United 93 Trailer & Clips


United 93 full movie is released on Apr 28, 2006. Watch United 93 online - the Arabic Action movie from United States , which has achieved a worldwide gross of $76,700,659. United 93 is directed by Paul Greengrass and created by Paul Greengrass with J.J. Johnson and Gary Commock. United 93 is available online on Apple iTunes and Amazon Video.

On September 11, 2001, two American Airlines and two United Airlines domestic U.S. flights are hijacked by terrorists. After the collision of two planes against the World Trade Center and one against the Pentagon, the passengers and crew of United Flight 93 decide to struggle against the four terrorists to take back the control of the airplane.

As know as:

ユナイテッド93, 93-iasis reisas, Lot 93, Flug 93, Загублений рейс

Release Date:

Apr 28, 2006

Release Date (Streaming):

Dec 05, 2006


United States, United Kingdom, France


Arabic, German, English

Stream Service:

Universal Pictures

Production Companies:

Universal Pictures, StudioCanal, Sidney Kimmel Entertainment

Official Site:

Official Facebook

Gross worldwide:



September 11, 2001. Four planes were hijacked. Three of them reached their target. This is the story of the fourth., On September 11th, one of our darkest days in our history, 40 ordinary people sat down as strangers, and stood up as one., United they stood., The war on terror begins with 40 ordinary people., A story of 9/11., On the day we faced fear, we also found courage., Destination: San Francisco. Travel time: 5 hours 25 minutes. Number of passengers: 40. Flight number 93.


Namrata Joshi
The film pulls you into its world, turns you a passive participant. You can feel the desperation of the passengers and as they run to the cockpit...
by rottentomatoes, Jan 18, 2019
Victoria Segal
New Statesman
What might be therapeutic for the families is not perhaps meant for public consumption. After all, few things are more private than the last minutes of a life.
by rottentomatoes, Sep 26, 2017
David Ansen
This is first-rate, visceral filmmaking: taut, watchful, free of false histrionics, as observant of the fear in the young terrorists' eyes as the hysteria in the passenger cabin, and smart enough to know this material doesn't need to be sensationalized.
by rottentomatoes, Nov 01, 2007

Cast & Crew

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