Mission of Honor Trailer & Clips


Mission of Honor (also know as Hurricane) full movie is released on Mar 15, 2019. Watch Mission of Honor online - the Polish Action movie from United Kingdom , which has achieved a worldwide gross of $2,137,751. Mission of Honor is directed by David Blair and created by Robert Ryan with Iwan Rheon and Milo Gibson.

Mission of Honor is the story of Hurricane Squadron 303, a group of brave pilots who fought in the skies over England in WW2, not just to keep Great Britain free from the Nazis, but also to keep alive the very idea of their own country, which had existed in its modern form for barely twenty years before it was crushed between the opposing jaws of Germany and Russia. Equipped with the almost-obsolete Hurricane and (with some initial reluctance) given RAF blue uniforms, while they fought, Poland lived.

As know as:

Hurricane, Hurricane, Missão de Honra, Mission of honor, Hurricane - A becsület köteléke

Release Date:

Mar 15, 2019

Release Date (Streaming):

Apr 30, 2019


United Kingdom, Poland


Polish, German, French, English

Stream Service:


Production Companies:

Film Slate One, Head Gear Films, Metrol Technology

Official Site:

Prospect 3

Gross worldwide:



In Foreign Skies They Fought For Their Country


Ed Potton
Times (UK)
It's an old-fashioned boy's own tale, with the accent on boys - an attempt to widen the focus to the women working behind the scenes backfires slightly...Still, the story of the Polish pilots deserves to be told.
by rottentomatoes, Sep 07, 2018
Leslie Felperin
Director David Blair navigates the whole thing through the storm with watchable competence.
by rottentomatoes, Sep 06, 2018
Kim Newman
Empire Magazine
A niche film for World War II buffs, Polish patriots and air display patrons. Not exactly subtle, but few war films are - and it's hard not to get caught up in fighting these old battles.
by rottentomatoes, Sep 04, 2018

Cast & Crew

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