Prometheus Trailer & Clips


Prometheus full movie is released on Jun 08, 2012. Watch Prometheus online - the English Adventure movie from United Kingdom , which has achieved a worldwide gross of $403,354,469. Prometheus is directed by Ridley Scott and created by Jon Spaihts with Noomi Rapace and Michael Fassbender. Prometheus is available online on Apple iTunes and Amazon Video.

Following a faint trail of clues, the accomplished archaeologist, Doctor Elizabeth Shaw, and her partner, Charlie Holloway, along with a seventeen-man crew, embark on an ambitious, deep-space scientific expedition. Aboard the revolutionary space-exploration starship, USCSS Prometheus, the team sets foot on the rocky terrain of the desolate exomoon, LV-223, in 2093, to investigate the existence of the superior extraterrestrial species known as the "Engineers". But, there, inside a mysterious, complex structure of cavernous dark chambers and an intricate underground system of tunnels, more enigmas await. Now, a terrifying discovery threatens not only the outcome of the bold outer-space mission but also the very future of humankind. Is the world prepared for the answers to the fundamental questions of human existence?

As know as:

Прометей, Prometheus, Purometeusu, Prometeusi, 普罗米修斯

Release Date:

Jun 08, 2012

Release Date (Streaming):

Oct 09, 2012


United Kingdom, United States


English, Gaelic

Stream Service:

20th Century Fox

Production Companies:

Twentieth Century Fox, Dune Entertainment, Scott Free Productions

Official Site:

Alien Universe

Gross worldwide:



The search for our beginning could lead to our end, They went looking for our beginning. What they found could be our end., We came from them. They will come for us., We Are All Born of Giants, Do Not Question the Creator, In the Heavens they found Hell, Search for Life. Pray for Death, Welcome to Immortality, Discover what Mankind was never meant to see, The Origin of Man is not on Earth, Fear Your Maker, The Director of the Original Alien takes you back to the Beginning, Everything has a Beginning, Creation Begins 06.08.12, The Truth is not of this World, Prepare for the Dawn of Creation, The Dawn of Creation, Seek and you shall Find, They Are Perfect, Death Has A Beginning, God is Unknown. They Are Real., Get Back to the Ship, There are Places where Life should not Exist, They Aren't After You. They Are Inside You., They Are Us, Nothing and No One but Them


Candice Frederick
Reel Talk Online
Prometheus recaptures the essence of not only a beloved franchise, but also an admired yet complicated genre many filmmakers attempt but few successfully. In short, it shows the amateurs how it's really done.
by rottentomatoes, Sep 08, 2017
Tom Charity
Even if the movie's logic ultimately spirals down into a vortex of hysteria, horror and hokum, I enjoyed the bulldozer intensity of the climax, which barely keeps a lid on the crackpot cult movie that's wrestling for the soul of this... blockbuster.
by rottentomatoes, Nov 09, 2016
Dwight Brown
National Newspaper Publishers Association
With poise and great artistry, Scott crafts a world that combines high-tech science, primal beginnings, human frailty and sheer horror.
by rottentomatoes, Nov 09, 2016

Cast & Crew

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