Zac convinces him to be honest.

Episode #1.6092
S2014E207 · Episode #1.6092

Nov 09, 2014

Brax insists he's over his problems but then gets violent with Josh when he takes him unawares. Ash convinces him to tell Ricky about getting into fights in prison but he's unwilling to stick around afterwards and walks out on her. John and Marilyn frustrate Jett by giving him conflicting advice on HSC subjects, while Leah is forced to back down from her pompous refusal to let Zac parent VJ when she needs his help to stop VJ quitting school. Josh and Maddy begin spreading the word of her pregnancy: Alf is thankfully supportive but Andy is typically unhelpful. Both ...

Episode #1.6093
S2014E208 · Episode #1.6093

Nov 10, 2014

Josh and Maddy are spending time together because of the pregnancy, causing Maddy to neglect best friend Oscar who warns her about falling in love with Josh again, while an encounter with Hannah reminds Josh of his break-up with selfish girlfriend Evelyn. Brax is still in a depressed state over his experience in prison so Ash suggests they go away together for a bit. Cowardly Nate continues to avoid smitten wife Sophie rather than address their problems, dragging attempted fling Hannah into acting as a confidante, and when he does break up with her for the umpteenth ...

Episode #1.6094
S2014E209 · Episode #1.6094

Nov 11, 2014

Nate holds his grounded, refusing to let drug-relapsed Sophie cling to him instead of going for true, full rehab. Hannah keeps Nate at arms-length, but now volunteers to tutor clueless ex Andy's gym course. Jett's study subjects pre-selection surprises John and Marilyn pleasantly: it's ambitious enough even for medicine. Palmer enthusiastically sets to tutoring mathematics, but finds his Royal Navy training utterly outdated. Phoebe is tickled pink when record label boss Neive Devlin visits to watch her and offers a contract, but Kyle points out it's shameless ...

Episode #1.6095
S2014E210 · Episode #1.6095

Nov 11, 2014

Phoebe's all-guns-blazing negotiating skills pay off when she receives an amended contract from Neive. John remains determined to be there for Jett. Spencer catches the eye of a gorgeous traveller from the city, but is he ready to date? Sick of being the good girl, Evie makes a pact to be more spontaneous, but it ends in disaster for her and Matt.

Episode #1.6096
S2014E211 · Episode #1.6096

Nov 12, 2014

Although Chris got Monique Wu interested in Spencer, he shyly refuses to respond. Chris goes as far as luring both to an improvised home party, which ultimately dies the trick. Josh attends at Evie's suggestion, but leaves when she clearly isn't comfortable with his devotion to Maddy's baby. VJ turns on Zac again as the teacher can't help him against Leah's refusal to let him leave school, legally not on option, except in an apprenticeship regime. Grounded by Leah, VJ sneaks out to Chris's party. Although Sasha admits she doesn't believe Matt cheated on her with Evie,...

Episode #1.6097
S2014E212 · Episode #1.6097

Nov 12, 2014

Finding Spencer touchy and evasive again after the party, Chris reassures big brother enough to reply when the girl asks to meet again. VJ was dragged home by Leah and Zac, whom he blames for blindly taking his mother's side. Zac makes Leah realize they need VJ to trust him again, arranges to work out together and convinces the knave he is seriously considering his interests, but completing the school year is unavoidable. Nate moves out but rushes back when told about Sophie's gross misbehavior towards Rocky and Leah, yet finds no sign of drug use after a search. Matt...

Episode #1.6098
S2014E213 · Episode #1.6098

Nov 16, 2014

Josh is having difficulty finding part-time work and suggests leaving school to get a proper job, but Maddy talks him out of it. Marilyn thinks she can tell how pregnant someone is just by looking at them, so Roo tries to get Maddy to book an ultrasound and she says no, even though she's meant to have already booked one. Nate keeps giving off mixed messages to Sophie until Ricky sticks her oar in, prompting him to give Sophie the same "We're over" speech he gives her every week. Brax misses an ultrasound when he has to rescue Ash from a jealous husband, prompting ...

Episode #1.6099
S2014E214 · Episode #1.6099

Nov 17, 2014

Darryl claims the ultrasound proves it'(s a son, promises to put fathering first and summons Ash, who refuses to explain his own erratic behavior, to clean up his act or move out. Kyle can't hide his bitter disappointment when Phoebe fails to invoke the contract he inspired and blindly lets Devlin reduce her music to commercial dribble. John hires Oscar as mathematics tutor for Jett, but the rascal 'forgets', only to admit later he doesn't want the destitute family to waste money on help he may not definitely need.

