Tamara Drewe Trailer & Clips


Tamara Drewe full movie is released on Sep 10, 2010. Watch Tamara Drewe online - the English Comedy movie from United Kingdom , which has achieved a worldwide gross of $12,037,973. Tamara Drewe is directed by Stephen Frears and created by Posy Simmonds with Gemma Arterton and Roger Allam. Tamara Drewe is available online on Amazon Video and Vudu.

The Independent journalist Tamara Drewe returns to Dorset, Ewedown, to sell the Winnard Farm that belonged to her deceased mother. Her neighbor Beth Hardiment runs a writers retreat with her unfaithful and womanizer husband Nicholas Hardiment who is a successful writer of Inchcombe adventures and cheats on Beth every now and then with younger women. Tamara was the sweetheart of the handyman Andy Cobb, whose family owned the Winnard Farm but lost it to Tamara's family, and when she sees him, she rekindles her love for him. However, when Tamara travels to interview the unpleasant drummer of the Swipe band Ben Sergeant, he has just found that his girlfriend Fran is having an affair with the other musician Steven Culley and he breaks up with the band. Tamara and Ben have a love affair and Ben moves to Winnard. Meanwhile, Ben's teenager fan Jody Long and her best friend Casey Shaw who are bored in Ewedown feel happy with the presence of Ben in the village. When Ben proposes to Tamara, they travel to London to spend a couple of days in the big city. Meanwhile, the jealous Casey breaks in Tamara's house and uses her computer to send an e-mail pretending to be Tamara that will change the lives of the dwellers and end in a tragedy.

As know as:

O Retorno de Tamara, Immer Drama um Tamara, I epeisodeiaki epistrofi tis Tamata Drewe, Η επεισοδιακή επιστροφή της Ταμάρα Ντρου, Неотразимая Тамара

Release Date:

Oct 08, 2010

Release Date (Streaming):

Feb 08, 2011


United Kingdom



Stream Service:

Sony Pictures Classics

Production Companies:

Ruby Films, BBC Films, Notting Hill Films

Official Site:

Official site

Gross worldwide:



A comedy about sex, love and a nose job...


Deborah Ross
The Spectator
It sounds like a fun romp, and it should be a fun romp, but it isn't. Instead, it's tiring and plain silly, without a single plausible character.
by rottentomatoes, Aug 30, 2018
Amy Taubin
Film Comment Magazine
A judicious comic actor, Arterton plays the eponymous Tamara, who throws a small English village into a tizzy when she returns from London to put the family cottage on the market.
by rottentomatoes, Jul 12, 2013
Jim Schembri
The Age (Australia)
Frears' broader aim is to fully chart the daisy chain of consequences set in train by bad moral behaviour, a theme that has proved a favourite of his and which he prosecutes here with very satisfying results.
by rottentomatoes, Feb 02, 2011

Cast & Crew

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