Popeye Trailer & Clips


Popeye full movie is released on Dec 12, 1980. Watch Popeye online - the English Adventure movie from United States , which has achieved a worldwide gross of $49,823,037. Popeye is directed by Robert Altman and created by Jules Feiffer with Robin Williams and Shelley Duvall. Popeye is available online on Pluto TV and Amazon Video.

Popeye, a squinty-eyed, corn cob pipe smoking, spinach hating, mumbling sailor man with overly muscular forearms partly the result of genetics, has just arrived in the port town of Sweethaven. He has been sailing the seven seas in search of his father who abandoned him when he was two. He is viewed suspiciously by many in town, with an exception of Wimpy, who will become friends with anyone who will buy him a hamburger, he otherwise paying for said hamburger on Tuesday if he can get it today. One who does view him suspiciously is Olive Oyl, the lanky, work boots wearing daughter of his rooming house landlords. Due to the changing situation, including they discovering an abandoned infant boy who Popeye names Swee'pea in honor of the town and who they decide to raise, Popeye and Olive fall for each other, Olive in the process leaving who was to be her fiancé, Bluto, the town bully who rules Sweethaven on behalf of the mysterious Commodore. Bluto does not take this emerging situation lying down, he using Swee'pea as a pawn in getting Olive Oyl back. What happens in this situation in Popeye fighting for both Olive Oyl and Swee'pea is partly affected by discovery of what happened to his father.

As know as:

Skipper'n, Ποπάυ, ο ναύτης, Popeye, o naftis, Popeye, ポパイ

Release Date:

Dec 12, 1980

Release Date (Streaming):

Jun 07, 2001


United States



Stream Service:

Paramount Pictures

Production Companies:

Paramount Pictures, Walt Disney Productions, Robert Evans Company

Gross worldwide:



Full of nutritious laughs!, Chock-full of hearty laughs for the entire family!, Haves a happy holiday wit me an' Olive!, He's a man's man! He's a ladies man! He's a family man! He's a sailor man!, The sailor man with the spinach can!, Blow me down! It's comink for Chrustmas!


Patrick Gibbs
Daily Telegraph (UK)
Despite the evidently affectionate reproductions, as it were, by Robin Williams and Shelley Duvall as Popeye and his girl, Olive Oyl, and some loyal support, I don't think this comes off at all; but then, I have no fond memory of the originals.
by rottentomatoes, Jun 17, 2022
Derek Malcolm
Popeye may be uneven and at times wilful, like many Altman films. But it is still very much the enjoyable fable it should be.
by rottentomatoes, Jun 17, 2022
David Ansen
One succumbs to a state of glazed indifference. The fault is not in the performances by Williams and Duvall, but rather, I suspect, in Altman's refusal to allow any movie star to violate the one-dimensional texture he's created.
by rottentomatoes, Jun 17, 2022

Cast & Crew

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