Episode #1.6100
S2014E215 · Episode #1.6100

Nov 19, 2014

Kyle tries to be supportive of Phoebe, even in the face of every attempt he has for them to spend time together being sabotaged by Neive. Even Phoebe is concerned when she's asked to sing someone else's song instead of her own. Irritating Marilyn constantly interrupts Oscar's attempt to tutor Jett until Jett snaps, and she shows what she really thinks of being a family by reacting in horror to the idea of him viewing her as a mother figure. Roo is like a dog with a bone pestering Maddy to have an ultrasound, and when she stoops to trying cruel insults Alf suggests she...

Episode #1.6101
S2014E216 · Episode #1.6101

Nov 18, 2014

Marilyn is curiously reluctant to assume the role of mother to Jett and so ends up trying to act like a teenager until abruptly coming to her senses. Selfish Evelyn overhears Oscar telling Hannah he might be the father of Maddy's baby and is soon fuming about how it affects her until Oscar ends up having a panic attack. Alf tries to get Maddy to do the right thing but she's too obsessed with playing happy families with Josh and ends up trying to get Oscar to join her in an amoral cover-up.

Episode #1.6102
S2014E217 · Episode #1.6102

Nov 19, 2014

Chris is offered a dream job aboard a cruise ship, but keeps feeling he should stay home to mind 'kid brother' Spencer, who angrily tells him to go. VJ gets desperate about Leah's absurd control freak penal regime, but inspires Jett to come to terms with Marilyn by realizing they don't have a parenting history. Oscar can't handle that Maddie keeps him and Josh hostage of her secrecy, nor Evie butting in.

Episode #1.6103
S2014E218 · Episode #1.6103

Nov 19, 2014

Kyle is appalled to find that Phoebe didn't even check the recording Devlin made to launch her music, starring a song he wrote for her privately. To the girls's dismay, with Darryl's full support, he refuses to sell it, at any price. VJ isn't helped by Matt 'pleading his case', yet follows Jett's advice to talk frankly to Leah and reaches an agreement: he'll finish the school year but decide whether to take the next.

Episode #1.6104
S2014E219 · Episode #1.6104

Nov 23, 2014

Ash finally found his lost sister's track, so Darryl offers to accompany him and brave her criminal lover, who set up Ash in the first place, but Rickie wines he must put the baby and her first. Nate finds that Sophie remains obsessed and must be stalking him, so he moves from the Sands motel to Alf's caravan park, but she secretly follows. Devlin dares Phoebe to leave Kyle over the song and him to prove his love by letting her go, Kyle decides instead to donate the song after all. Realizing there must be more to life then delivering pizzas, Matt asks Leah if he can ...

Episode #1.6105
S2014E220 · Episode #1.6105

Nov 24, 2014

Andy offers to take Brax's place in accompanying Ash to look for his sister but Brax is determined to involve himself against Ricky's wishes and leaves with him. Oscar is uncomfortable at Josh's increased investment in a baby that might not be his so arranges to talk to Maddy; however, a manipulative comment from Hannah causes him to talk to Josh instead and Josh tells Maddy they're through until she finds out who the father is. Nate is frustrated to find Sophie has moved into the caravan opposite him and tells her to leave, so she ends up setting fire to it so he'll ...

Episode #1.6106
S2014E221 · Episode #1.6106

Nov 25, 2014

Nate rescues Sophie from the caravan then takes her to hospital, where once again no-one objects to him trampling over medical ethics and treating his wife, even when he orders a psychiatric evaluation on realising she started the fire herself. Bossy Sasha tries to get Spencer and Matt to bond but they end up spending the evening with Josh telling them the apparently tragic news that he might be off the hook with Maddy's baby. Leah tells Matt he can apply to uni but he keeps it from Sasha. Kindly Alf arranges for Maddy's surrogate mother Roo to return to town and ...

Episode #1.6107
S2014E222 · Episode #1.6107

Nov 25, 2014

Maddy is in shock after learning the hospital made a mistake telling her she's pregnant and is left to break the news herself to prospective fathers Josh and Oscar. Although they are quickly convinced she isn't to blame, selfish brat Evelyn is soon subjecting Maddy to another hypocritical tirade, while Maddy faces further trauma when she learns there is a lump on one of her ovaries. Annoying Sasha once again tries to harass Matt into telling her what he's planning; he eventually tells her he's applying to uni but tells her not to make a big deal of it. The ...

