Anastasia Trailer & Clips


Anastasia full movie is released on Nov 21, 1997. Watch Anastasia online - the French Animation movie from United States , which has achieved a worldwide gross of $139,804,348. Anastasia is directed by Don Bluth,Gary Goldman and created by Susan Gauthier with Meg Ryan and John Cusack. Anastasia is available online on Starz Roku Premium Channel and Hoopla.

The daughter of the last Russian Czar, Nicolas II (Rick Jones), Anastasia (Meg Ryan) is found by two Russian con men, Dimitri (John Cusack) and Vladimir (Kelsey Grammer), who seek the reward that her grandmother, the Dowager Empress Marie Feodorovna (Dame Angela Lansbury), promised to the ones who'll find her. But the evil mystic of the Czar family, Grigori Rasputin (Christopher Lloyd), still wants the Romanov family to be destroyed forever.

As know as:

Anastasia, Αναστασία, Princezná Anastázia, アナスタシア, Anastazija

Release Date:

Nov 21, 1997

Release Date (Streaming):

Aug 03, 2004


United States


French, English, Russian

Stream Service:

20th Century Fox

Production Companies:

Twentieth Century Fox, Fox Animation Studios, Twentieth Century Fox Animation

Official Site:

Official site

Gross worldwide:



Discover the Adventure Behind the Greatest Mystery of Our Time


Mike Clark
USA Today
The film's strength lies not just with its haunting melodies, pretty pictures and kid-friendly sidekicks, but in an emotionally gripping script.
by rottentomatoes, Jan 09, 2018
Carol Buckland
Anastasia is OK entertainment. But it never reaches a level of emotional magic.
by rottentomatoes, Jan 05, 2018
Owen Gleiberman
Entertainment Weekly
by rottentomatoes, Sep 07, 2011

Cast & Crew

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