
Killing Jesus (also know as Matar a Jesús) full movie is released on Jun 07, 2018. Watch Killing Jesus online - the Spanish Crime movie from Colombia , which has achieved a worldwide gross of $96,912. Killing Jesus is directed by Laura Mora Ortega and created by Laura Mora Ortega with Natasha Jaramillo and Giovanny Rodríguez. Killing Jesus is available online on Apple TV and Amazon Video.

Paulita ("Lita" for short) witnesses the murder of her own father, a university professor. Frustrated over the local police she and her family start to investigate the murder themselves. Located at the dark and violent Medellin the quest for truth and revenge starts.

As know as:

Matar a Jesús, Matar a Jesús, Killing Jesus, Ο Χεσούς πρέπει να πεθάνει, Megölni Jézust


Colombia, Argentina



Production Companies:

64A Films, AZ Films, Instituto Nacional de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales (INCAA)

Gross worldwide:



¿Hasta dónde llegarías por venganza? [How far would you go for revenge?]

Cast & Crew

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