Episode #1.6108
S2014E223 · Episode #1.6108

Nov 26, 2014

Darryl drives with Ash on the trail of his sister Billie and her lover Dean to Broken Hill, which they left, to an outback miners hellhole, where the only pub's friendly barman Sam shows them the way. Nate discovers that crazy relapsed junk Sophie has drugged Hannah laid in her hospital bed, so the search starts with serious delay. John anxiously keeps an eye on trouble-magnet neighbor Andi and checks the mail for Jett's post-adoption-amended birth certificate.

Episode #1.6109
S2014E224 · Episode #1.6109

Nov 27, 2014

Following on Sam's tip, Darryl and Ash track down Dean Sanderson, but even threatened with a potentially lethal dump, he swears to ignore where Billie went 'years ago'. Kyle and Phoebe celebrate in the restaurant when her record gets its first radio airing, but her next morning from Andi, who spent the night with Devlin, she already booked tickets for a tour out of state. Jett's amended birth certificate shows his birthday is a year off what they presumed till now, so John hides it, resulting in the celebratory dinner supposedly being in honor of a pool table ...

Episode #1.6110
S2014E225 · Episode #1.6110

Nov 30, 2014

While Ash stays behind with barman Sam, who explains Dean caused his crippling, ending the dream of leaving town, and a hangover, Darryl returns to follow Billie's fiendish ex Dean Sanderson to and into a dark mine, where he finds and confiscates the loot from the robbery as Ash's share, then takes him home. When Devlin summons Phoebe stat for an Asian promotion tour, she refuses to go without Kyle, but he urges her to accept, explaining he can't get a passport under his parole terms. Adopted Jett is startled by the discovery he's actually sixteen, but the rascal soon...

Episode #1.6111
S2014E226 · Episode #1.6111

Dec 01, 2014

Brax and Ash return from their road trip but Ricky is disturbed at Brax bringing a bag full of stolen money back with him and wonders if there's any line he won't cross. Phoebe looks for a way to get out of her contract with Neive and Ash ends up giving her the money to pay back Neive's investment. Poor Maddy has had one of her ovaries removed and is still waiting on test results. Former boyfriend Spencer learns what's going on and joins surrogate family Alf and Roo in supporting her, and she needs all their help when Nate tells her she has cancer.

Episode #1.6112
S2014E227 · Episode #1.6112

Dec 02, 2014

Maddy just wants to curl up and hide away after her cancer diagnosis and it takes a visit from best friend Oscar to convince her to go back to the hospital, but even then Nate can't give her any reassurances. Irene and Leah are both in Victorian prude mode, preventing Matt and Sasha spending the night together, so Matt suggests they get a place together. Sasha isn't keen, especially when Matt provokes Spencer (who's already stressed about Maddy), but uppitily refuses to discuss it with him so he ends up telling Leah she's moving in. Brax and Ricky argue over his habit...

Episode #1.6113
S2014E228 · Episode #1.6113

Dec 02, 2014

Josh and Evie are delighted to discover gradually, pushed by friends, to be still in love, Maddy finally being out of the way, and get back on kissing terms. Failing to convince either Leah or Sasha of his cohabitation experiment, Matt gets VJ aboard to claim Zach's room for 'study and play', but Leah just invite Nate to move in, now he gave up on Sophie for good. Finding Ash flirting with Denny, Darryl warns his grateful jail mate Casey's ex is off limits.

Episode #1.6114
S2014E229 · Episode #1.6114

Dec 03, 2014

Josh is delighted to be back track with Evie, but finding out about Maddie's cancer somehow feels forced to commit to her again instead, without telling anyone, not even Andi, who wrestles whether to accept Hannah's invitation to get back together. Ash is delighted that Dennie now accepts his help s car mechanic and seems open to closer friendship. VJ and Leah are pleasantly surprised with his unexpected passing grades, John with Jett's too, but Marilyn decides to consult Zac about the comments suggesting the knave is slipping beneath his potential.

Episode #1.6115
S2014E230 · Episode #1.6115

Dec 03, 2014

Andy is apparently playing hard to get with Hannah, leaving her dangling after a meal at Angelo's. Maddy is in deep denial about her cancer, unable to face up to further treatment, and orders Oscar out when he tries to talk to her about it. He's too loyal to be put off by that though and is soon back at her side. Marilyn embarrasses everyone by inviting Zac around to dinner so she can interrogate him about Jett getting harsher comments than VJ on his report but John and Jett reassure her they know she cares. Kyle convinces Phoebe to carry on with her music career with...

