
Princess Lillifee (also know as Prinzessin Lillifee) full movie is released on Mar 26, 2009. Watch Princess Lillifee online - the German Animation movie from Germany , which has achieved a worldwide gross of $7,836,005. Princess Lillifee is directed by Ansgar Niebuhr,Alan Simpson,Zhi-Jian Xu and created by Mark Slater with Sabine Bohlmann and Max Felder.

In the enchanted kingdom of Pinkovia the fairy Princess Lillifee rules with a magic hand, creating beauty and spreading goodwill wherever she goes. Together with her best friend, Pupsi the pig, she flies throughout her realm, leaving behind a magical trail: clouds of pink butterflies and sparkling stars! She soon discovers that not all Pinkovians are happy. They complain about the recklessness and destructive rivalry between the fairies Snowflake, Flicker and Mistral, and, yes, even about low-flying Pupsi's knack for crashing into market stalls or chicken coops. If things don't change, the Farmer Pixies, the Fisher Elves and the Mermaids will leave the enchanted kingdom! Naturally, this makes Lillifee very sad. But with the help of her friends Pupsi, Basil the hedgehog and Carlos the frog, Lillifee finds a way to restore peace among the fairies and harmony in her magical realm!

As know as:

Prinzessin Lillifee, Prinzessin Lillifee, Prinsesse Lillefe, Prigipissa Lillifee, Princess Lillifee





Production Companies:

Beta Film, Caligari Film- und Fernsehproduktions, Neue Deutsche Filmgesellschaft (NDF)

Official Site:

Official site

Gross worldwide:


Cast & Crew

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