Jonah Hex Trailer & Clips


Jonah Hex full movie is released on Jun 18, 2010. Watch Jonah Hex online - the English Action movie from United States , which has achieved a worldwide gross of $10,903,312. Jonah Hex is directed by Jimmy Hayward and created by Mark Neveldine with Josh Brolin and John Malkovich. Jonah Hex is available online on HBO Max and HBO Max Amazon Channel.

During Grant's presidency, Jonah Hex is a remorseless bounty hunter. In the Civil War, he was a rebel whose honor put him afoul of a Confederate general, Quentin Turnbull, who murdered Jonah's family while Jonah watched. As a result of the ordeal, Jonah's face is disfigured and he can talk with the dead. After staging his own death, Turnbull, with a group of rebel stalwarts, hatches a plan to bring the Union to its knees. Grant wants Hex to stop it. While the nation readies to celebrate Independence Day, Hex and an unlikely ally have little time to stop Turnbull and his weapon of mass destruction.

As know as:

Джона Гекс, 疤面鬼煞手, Jonah Hex, Džona Heksas, Джона Хэкс

Release Date:

Jun 18, 2010

Release Date (Streaming):

Oct 12, 2010


United States



Stream Service:

Warner Bros.

Production Companies:

Warner Bros., Legendary Entertainment, Mad Chance

Official Site:

Official Facebook

Gross worldwide:



Revenge gets ugly


Nell Minow
Movie Mom
by rottentomatoes, Feb 18, 2012
Robbie Collin
News of the World
Jonah Kex, Jonah Wrex, Jonah Hax, Jonah Kax, Jonah Thix, Jonah Crox, Jonah Sux.
by rottentomatoes, Sep 08, 2010
Anthony Quinn
Independent (UK)
The film shows its comic-book origins in good ways (stylish settings) and bad (too many scenes end in a gigantic conflagration).
by rottentomatoes, Sep 03, 2010

Cast & Crew

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