Episode #1.6116
S2014E231 · Episode #1.6116

Dec 07, 2014

Ash is feeling directionless and Brax forcing him to take back the money he stole off Dean doesn't make him feel any better. Neive gives Phoebe everything she wants but is apparently still planning something. Hannah learns about Andy's one night stand with Neive and is fine with it, but then throws a tantrum on learning it was after Denny told him Hannah wasn't interested. Oscar finds himself on the outside while Maddy discusses her cancer with Nate, with Maddy too preoccupied to pay attention to his declaration of love. Maddy's fear of dying is added to with the ...

Episode #1.6117
S2014E232 · Episode #1.6117

Dec 08, 2014

Josh tries to offer Maddy his support over her cancer but she isn't after pity from her ex-boyfriend or her estranged parents. Nervous Oscar remains at her side however as she has part of her ovary preserved to prevent infertility. Caring Chris returns to town on learning Spencer is taking Maddy's illness hard but Spencer, already pushed aside in favour of Oscar, is unhappy at what his brother has sacrificed for him. Nate gives Brax and Ricky a scan and they learn they are expecting a baby boy. Nate then returns home to a cryptic and potentially sinister message, ...

Episode #1.6118
S2014E233 · Episode #1.6118

Dec 09, 2014

Darryl enjoys telling his brothers they'll get a boy baby cousin and sets Ash straight: Dennie wearing a ring means not she is open to a new relationship, but relapses into obsessing over Casey. Nate cautiously avoids close contact with Sophie, but accepts to bring her to hospital. After delighted Kyle congratulates Matt with the offer to play as Phoebe's tour launch opening act, Sasha's nagging about safe future planning scares him off, but VJ's plea for going after one's dream wins out.

Episode #1.6119
S2014E234 · Episode #1.6119

Dec 09, 2014

Nate accepts a last home dinner to get Sophie committed in hospital, but while pretending to pack her things, she knocks him down and sprays fuel over the 'marital vows traitor', leaving him no choice but pretending rekindled love. Kyle, assisted by Dennie and hiring the Palmer bus, mobilizes half the bay to attend Phoebe's tour launch. Darryl refuses, but Andi and Ash go head and accept to be her 'rock star bodyguards' and Matt arrives as opening act, all ignoring Devlin and her mystery accomplice Grant Barnes prepare a sinister plot. Chris stays with Spencer, Zac ...

Episode #1.6120
S2014E235 · Episode #1.6120

Dec 09, 2014

Neive puts her strange plan for Phoebe into action, successfully decoying Matt before having to resort to Grant locking Ash and an unconscious Andy in the basement. Grant then gets close to an out of it Phoebe, with a camera filming them. Maddy is about to undergo chemotherapy and sets former boyfriend Josh free from supporting her, meaning Brax is soon acting like an obsessed shipper and driving him off to win back annoying on-off girlfriend Evelyn. But Maddy is more depressed than anyone realises, convinced her cancer will kill her, and disappears from the hospital,...


Home and Away Season 28 (2014) is released on Jan 26, 2014 and the latest season 35 of Home and Away is released in 2021. Watch Home and Away online - the English Drama TV series from Australia. Home and Away is directed by David Gould,Geoffrey Nottage,Danny Raco,Scott Hartford-Davis and created by Hannah Carroll Chapman with Ray Meagher and Lynne McGranger.

This show chronicles the lives, loves, happiness, and heartbreaks of the residents of Summer Bay, a small coastal town just outside of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.





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Get closer to the bay [UK Tagline], The Fletchers- their special love created a special family., It's time for a down under double bill now, with Home and Away followed by Neighbours. [UK Tagline], We're off to Summer Bay now, to join our Aussie friends. [UK Tagline], Life is rarely plain sailing for the hunks and hotties of Summer Bay, and that's why we love it. Join your favorite Aussies as they face the trials and tribulations of the not-so-sleepy beach-side town, coping with everything from love and lust to tears and tragedies...often in the same episode!, We're off for a scandal fix now, with our favorite Ozy friends. [UK Tagline], Join Summer Bay's hunks and hotties for sun, sea and scandal down under. [UK Tagline], If you want to catch the rays in Summer Bay. Then tune in to Demand 5., Come Home to the Bay

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